Reminder: it was Jewish propaganda to bash the Russian revolution
Reminder: it was Jewish propaganda to bash the Russian revolution
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Don't care desu, had one of my favorite songs ever.
you mean jewish propaganda started the Russian revolution, and led to the brutal murder of the royal family
Nope. Soviet Union was the only nation that resisted Jewish world domination.
hahahahahahahaha *breathes in* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Keep laughing you brainwashed amerifat.
I liked this when I was a kid
>believes jewish lies
>calls others brainwashed amerifat
you're a joke mate
So wait, communism isn't jewish now? I'm confused.
A commie (and probably a kike) is trying to convince us it's not.
just a retarded lefty shitposting friend
How can communism be Jewish when capitalism is their most powerful weapon?
>one conspiracy theory says Nazi Germany was a Jewish manipulation to stop communism
>another conspiracy theory claims communism was created by the Jews
I've always had that question, but people always bring up the fact that communism is just a tactic to weaken the population to take over it. Even if it wasn't true, communism is a weak political system because it focuses on equal outcome rather than equal opportunity, which I hate. People who can strive to do better should do better. Not saying capitalism and our current system is perfect, but it is a hell of a lot better than communism.
Leftypol being a drooling retard again.
the former is just this shitpost by a single OP. the latter is pretty easy to research user. stop acting retarded.
>first things they did was stick a bunch of Jews in power and make antisemitism punishable by death
Suuuuuuure they did
the latter isn't a conspiracy theory, just ask any historian and they will tell you all the figures behind the creation of communism were jews, it's not a contested fact
>led to the brutal murder of the royal family
FUck them.
will Russia ever rejoin the west, bros?
>i-its ok to brutally murder innocent children
fuck off jew
Scholmo your day will come.
Remove the uk from that map sweetie
At this point they're better off not
>czar sends other people's kids to fight and die in a costly and humiliating war against Japan of all countries
>expecting his own children to be spared when the chickens come home to roost
Why would they want to do that to themselves? EU is fucked up.
>other people's kids to fight and die
>thinking he sent children under 11 to fight and die
fucking retard, top tier qt emoji tho friend
That family stood upon agony and poverty of millions of people.
They had to be taken down anyway.
Russia is literally in the toilet right now
Guess this only applies to those growing up in the 80s/90s/early 00s but apparently we were lucky to get hand-drawn animation in that period since now everything is down by computers.
Do you think newfag anons have any ounce of nuance?
>Soviet Union was the only nation that resisted Jewish world domination.
Honestly, the one detail that got to me (which i only noticed on a rewatch) was how the ghosts don't have shadows/reflections on the floor, it really helped with setting the mood.
lol they have always been Asiatic mongrels
>I like living under the feet of royalty
t. jew
>thinking you don't live under the feet of royalt still to this day
I see the corporate kikes have gotten to Sup Forums.
Everyone is a Jew except me
they're both low points of human existence and the blame lies on lots of groups of people
But mostly Jews
>Bash Russian revolution
You make it sound like a bad thing.
It's a bit of a stretch to say "mostly jews" since the majority of them were just polish peasants.
But of course there was the groups that sucked countries dry by usury
The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. WORKING MEN OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE!
>being a wagie
commiecucks still fall for these retarded platitudes to this day lmao
I recently rewatched it on my 1080p tv, right after TLK and BatB; it looked better than the disney movies. Fuck disney for ruining them on restorations "for the kids", TLK was less worse than BatB (and both are miles better than Sword in the Stone) but you could see the damage the process took anyway.
>implying judeo-bolshevism isnt a plauge that needs to be eradicated
It’s just a fantasy, ruined entirely when you learn the real girl was shot in the face and dumped in a ditch.
>Disney owns this film now
Deserved everything and much more
well it's a good thing those bolsheviks killed the maid and servants too, there's no way they could have prevented the whites from restoring the Czars power without blowing Alexi's diaper changer's brains out.
She was cuter in the hate and overcoat. Stop watching when she put on the dress.
They didn't deserved it.
Post the jew ritual article, user.
t. ivano romanosa
When the day the communists, marxists and sympathizers of these barbaric, despicable, subhuman ideologies start being burned alive and hanged in masse everywhere will be one of the best days for civilization and humanity in general.
