I gave this movie a lot of shit when it first came out. It's far from perfect and the characters are incredibly hollow outside of Felicity Jones, but I think we can all agree it's far and away the best of the new films.
>competently told story that doesn't completely dick the established universe
>solid villain
>technically well made
>fanservice isn't completely overpowering
>donnie yen is cool
Rogue One
Other urls found in this thread:
It just needed some extra interaction with supporting characters, rather than fan service and the Leia end-scene (dumb). They could have put in a Twi'lek character and have it be Bodi's GF or something. We really didn't learn much about those guys.
I thought it was cool. I like Jinn a ton. Just sad that everybody died and we probably won't get more movies about those guys.
>fanservice isn't completely overpowering
>donnie yen is cool
are you kidding right?
>solid villain
is easy to have compelling villains when you already lifted those characters from previous movies
>competently told story that doesn't completely dick the established universe
huh? are you a retard?
Not OP. But I thought Rogue One was the best SW movie after ESB and ANH.
Tbh I didnt go into the movie wanting character development. It is a "Star Wars Story" and I enjoyed the roller coaster ride it gave.
I enjoyed it. Didn't give a shit about any of the characters, just that they completed their mission. It felt more like a war movie in that sense, rather than following a character in some quest of personal gratification. Easily outclasses the rest of the sequel trilogy.
>fanservice isn't completely overpowering
Are you fucking kidding? when you'll be dead guy and his buddy show up the movie stops in its tracks to the point they might as well have thrown in a record scratch for good measure
>muh fanservice
There is 1 (one) fanservice scene that doesn't add to the plot and exists for sole easter egg value. It's criminals from cantina appearing for 2 seconds.
>huh? are you a retard?
No, but you are for sure.
Fuck off.
The blind guy walking through 20m of terrain without being shot was stupid. Him and the gunner guy felt like they were pandering to China too hard.
Say what you want about it, but it's better than the PT, ST and manages to nip at the heels of RotJ. 90% of what makes a movie is the tone and atmosphere. Rogue One had that in spades. It's the same reason people love Silent Hill, despite it being an objectively mediocre movie. I could die happy if Disney churned out shit like that every year, but it's clear now it was just Gareth Edwards and none of the other directors know what the fuck they are doing.
>without being shot was stupid.
It's the force at work
Yeah I didn't mind it desu.
Could have been better just starting out with the group already formed and some history togehter, and you get to know them that way through that. The movie being about their quest, rather than half being who they are and how they come together.
But compared to the fucking shitquels, RO was great.
I saw that more as his faith in the Force paying off in a crucial moment. It was spiritually uplifting, if you are capable of feeling that kind of emotion. Otherwise, I can see autists having a problem with it.
>rather than half being who they are
I never got the "weak character" complaints. Does every movie need to spell out the back story and motivation of EVERY character.
It was fine. The Empire ruined her childhood, Lawrence Fishburn radicalized her and she took a chance to fuck them up. What's wrong with this story?
Her and Cassian have almost the same backstory, childhood ruined, been fighting ever since. it doesn't need to be spelled out.
The movie suffers because of its first third. The latter two thirds are better Star Wars then all the PT, ST and its maybe just lightly worse then RotJ
it's fucking awful and I can't understand how anyone can like it, other than the space battle is cool at the end (whooptyfuck)
It's so fucking boring, nothing happens until the end, and the DIVERSE CHARACTERS are all pieces of shit and terrible. They can't even act. Literal diversity hires.
The retarded blind asian was the worst. I AM THE FORCE THE FORCE IS WITH ME over and over 20 times. Wow great writing brilliant fucking stuff.
This movie was painful to watch and the only reason it's not worse than TLJ is because it doesn't really affect the main plot or do anything. It's just there.
>Dissing Donnie Yen
Fuck you.
Its a weak criticism. You can name as many members of the squad as you can in Saving Private Ryan. War epics are generally not character studies and its a given that most of the crew basically exist to die in sudden and dispassionate ways, as is fitting for war.
>inb4 that one autist Googles the names of the SPR cast and pretends to know them by heart to "prove me wrong"
It doesn't need to be spelled out but you can't deny it would be better if they were stronger or more fleshed out characters.
Hell, besides the main guy and girl, everyone else were basically nothings, when they should or could have been good, contributing characters.
Its terrible in the same way the prequels are terrible. Boring. Not a single interesting or developed character or arc. BORING AF.
