is it a superior film to Terminator 2?
So for those that have seen Black Panther
Best marvel movie imo
This is coming from a Snyder fan
It doesn't even feel like a capeshit film
The world building and score are superb. Third act is a little too much cg but overall the film is kino
does it surpass Terminator 2
I was actually gonna make a post by I'll put it here. I live in the UK so early screening and shit.
Quick Synopsis
>Tchalla comes to Wakanda to become king. Has to fight some guy to prove himself
>Tchalla wins a fight, eats a special plant that makes him stronger
>Also, Wakanda is hidden by cloaking tech so no colonizers
>Killmonger (American) realizes he has royal blood and goes to Wakanda to challenge Tchalla
>Society is still based on who wins a fight
>Killmonger wins and "kills" Tchalla and becomes ruler of Wakanda and rules poorly
>Forest Witteckrr gives a weak Tchalla the special rare plant that heals him
>Tchalla then wages war on Killmonger
>Civil War breaks out and Good Guys win
>Tcgalla is king
Nothing special guys. CGI is awful. But there are some pretty scenes. Vibranium is the explanation for Wakanda futurism. Woman power is a theme. Racist Whitey comes up. At one point the Wakanda people literally start hooting like monkeys
It's over hyped and political. Wait for redbox
no way, T2 had groundbreaking CGI for it's time
BP is just other ay around, CGI is very weak point
T2 had much cooler soundtrack (guns and fucking roses) bike chases, sunglasses, vision of nuclear explosion, timetraveling
BP stand no chance, all it got it black cast meme
Be responsible. Let this thread die.
how is this bait?
if you are not a brainlet from Sup Forums or an SJW just going to see it because black people, its an ok flick. enjoyable but its no, Blade Runner(yes, BR was good)
and most people are going to say that, no, it does not surpass T2 because nostalgia and I agree. T2 is a classic film.
>tfw have major marvel fatigue
>skipped spiderman, doctor strange
>gf REALLY wants to see BP
Is it at least different in the way ragnarok was?
So... Lion king?
have you seen it
How embarassing
Don't forget to take her son with you
Watched it here in the UK already
Pretty generic plot desu decent villain compared to the other weak mcu villains.
Obvious and outdated memes/quips, /tvpol/ will DEFINITELY be triggered.
Expect 100 threads tomorrow.
The CGI/greenscreen has similar problems to Thor Ragnarok if not worse and the accents are fucking corny and over acted sometimes. Michonne as the bald general is terrible looks so silly when she scrunches her face to act tough.
The tech "q" girl is the one from.the last episode of black mirror.
Martin Freeman is wasted, Andy serkis steals the scenes he's in
Have seen and confirm.
Also some honorable mentions:
>Tchalla's sister shouts "WHAT ARE THOSE" at Tchalla's sandals that he's wearing
>Andy Serkis shoots a money cart in a casino shootout and snickers and quips "i made it rain"
>Martin Freeman is the only other white person in the movie besides Andy Serkis and the Wakandians call him a "Colonizer" and don't take him seriously because of the color of his skin and not the content of his character (he literally took a bullet for another character in the previous scene)
are you the guy who posted this and the RDR2 thread about RDR2 shouldnt have guns because Africans see them as primitive on neoFAG?
Also Andy Serkis is a SoundCloud rapper
>Third act is a little too much cg
Is it as bad as the leaked fight scenes suggest? Or were those unfinished renders? It looked like a PS2 -tier cutscene.
Guns and Roses suck.