What the fuck is this shit?

What the fuck is this shit?
>You can't feel sad because you come from a good home

Comics are so fucking stupid

Other urls found in this thread:


the guy in the fedora seems like a douche

What the problem? I think he makes a valid point.

White people have better lives simply by being born white. What's not true about that?

>having a bad childhood makes you entitled to lifelong compensation; having a good childhood makes you a lifelong target of ridicule

You can be sad, just don't shoot up a school or church or movie theater jusy because you're sad.
Also don't be sad that your life is comfortable if not aimless.

Also don't be sad just because some people have it better than you, but apparently that's often portrayed to be a okay

But most of these kids come from shitty households and were ostracized from other kids. It's also not limited to white kids.

He's more poking at their ego
Those Mass Shooters are killing people indiscrimanemtly just cuz they personally had sad life as if no one else had a sad life as well . they could be shooting someone who's gone through similar stuff just like them, at that's what I got from it.

I love it!

Long Fedora*
-Long Tip M'Lady-

Sounds like the writer struck a nerve.

Why do people get trigger of the word privilege?

It is like saying "nigger" to a white person?

Aren't these fuckers typically severely mentally ill?

>this is the new Shadow
>a morally obliged socjus mouthpiece
Oh god, just kill it already.

it´s the context, the shadow it´s just not the characterfor this kind of shit, it looks ridiculous and cringey

I guess this is a good preview of how Tom King's going to handle Orion.

Rich spoiled kids are only made fun of because they take their wealth for granted. So its not completely untrue.

He doesn't have a valid point I honestly don't know the circumstances of this guy being injured. But telling someone off because the life they were born too doesn't give him a right to feel superior towards him considering he can just shoot him without a second thought.

Also nobody has better life there is no differences you keep thinking there is but there is nothing for humans that eventually end in ash and dust. You decide how your story goes you either are happy or you don't want to be, don't look to others to blame when it's your own damn fault.

>Also nobody has better life there is no differences

Pretty sure a kid born in a slum to a drunken and abusive family has worse life and much higher chance for a bleak future than a kid who is born into a rich and a loving family.

>The Shadow not using M1911's

Who the fuck approved this? I'm not even familiar with the character and this pisses me off.

>its the context

so it's exactly like saying nigger

Yeah, 100% of spree shooters are super off their fucking rocker and could be stopped at the outset with adequate mental healthcare. You need look no further for evidence than the most recent incident, everyone's favorite ghostfucker.
But guess which country has the most dismal mental health in the first world AND the most spree shooters?

>Also nobody has better life there is no differences
Get the fuck over yourself, my lord

But he's not saying that at all.

He's saying that he's had a good head start, that there's no reason to rage against his circumstances because they're better than others, and if he were a stronger or more talented or just plain better person he'd be able to overcome them.

What part of this is new to comics, or real life? People who've gone from rags to riches in any context generally fucking loathe those not at either end, viewing them as mediocre garbage who, while not as powerful as the top tier, could potentially make it if they just put the footwork in.

It's not a philosophy I agree with (particularly because certain 'meritocratic' countries don't view investment in their citizens a priority at all), but it's hardly an uncommon one on any part of the political spectrum.

>having a good childhood makes you a lifelong target of ridicule

Unless you're extremely wealthy, that's very rarely true, if ever. In fact, the only reason most silver spoon kids have a hard time is because their parents never gave context of their situation to the rest of the world. If you're aware people don't share the same financial situations, you avoid most of the problems of wealth.

Eh, a lack of power usually creates anger at the system, rather than sadness. If you ever try to change it, you're usually working from the bottom

>b-b-but what about scholarships, and grants, and bursaries

Usually only given to the most talented AND underprivileged. Even anyone slightly above that level is completely cut off.

See post.

And additionally of course, mass shooters are very rarely that underprivileged. They've either had an extremely warped view of the world that nobody ever corrected, or they've simply been refused the psychological help they've needed to control their ego that's been grown to compensate from their detachment to other people.

>it's the context

Privilege was a word before 'the dark decade' user.

