Any thoughts?
Pacific Rim: Uprising new trailer
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Wouldn't it make more sense to camp the breech instead of fighting the monsters in your major cities?
It looks like shit. Why is everything weightless.
I don't remember the first one looking this bad although its true I wouldn't voluntary watch it again to check.
the first one was vile and this looks worse
This movie is important in a post Black Panther medium.
>well, it's pretty big
That's because Boyega recommended the changes. He wanted them to be like ballerinas and shit.
that's just stupid, what's the point of making something big if you aren't going to make it feel big
if it just dances around like it's a regular human you might as well have made it a regular human or at least something the size of a regular human
If you're going to make your mechs the size of a large building damn right there's got to be some weight and momentum behind them
>We've got better upgrades. The robots are moving much more swift. Yeah, we're like ballerinas up in there, it's fantastic.
Fucking monkey
He wanted them to be more like anime
>It looks awful
Nice, one more reason to stop going to movie theaters.
So he read the critical essay about Eva being "mecha in Nike trainers" then. I think its in one of the art books.
That isn't what they've delivered though,
nothing has any weight at all, its true of the environment as well as the robots and the monster. Its so bad that when you get camera shake and the bassy noises the contrast make it look even worse.
I don't have to watch the film since they showed everything in the trailer.
lets see it absorb this
throws bomb
bombs absorbed
monster dead
film over
well thats it folks nothing to see here the trailer showed pretty much everything
>I've never watched mecha anime
They ruined it. Overdesigned fast robots and rap. Genius.
What did they do to Del Taccos visual masterpiece. Jesus Christ, America. Can't you stop fucking franchises up?
>cheaper cgi
>cheaper set design
>cheaper looking props
>cheaper cast
>lack of distinct color-grade aesthetic like first film had
>instead of trying not to decimate cities they just fucking plough through any building in sight
cool, a new power rangers movie
Boyega has literally the worst opinions in Hollywood. He's anti-talent.
it only distracts me with they try to mix sub-saharan nogs and burger nogs
Eh? Who's the burger? Boyega and Elba are both Londoners
Why do the pilots have miniature versions of the robots' energy weapons inside the cockpit? this seems dangerous.
there was a scene with a bunch of them firin' their lazors into a hole that a monster was coming out of.
This looks like a fucking asylum film was given a budget
Fuck Boyega, holy shit
They do it in anime because Japan is still, understandably, traumatised by being nuked twice. Everything always comes back to that, its people screaming who never got psychoanalysis (subconscious, repression etc) and so act it out endlessly in a completely unselfconscious way. This is what gives a lot of anime what edge it has, I mean theres something truly sad about the first episode of Evangelion when they hide all the buildings in the Geofront, its like someone replaying an argument they had twenty years over and over again finding ways they could have won. What if we had a giant monster that protected us, what if we had giant robots, what if... Outside that context, I agree, its dumb.
Is literally anyone excited for this? I saw Pacific Rim on opening night and twice over the week, I won't even waste my bandwidth watching the trailers from this any more.
So we just saw pretty much the whole movie there, up to what looks like the final blow(The punch towards the camera)
Fuck we literally see the green one get torn apart.
Then he mind as well make them go fast as fuck. They're too slow.
Turned it off at the nigger/hip hop combo. Holy shit that music is awful.
that wasn't very war ready of you
Is Escaflowne any good? It's been on my list to watch for years but I always skip it.
I actually like this battle scene, it looks like its from a video game with no bullshit cuts in between. but then again, it should be a MOVIE, not a video game.
>3 trailers
>all the same fucking song
whose mixtape are they fucking pushing here
When I saw the first trailer on youtube, the like/dislike bar wasn't all red so I'll assume they're eating it up and the general populace is as retarded as boyega.
Yeah you can really tell what his favorite song is.
Why are they ruining the city? They just slash the buildings and wreak havoc everywhere instead of trying to take this thing far from city. Every fucking building they smash costs millions and there still could be people left inside but they just hit them like its nothing
seems like everything you need to see about this movie is already shown in the trailer
also looks worse than the frist, and that's saying something
>that one niggerbot jumping and kicking off the building for no fucking reason
I mean sure he only broke a few windows because these robots weigh nothing and are made of paper but still
this fucking whip and the drill make no sense. Its not the precise weapon, its shit. The whip needs space to hit, the chain-drill can miss and then you need to retract it and drag it through the streets or the monster can catch your chain and break it or drag you with it...i can accept the swords they are a little practical, and in the first movie they were used in the situations when no other weapons were available - in space and in the water. But here they just take ths to the next lever. What next? Yager size shurikens? Boomerangs? Robot bows?
Everything is moving too fast and those weapons look like shit
Because a retard is paying for the movie. Any complaint or question you could possibly have can be answered by Boyega is a fucking retard
>“They were like, "What did you feel about the first film," and I told them straight up the stuff that I didn't like and the stuff I wanted to see more of,” says Boyega. “I wish the robots would hurry up, just hurry up.”