Fuck prequel fags. Fuck off.
>everyone else were basically nothings, when they should or could have been good, contributing characters.
how so?
The movie was only good because of the fanservice. That said as someone who grew up with shadows of the empire, rogue squadron, and other eu (legends) material at the time when I saw this in theaters I loved every second of it and will always love this movie. Objectively viewed from a movie critic standpoint this movie sucks but as an old star wars and legends eu fan I thought this movie was kino.
It's boring, full of amazing advanced special effects that you barely notice, a bunch of shit flying around on screen, bright graphics, as bad as the prequels.
havent seen SPR in years but I remember nervous Jew that gets stabbed talking about mom, Tom's smile, kid asking for morphine, religious dude sniper
finally saw rogue one... rember cute stuck up girl, guy with goggles on head and guilty mexican plus assorted people. nothing memorable except robot
Yeah I loved the movie as But I have to agree the fact that the most emotionally impactful death was the fucking robots and that is kinda sad.
OP, honestly, make this movie an hour long and it would be God-tier. I really wish Disney would do a Star Wars anthology film. Three really good stories set in different genres; action; weird sci-fi and Horror. I'd pay top dollar to see that shit!!!FACT!!!
Miller, horvath, caparso, Wade, upham mellish. All from the top of my head. The only guy I can't get my finger on is the sniper. I remember because every character had a unique specialty and we got to know them closer throughout the movie. That's missing in rogue one and adding to that most of the SW names are weird so I don't even want fill my memory with them
When the Death Star showed up at the end, why didn't the rebels just get a ship to fly into it at hyperspeed?
Yeah, nah
All of nuWars destroyed the canon's consistent hyperspace. This one had ships using it in and out right on top of a planet.
You should see the Last Jedi.
>3PO and R2 for no reason
>the entire tacked-on out-of-place last scene
Come on
Main problem with the new star wars that I've found is that they are made for watching at the movies. So there's a gag or something every two seconds and its made to be some adhd nightmare when watching at home.
Focusing on making the movie a good experience (at the cinema) at the cost of an actual story
>civilian is a rank of honour that must be earned
A pain to watch and way too long even at double speed.
>but I think we can all agree it's far and away the best of the new films.
Bravo, it is better then Force Awakens (pure garbage), and the Last Jedi (the continuation of garbage). That isn't a very astounding appraisal.
You make it sound like the original trilogy wasn't released in cinemas.
What was the story with the others? The were the pilot who was nothing more than "I defected!", the comic relief robot, the monk who seemed to just be *there* and the heavy weapons dude who had even less story or reason and merely guarded the monk.
The story and the characterization was basically between the main girl and guy while the rest were just along for the ride. It could have been instead, that the whole group were their own endearing and meaningful characters. I mean, can you even remember their names? I bet most people couldn't besides Jyn Erso the main character, and the other guy I think his name was Cassio? And only because I saw someone say it in this thread.
It's not like the movie NEEDED those things but I think it would have been better for them.
How come the crash didn't blow up the star destroyer like in TLJ?
>3PO and R2 for no reason
They appear for a brief second before boarding a ship that they will be on at the beginning of ANH. Also, these two a token of Star Wars just like 'I have a bad feeling about this' and 'Bond. James Bond' from other series I forgot the name of. You could still call it fanservice, but it's more of an unspoken rule that you just follow unless you have a major excuse. Nobody calls out fanservice when Simpsons do a couch gag, it's just a thing that's supposed to happen in every episode.
Okay, so far 'fanservice' adds up to two short scenes each the entire tacked-on out-of-place last scene
The Vader one? Everything after Jyn's departure promptly puts characters in their positions at the beginning of ANH. Also, it's perfectly fine to show Vader in a menacing way. I think that after decades of him dancing on stage and being printed on mugs people forgot that he was supposed to be scary and unstoppable death knight in ANH. And it's certainly not out of character, he personally pilots a TIE fighter in ANH, captures Han in ESB and kills separatists in ROTS. He's an enforcer.
It's 100% garbage, Disney damage control shills.
>Mark Hamill retweeted
So, OT is also garbage now? Don't forget that Lucas himself said that ewoks are Vietcong. :^)
The last half is as good as any star wars movie imo
This tactic of trying to shit on the OT doesn't make the current piles of garbage look any better, Disney shills.
Fucking kek that guy from holes
that whole deal about creating a clone army of stormtroopers for the empire from some multiracial guy. then having a black storm trooper.