>shoving dumb politics in everyone's face to feel superior
>saying that you can't be isolated or alone, or even be disadvataged based on the colour of your skin
>making refrences to Colobine and pushing the whole "isolated and bullied" thing, even though it was a failed attempt at terrorism

But hey, at least a conversation, and a thread, was started!
Right guys?

I agree, this is just shitty writing for The Shadow. If I read this shit in The Punisher, I'd be gouging my eyes out as well. If I were reading some shit by Ellis I'd be like "yeah that sounds about right."

>Talking shit to another shit talker not making the effort to remembered in history books.

>Comic is about some potential mass murderers
>"Hey, those mass murderers are just like me!"

user, is there something you'd like to tell us?
Also, do you own any cars?

the Shadow is old school hero
he is all about doing your duty and never whining, very old century

>Yeah being raised with food, healthcare, and loving parents is really just as fine as being raised as a slave labour in some backwater country with no notion of what affection really is.

>All a state of mind, really-

Most of the time their life wasn't even that sad, they just warped their own worldview through convincing themselves that they were the unjust victims of a cruel world.

Elliot Rodger for example was born into money, had reasonably good looks, and his dad was a Hollywood movie director. He just fucked his good starting cards up by consistently acting like an asshole all his life and then refused to acknowledge that he caused every single one of his "problems" though his own behavior, and instead blamed the world and women

Seriously, this isn't even the first time I've seen this thread, they kept popping up immediately after the Charlottesville fuckup.

Straight White Boys BTFO!

Where did the white man hurt you?

As a demiromantic-genderfluid undocumented vegan otherkin person of color, everywhere.

>Does anyone have the preceding pages? I want to know if the white boy whined about ethics in video game journalism.

Anyone else find it woefully ironic that a man with a gun has to literally hold people at gunpoint to lecture people about power and privilage?

I mean, come on.

If that's what it takes, then that's what it takes.

The comic's pretty easy to find online if you wanted more context.

I don't know who's stupider, the false flagging Sup Forumstard, or the Sup Forumstard retarded enough to respond to it seriously.

>Anyone else find it woefully ironic that a man with a gun has to literally hold people at gunpoint to lecture people about power and privilage?
Well they were about to commit mass murder, so.
Not particularly, no.

shit that's tight
wonder why this hasn't been storytimed beyond the op page

The guy who gives a free (You) to both posts

>Fedora van hellsing talking about hwhite privilege
>Is pale white AF
I never understood this. At the very least it makes some minuscule sense when its a black character, but every time it seems to be white guy praising SJW politics, even though it goes directly against him.

Why are y'all politicizing this, he's just telling him to stop acting like a bitch

I guess it makes sense that the writer would place his desperate need to #resist over any urge to avoid writing a polemic WITH THE SHADOW. I think writing a story where the murderous, stealthy vigilante stands triumphant over a couple of fuccbois in broad daylight, and waxes on about Sociology 101 in a manner so hamfisted that it'd make Commando Cody blush, is a bad idea. But if it makes him feel better about working for fucking DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT, then whatever. I paid $3.99 for that fucking Batman/Shadow crossover, I'm in no place to talk back.

You fail at nihilism.

Change "nobody understands us" to "your not my really dad" for better more realistic dialog.

>The Shadow
>In a modern setting
>Dealing with school shooters

Seriously, that issue was one of the most "What the fuck were they thinking" comics I've read in years.

In terms of what? Higher intelligence quotient? Better raw strength training? The ability to swim? Heritage that isn't comprised solely of poverty and starvation? Extremely advanced cultures? Advanced technology? Advanced sciences and medicines?

Please explain, as I often hear "white people are inherently born with more gifts" and "races are all the same" from the very same people.

why do people assume is about white privilege, is there more that makes it clear?

What the hell else could it be? That dialogue may as well have been copy-pasted from Moviebob's twitter account.

I don't know, being born healthy and fuctioning and in first world country.

WOAH, NO. You stop right there fucker. This issue might be a sloppy treatise on school shooters and "white male fragility" and all that garbage, but it's not as bad as Moviebob's gargabe.