>shit on whyppo
>have to see some uppity brown jellybean nigger up your own creation
In the first movie they always tried to stop them in the water. Didn't always work out though.
It worst in that bit where the orange robot is running along carrying swords and can't be bothered to lift them up to guard itself, which is doubly stupid because in the next edit the monster is leaping through the air at it. Demolishing entire blocks out of laziness (also presumably blunting the edges).
Admittedly over-analysing but someone must have spent hours storyboarding and animating something that wrong that they'd have literally months to notice. Its not some guy in a Godzilla suit having a bad take is it.
>6 years
Still goosebumps.
guillermo looks pretty white himself
The first episode starts out really slow, but it gets better very quickly. The dub is shit tier so just stick with subtitles. Beyond that it's a solid 9/10. Good action, drama, best catgirls ever, and banter can be pure gold.
He and Michael Moore renounced their whiteness
The cat girls sold me. Thanks user!
Those are Jaeger/Kaiju hybrids that are opening a new rift.
Anyone else not give a fuck about this movie as soon as they saw affirmative action: the actor getting shoved in our faces again? The original was a masterpiece for being able to finally make a Hollywood version of anime and mecha, and of course because of del toro.
user you've missed all the shitposting. Really, all of it. It's been established that for all its flaws the first PR was a labor of love. Good action, good characters, incredible designs, that feeling of size & weight to each machine; everything you'd want in a full length mecha movie. The second one got rid of everything that made the first one good and now Sup Forums is shitting on it every thread.
Holy shit. Zero plot revealed, just 2 min of cut up footage from the same set piece with arbitrary dialogue thrown in. They really went full China for this.
You are fucking retarded
Del Taco is super mecha anime fan, this shit is garbage
Is the user retarded or is Boyega retarded? I think it's the latter.
Eureka Striker is the best Jaeger.
The guy from IASIP had 0(zero) funny lines in the first movie, and was just a fucking waste of screen time. Why the FUCK did they put him in the second one?
it still hurts
“They were like, "What did you feel about the first film," and I told them straight up the stuff that I didn't like and the stuff I wanted to see more of,” says Boyega. “I wish the robots would hurry up, just hurry up.”
it's gonna be KINO
>rocket mech
this is fucking retarded.
that one movement just turned me off of the whole fucking movie
wtf were they thinking
I want Taco back.
What kind of fucking moron liked the first one. There are a million cartoons and video games that have much better mecha combat. Granted they aren’t movies, but when the movie is so bad in so many other ways, is it really worth it?
He's really not the issue for me. I could see him working as a relative of Pentecost. What doesn't work for me is the glaring lack of Raleigh Beckett and Mako Mori, the ridiculous next level agility and overall design of the Jaegers, even the creature design looks stupid. The overall visuals, costume design, and "mood" seem worse and less stylized as well. It feels a lot like Nu-Wars to me, especially TLJ, in that it seems like someone saw the original, missed all the nuance and what made it good, instead focusing on BIG ROBOTS BIG MONSTERS RAH RAH RAH! and designed a new cheaper, more generic, product almost in an algorithmic fashion. These filmmakers are real good at copying recipes, but they just aren't chefs.
It's pretty great, but be warned that it has a lot of generic anime love triangle crap among the epic steampunk mech stuff.
What the fuck happened to rap music? They don't even try to rap the lyrics with the music. Is this "post modern" style music cuz it sounds like shit
advanced bait
>I don't remember the first one looking this bad
That's because it didn't. It took Crimson Typhoon a solid 5-10 seconds to perform a single flip which required a 180 degree spin on it's torso and massive jet boosters.
Exaggerate much, you mega retard?
whew i dont want to offend anybody but this is absolutely garbage
american culture at its finest
I don't think anyone is gonna disagree with you my dude.
Makes me appreciate the first one even more.
This clip really illustrates a big theme that the first one had and this second film clearly lacks: man using technology to overcome natural obstacles. The Kaiju are these huge beasts that are flesh and blood. The Jaegers are the embodiment of man's ingenuity in the face of those beasts. Whatever Kaiju came at mankind and regardless of how devastating they could be, man could take both his own savagery and his intellect and combine them into a giant technological marvel armed with buzz saws, rocket fists, and giant swords to overcome the devastating power of nature. The new movie is just "aye yo, we fightin monstas and sheit, we fuckin techno ninjaz."
Is Guilhermo Del Toro envolved in this?
I find it hard to believe that an actor can influence directors this much.
Especially when he doesn't have much rep to carry around.
Too bad nobody saw it that way and just took a colossal dump on the first one.
You reap what you sow. Now lie in it.
being a producer gives him authority, not being an actor
he's a producer
Why I'm having Bayformers flashbacks?
What in the world