Is Kathy's career worth saving, let alone remembering?

Is Kathy's career worth saving, let alone remembering?

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what is she famous for again?

fuck shes ugly, and i dig red heads, even the older birds, but her, na. also what did she do?

She fucked /ourguy/

Kissing Anderson Cooper's dick on live TV

You but the more significant one last you idiot.

Is Kathy's career even worth remembering, let alone saving?

Why is she wearing the face skin of the Joker?

she posted a pic of her holding the bloody decapitated head of orange oaf

was in pretty poor taste even if you dislike the guy desu

She looks like the Joker with his face sewn back on

like iggy pop with tits

She looks like a tranny XD

oh that was her?, i remember now, the edge was so cringe.

Is that Carrot Top? man he got so old

Holy fuck she aged like milk.

I swear to god my ballsack look better than her face
nasty coalburner

she looks alot like Martin Short, are they related?

she should be allowed on TV in her pathetic form as a reminder to not fuck with our guy Trump

She looks like a red headed Andy Dick in that photo.

the only career of hers im aware of is her music career

how the fuck did she age like 15 years in 5 months

She's old as shit. She was an adult when Seinfeld was on TV.

so was Seinfeld and he doesn't look like skellator

Do not dis Iggy like that, you fucker.

Is she morphing into Andy Dick?


la creatura...

Playing an annoying character in two episodes of Seinfeld.
If only we realized back then she wasn't actually acting.

God she turned into Howdy Doody

>my life on the z list

she's trying her hardest to stay in the spotlight (a spotlight she was never in in the first place). it's disgusting, fucking die already you iggy pop looking gremlin

That is honestly one of the most disgusting faces I've ever seen.

Doomed to be completely forgotten. The only time she'll be remembered is when 30somethings watch Pulp Fiction or Seinfeld and say "Hey, where do I recognize that red hair lady from? Was she something?"

I didn't mind it, even as a Trump supporter.

What angered me was her calling it comedy. Comedy is fucking dead, and propagandists posing as comedians killed it.

>that 'face'

I thought she was more known for being a gold diggin whore trying to get at The Woz.

Would you, user?


Andy Dick raped himself and aborted this

The Woz is already forgotten.

>Does something really controversial and could even be precieved as a threat
>starts panic'ing and losing her shit when everyone drops her and she gets tons of hate on social media


She wasn't worth mentioning when she first disgraced a screen.

Trying really really hard to be funny.

Holy shit why did she cut off her hair, it was literally the only cute thing about her lmao

It's been like this for a while, it's just that you only noticed it now because it's turned much more obvious...
That song was released in 1983.