The Russian Revolution was kike backed from the very start you fool
There's a reason why Hitler hated the USSR so much
anastia is a beautifully animated film and probably one of the peaks of original animation style as others have said
>Guess this only applies to those growing up in the 80s/90s/early 00s but apparently we were lucky to get hand-drawn animation in that period since now everything is down by computers.
Anastia actually uses both hand drawn cells AND cgi. Watch the commentary if you want to know more, its really interesting. They cgi a lot of the more ornate things, the music box, some jewelery, etc and used a lot of computerized coloring and blurring effected. and they say best cgi is the cgi that you don't even notice.
stood in stark contrast to beauty and the beast>Don't care desu, had one of my favorite songs ever.
also correct
>when the day
Typical wishful thinking.
Just cling on to that fantasy, cuck.
Day of the Rope etc. will surely happen in your lifetime now that Donald "Matzo" Trump is President.
there are cgi even in the background objects, like in the boat room.
Anastasia a cute
Stalin is considered a bigot and an antisemitic because by Jewish institutions
Does your mother let you go out like that?
Is this supposed to be (((Trotsky)))?
Friendly reminder that Don Bluth's most famous movie prior to Anastasia is degenerate Judeo-Bolshevik propaganda that literally promotes defiling America with the Foreign Hordes. Irish harps who do a job for a nickel what a nigger does for a dime and a white man used to get a quarter for. What have they done? Name one thing they've contributed.
Votes? Votes, you say? They vote how the archbishop tells them, and who tells the archbishop? Their king in the pointy hat what sits on his throne in Rome.
>years since I saw it
>torn between "maybe I should see it as an adult" vs. "it's for girls and kids"
>further complicated by nostalgia factor (sister was into it) and might burst into tears from remembering comfy times from the late 1990s
I think this song is the only thing I liked about this movie, they really shit the bed with Rasputin.
His song was pretty good tho
Jesus Christ nigga, it's a cartoon. Either watch it or don't
I hated everything they did with Rasputin but absolutely loved the movie. What they did with Rasputin would probably be the only way to make the October Revolution understandable to children.
I want Disney to remake Anastasia and make her a proper Disney Princess but this will obviously never happen as SJWs would never stand with a positive light on Imperial Russia.
Do you hit your mother like your fellow Day of the Rope-r?
Obama too, kvetching kikes don't mean anything.
Actually initial Marxist revolution was led by Jewish individuals. There was a famous Russian historian who talked about it, it was pretty interesting. Wished I saved a link to information about him.
Why not just admit both sides were terrible people and be done with it?
Every bad thing ever done in history was by Jews.
>conspiracy theory conspiracy theory conspiracy theory
>grug no like fact
Because that's the cowardly way out.
I'm glad I'm Russian Ukrainian.
Once the West crumbles due to current year politics, Russia will rebuild the world from the ashes.
>yeah the commies killed everyone in the room but we also have this detailed account of exactly how the executions happened
The Romanovs had it coming. Bolsheviks literally did nothing wrong. No sympathy for monarchist scum.
there were good and bad people on both sides. that's why the Russian Revolution is so complicated.
go read a history book you brainlet
more than half of the fathers of communism were jewish. jfc user this is in wikipedia and everything
I love how despite there being more christian victims than jewish victims there were in the holocaust, none of us make a fuss about it like jews do.
>muh 6 million
bitch the communists killed 20 million christians but you won't hear that anywhere on TV
because there wouldn't be a point
there's always two sides to a story but there's always a dirtier side
>1917 + 101
>being a cuck to inbred families that killed other inbred families hundreds of years ago to rule over the masses
>letting them continue to enjoy a privileged and unquestioned position in society because they are descendants of centuries old tyrants
>Anastasia and Maria suddenly regained consciousness
Jesus, did Rasputin share his near immortality formula with the royal family?
>the commies killed themselves
Way to go 20th Century Fox, making the most politically charged animations.
Only after Stalin purged them.
>wanting to kill this
They abandoned it after stain started the purges.
It was not a good long term strategy since it isn't stable or productive enought for modernity.