Redpilled Propaganda Flicks

The Princess Bride is the greatest /poltv/ propaganda piece of the last 40 years. A myth of white confidence and traditional romance. This film is about believing in your goals, and the greatest goal is to breed with an ideal waifu.
>Old man introduces forgotten wisdom of the book
>Reads to a literal sick youth mired in 1980s degeneration.
>Absolutely no blacks, muslims, warrior women, or anything posing a threat to the universality of Christ.
>Least white person on screen is Andre the Giant
>Gigachad "West"ley believes in true love as well as physical and mental perfection.
>His gf is wracked by guilt even when she gets engaged against her will
>Westley interrogates Buttercup and is on the verge of beating her for "abandoning" their love even though he faked his own death and became a pirate for several years, making no attempt to contact her.

>By performing feats of strength, skill, intelligence, and confidence, Westley inspires Inigo the obsessed alcoholic, and Fezzik the lost soul to come out of their shells. Vizinni represents the danger of overconfidence
>They need every resource to defeat the nefarious, deformed gay couple, Tyrone and Humperdinck.
> Whose progressive master plan is in motion, to steal the white woman and murder her
>Greedy, cantankerous court Jew Billy Crystal helps at 11th hour against the greater evil.
>Buttercup is so pure, she doesn't realize Humperdinck has no interest in her. She immediately prepares for suicide rather than be raped after her sham marriage.

>The whole film is full of bleak violence and timely humor, an Eisenstein-esque emotional ride, intended to destroy cynicism and resistance
>European setting evokes the old man's words, about his father and father's father. Though the book is fiction, it holds lessons from the ancestors. The final scene and return of "as you wish" is the final string that ties together mythic past and present, the ancestor's blood with our own.

If you have white children or are thinking about having white children, they NEED to see this kino. Sup Forums never discusses TPB because it has some of the most over-quoted lines of all time, but that hindsight doesn't make it a reddit movie. It's propaganda, meant to be viewed by everyone including the plebs. It's some of the best, most satisfying propaganda I have ever seen.


Anyway, rant over. I fully expect Sup Forums to still be too terrified of quotekiddies to talk about this movie. If you disagree with my opinion, you're welcome to post some better propakino.

hey, that's not OP. don't save my thread, people will think I'm desperate for (you)s

This will probably get turned into some anti pol circle jerk, even though its got some merit objectively. The one real hole though is that this film and the book inspiring it were written by liberal jews. I suppose it was simply a different time though.

broken clock is right 2 times in a day

You know Jews made it right but your probably trolling for You's anyway

Not every movie can be made by Mel Gibson. Any more substantive criticisms? It's genuinely hard to come by a film without Jewish involvement.

The evangelist at my church is obsessed with the Princess Bride. I can see why though




The Princess Bride is a story of courage and heroism

This runs contrary to Sup Forums's methods, which is shooting unarmed children in classrooms before running and hiding at a McDonald's

yes Sup Forums is one person who loves that spic

aren't you tired of being such a boring person?

>being adopted by a Hispanic person makes you Hispanic

no, looking like this makes you hispanic

>no muslims
Fezzik is a Turk

i never said it does

That's a white guy though


el monstoro...

It's not red-pilled, that's just how films used to be. Princess Bride is absolutely soycore. The last time I saw Princess Bride was in a "movies in the park" setting, and the guy behind me was not only basically a nu-male but there was evidence that he was a literal cuck.

Forces occultes