I mean it's pretty obvious considering a dumb user figured it out You don't have to assume it's worse than what's literally there on the page.

Moviebob is my waifu, don't talk shit about him.

It was storytimed not long ago

It's about white male privilege.

What's he supposed to do, mesmerize them from the shadows like the radio show?

>The man who wrote this is white

If anything that's condescending. "LOOK MINORITIES, I'M COOL!"

well maybe white people should stop shooting up schools

It's about school shooters being little bitches.

They are always playing for their imaginary audience

>why are we politicizing a comic that spurrier has advertised as a political message using a pulp hero as the messenger with a tumblr standin sidekick

And Asians. Don't forget Asians.

>literally no mention of race


I'm more upset that they dug up one of America's oldest comic characters.
It's a real testament to how stagnant the industry has gotten

Yes. For fuck's sake it's The Shadow. Using him for some glorified PSA on school shootings is already bad enough, but instead of using some feisty brown nurse to set up his trademark laugh, the laughter should be the capper for the story. If the point is to be dismissive and completely undermine the egos of these shooters, they shouldn't get the speech. They shouldn't get some sort of context for how or why they die, outside of some vague inkling that The Shadow Knows. They should just be laughed at, and then killed. Let the other characters protheletize to the audience.

The implications are heavily implied.

it's not there senpai, she is just calling them spoiled and delusional

the next issue's preview implies the shadow and his YAAAAS QUEEN sidekick are going to be assassinating the president or someone on his staff next issue btw, none of you tards even read it so i don't know why we bother

School shooters are whiny bitches

It was storytimed last wednesday when it came out. Sup Forums had a fucking breakdown.

Wait, this isn't the Shadow/Batman crossover

>spoiled and delusional
>whiny bitches
Y'all just described Straight White Boys to a muthafuckin' T.

Maybe black people should stop forming gangs and killing each other.

what i find funniest about this is that shadowbatman probably got a lot of people interested in the shadow and the first thing dynamite prints is this schlock that has had such a bad reception to actual shadow fans that dynamite's ceo left the biggest shadow facebook fanpage because people didnt like it. What a retarded company.

Sadly it's not just one ethnicity, a lot of children are spoiled. Thankfully most don't turn to murder.

Or, you know, they were mentally fucked up and probably should have had some sort of interjection long, long before things ever got to this point.

Shooting up a school isn't a "tantrum", its a psychotic breakdown of some retard who who should have had retard therapy when he was eight or so, but parents in the US hate to admit that their kid might not be amazing and love to ignore problems till shit like shootings happen.

I haven't read about a single school shooter yet who, once their background has been released, didn't show all sorts of worrying signs that their parents, schools, and friends just let slide.

Asians are forgotten because none of these people bitching about "white school shooters" actually give a fuck that people are dying just like black activists like Al Sharpton don't actually give a fuck about black people getting shot. Their only goal in mind is just to shit on white people, they literally don't give a fuck about people dying.

Really? I'm surprised, Dynamite usually loves to stir the pot with sensationalist schlock. This seems like the sort of thing they'd love, especially since they're preaching to "the youths" with a character that only old people and cops seem to love.

He forgot to teleport behind him and proclaim that it's nothing personal before calling him a kid

So would The Shadow say the same thing to someone who shoots up a school because they were targeted by bullies?

If they were white boys, yes.


They were clearly not bully. Unless they were bully by a three people and the shadow.

Why the fuck not ? This version of him already has the powers in the first place.

Except there are so many others way this could have been done. Even if we are to disregard the hypocrisy of The Shadow rambling about white privilege. Even if we are to disregard how a pair of kids with guns is completely below The Shadow and is the kind of shit he would send an agent to deal with. Even if we are to disregard that here is no justice in murdering unstable 16 year olds and this is the same kind of twisted power fantasy he's accusing those kids as having. Even if we disregard all of these things and somehow buy into this premise, it's still far and away from how the character does things.

