>literally no people of color in main roles
How the FUCK is this ok?
Literally no people of color in main roles
Still the best trilogy out there.
Ignore /poltard/ OP. This is now a LOTR thread.
it was a different time
The orcs aren't white
viego morgenstein
orlando bloom
orcs are asians, but that doesnt count
i think one of the evil humans from ROTK is beige-y...?
wtf i love LOTR now
More orcposting
there was no grape drank in middle earth
probably why it's the best trilogy of all time.
Best meme of all time IMO
>no people of color
Can't think of a higher recommendation, or a better reason to watch it.
>Sick of gratuitous nigger casting, like Dark Tower, etc.
There's plenty of extremely bad films with a full white cast though user, do you really think that's the best and only reason?
its the little things
that happens constantly, why are you shocked
>Best meme of all time
>some cringeworthy Sup Forumsshit
>no blacks
>no hispanics
>no asians
>regarded as one of the best trilogies on cinema history
how kino is this? god, I fucking love this movies
>alt rohirrim
So fucking stupid
Memes aside, some internet dweeb did raise the point that the Uruk-hai are all played by non-white actors.
Which was obviously so it'd be easy to match the skin tone (Orcs were played by white people).
But it'd get Jackson castigated today.
I laughed at the people bitched about there being black people living in Laketown, but you just know if LotR was made today there would be black elves.
dios mio ayudame
I rewatched the extended editions for the first time in a while a few days ago. Whilst there are a few bits that don't necessarily work as far as adapting from the books goes, it really is a one-of-a-kind achievement. Truly exceptional stuff that will never be matched by any future adaptations. So I'm not going to worry
too much about this Amazon show thing because I don't plan on watching it.
They're going to black the entire cast, aren't they?
five midgets and a fag meets diversity quotas
I'm glad black panther exists, because now whenever people say that there's no reason not to put black people in x fantasy world, I'll ask them why there were no white people in Wakanda.
Probably. It's too early to tell what they're going to do with it given that nothing has happened with it beyond the announcement that it may exist in the future, but its existence cannot undo what came before it.
Bezos bought the rights.
This will be remedied very soon.
These images are pretty well made and creative. Keep it up.
based thread
We need some clickbaity "...and that's a good thing" versions of these
>blonde hair, blue eyes
I need the boyega tweet where he says bihhhhhh
Thanks for dumping the LoTR memes, user.
its not ok good thing amazon will give us something with proper representation
lol this will happen
fuck you racit blummpftartds for ruiningh lotr with 4chqn pol/ msmes
>>literally no people of color
There are Orcs aka niggers/mutts
its 2018 makes total sents to have PoC in FANTASY kino
Trumpatangs have no right to be lotr fans
More likely because "Forced Diversity" is the future of (((Hollywood))).
Reminder Tolkien was anti-racism and very liberal
He despised nazi germany and admired jews
Galadriel and the hobbits have blackened soles so they count as POCs.
woah dude he didn't like Nazis and admitted jews were intelligent people? he's literally a fat commie bulldyke antifa loser like me!
Tolkien would be considered "right wing" now, and would agree with people like Sargon of Akkad or Tucker Carslon, politically speaking. At least more than he would agree with the social marxist regr- I mean progressives.
fuck of Sup Forumstard Nazi anti semtie.
classical liberal != modern liberal
based cateposter does it again
>no people of colour
Pretty sure Aragorn was Irish.
well at least he can spell
>Tolkien would be considered "right wing" now, and would agree with people like Sargon of Akkad or Tucker Carslon, politically speaking
You are wrong though
He was a die hard chatolic, therefore, a good person
>Viggo Mortensen
He would not align with any of Sup Forums delusions though
Sup Forums is so detached from reality to consider brown people as "orcs"
Ignorance is soil from which racism blooms.
Ya at first I thought they were joking but now I realize they're serious and dumb lol
Yes he would and did, you absolute dumbfuck.
>all these semen slurping numales itt
>abloo bloo bloo industrialism is bad
>protect the trees
>Eowyn my daughter, I was wrong to think you couldn't fight!
>I am no man!
>Arwen replaces Glorfindel and singlehandedly BTFO evil men
>No Glorfindel at all
>Arwen my daughter, I was wrong to think you shouldn't betray your people and racemix
>Celeborn is a cuck, Galadriel rules these woods!
>removed the Galadriel pooping scene
>We were all wrong not to trust (((dwarves)))!!
>screenplay written by 2 sjw women
Reminder that the LOTR films are literally feminist SJW TRASH
He never did
Maybe inside your mentally ill mind, but not in reality
You can cry and kick all you want for it to be true though, won't do you any good
>implying Africa isn't literally Mordor minus Mount Doom
No, I'm sorry. I am not simply voicing an opinion, as you are trying to do. I am objectively looking at the evidence. You're judging subjectively, just by speaking to you I can tell you're biased when you make your opinion inside your little pea brain.
fuck you racist even though they're described as black off skin didn't mean they were PoC. Tolkien was a based social marxist goy like me!
>minus Mount Doom
>what is mt. kilimanjaro
"I have the hatred of apartheid in my bones; and most of all I detest the segregation or separation of Language and Literature. I do not care which of them you think White."
― From a Valedictory Address to the University of Oxford in 1959
"As for what you say or hint of ‘local’ conditions: I knew of them. I don't think they have much changed (even for the worse). I used to hear them discussed by my mother; and have ever since taken a special interest in that part of the world. The treatment of colour nearly always horrifies anyone going out from Britain, & not only in South Africa. Unfort[unately], not many retain that generous sentiment for long."
― Letter 61 — Written to Christopher Tolkien who was stationed in South Africa during World War II
Read and cry brainlet
I am classical liberal ie "alt right" according to the broad brush of leftist lemmings, and I agree with that. Even from your cherrypicked quotes you post constantly, he sounds like nothing more than a more emotional member of the new right. I know you're not interested in actually arguing though, since you know I'm right and you're stupid.
Sup Forums memes are always the funniest desu
He was not racist
He would never align with conservative values that the "new right" have
Most certainly not with any Sup Forums values
You can try and deny all you want, but you know it's true
>not many retain that generous sentiment for long
No shit Sherlock, its easy to have a romantic view of niggers when you don't have to deal with them. Was Tolkein an idiot?
Delicious tears
keep them coming