If you wanted to somehow, someway make this even VAGUELY Shadow appropriate, one of the shooters ought to fail to kill themselves but because they have a rich and powerful father, they get off on insanity defense and get shipped to Europe to a "mental hospital" that's really just a resort to keep the kid out of sight and out of mind. Also the father peddles cocaine. So the Shadow shows up, exposes and murders the father and hands the son to the authorities to rot in jail or get the death sentence.

That's how The Shadow does it. He's not a butcher, he's a surgeon. He plucks the weed of crime by the root and then salts the ground around it so that it may not grow again.

because you lack empathy and are also a pussy nerd on the internet

No, because by the author's logic, victims of bullying don't shoot up schools to begin with. In his worldview, all school shooters are coddled, maladjusted, privileged manchildren; all the REAL victims are struggling to overcome their difficulties. That's why The Shadow and bootleg Claire Temple put so much emphasis on their mediocrity, their ego, their pride - to stress that they don't really have it so bad, and that they're killing people who are higher up on the oppression totem pole.

because it is

American society doesn't invent excuses to throw you in prison, exclude you from jobs, and kill you wantonly.

Isn't the Shadow supposed to be a disfigured WW1 Veteran? How the fuck is he still alive?

>If you wanted to somehow, someway make this even VAGUELY Shadow appropriate, one of the shooters ought to fail to kill themselves but because they have a rich and powerful father, they get off on insanity defense and get shipped to Europe to a "mental hospital" that's really just a resort to keep the kid out of sight and out of mind. Also the father peddles cocaine. So the Shadow shows up, exposes and murders the father and hands the son to the authorities to rot in jail or get the death sentence.

a) that's too much effort for a soapbox issue about school shooters
b) by shifting the focus from the son to the father, you'd be "trivializing the issue"

If The Shadow were to be personally involved in this, somehow (and he wouldn't), he would take the gun out of the kid's hand, demand that the kid tell him his frustrations and reasons for doing it, lecture him briefly, and then seek out the fathers of the bullies and, if they were abusive or neglectful, scare them into teaching their children discipline. And then take the kid to Slade Farrow or whatever psychologist The Shadow has as an agent to give him psychological treatment if he needs it.
If, somehow, we were to accept that The Shadow would even have the time to be this involved in some random kid's life, which just sounds like bad fanfiction.

You know contrary to what the comic says, alienation and the feeling of uselessness among young males is a steadily increasing psychological issue. Especially among working and lower middle class people. Increasing automation, traditional gender roles becoming more and more archaic. Now the question is, how do we address this issue? By lecturing them about how their issues aren't valid and they should shut up, or using empathy, compassion and therapy to address the problems?

That sounds a lot more interesting and creative than what we got.
You should apply to Dynamite.

>I haven't read about a single school shooter yet who, once their background has been released, didn't show all sorts of worrying signs that their parents, schools, and friends just let slide.
You don't real much about school shooters then. Most of those who showed worrying signs and symptoms were either in treatment or had received treatment at some point.

Apparently the Shadow fanbase really fucking hates this book.

I agree. And a Shadow story that deals with this subject actually doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Harry Vincent would be the perfect agent for talking to someone about this issue because of his initial self-esteem issues and how his first appearence started with him trying to kill himself, and as the series progressed he became a competent and reliable agent who even gave orders while The Shadow was unavailable (of course Harry would probably be dead in 2017 but you get the point).

>Isn't the Shadow supposed to be a disfigured WW1 Veteran?
That depends on if you think the disfigurement was or wasn't retconned (because it stopped being a plot point at some point), and if you think Kent Allard is The Shadow's real identity (because he was retconned in the later years and, depending on who you ask, was not supposed to be the definitive secret identity at all but instead another disguise).

>How the fuck is he still alive?
A handful of stories have toyed with the idea of The Shadow being immortal or at least being able to slow down his aging drastically. How exactly tends to vary. Chaykin made up the Shambala bullshit for his mini-series and the latest Shadow/Batman crossover theorizes Dionesium.
But how exactly only The Shadow knows


>tryhard edgelords hate a comic that puts them in their place
Shocking. what a turn of events
