How does Criterion Collection get away with publishing whatever movies it wants?

How does Criterion Collection get away with publishing whatever movies it wants?

I think they license the films they distribute.

They only publish movies they can get the rights to, for better or worse.

If they got the rights to The Room, they'd publish it.

What does that entail exactly?

How does Shout Factory get away with publishing whatever movies it wants?

Their video transfers are fucking tops

Kino sells, and Criterion will pay up.

a better question is why Criterion releases films from Toho, Shochiku, Daiei, Nikkatsu, ATG and even Shintoho and yet has never released any Toei films.

Who is this taint saint?

No idea, saw her posted round here once, she’s not famous

Paying the people who own the rights to the movies. It’s why Criterion shit is like $40 or more

you're retarded


Riley Reid the BBC queen

Interesting thanks, they must offer some percentage of sales as well right?

Yeah no
How are some people so shit at facial recognition
She’s some local girl this nerd was crushing on and posted all over here and reddit

I want a Super Bit HDR 8K transfer of this with Dolby Atmos.

She looks like she fucks black guys

autism or prosopagnosia

Almost every white girl fucks black guys now

a small dick gook wrote this post

Unironically you may be right this time. She has that uncanny look

How true is this statement?

America everybody

the guy was clearly trolling, you just got owned retart

>i wuz only tenden b tarted

>publishing whatever movies it wants
>can't release a Griffith picture

Everything I've ever learned about Toei suggest that they are the biggest jews in japan

what a disgusting face, the asymmetry, that pimple at the left, those derp eyes,that receding hairline.Take it off please

That portrait leaves out one crucial aspect.

When asked to informally be called Bob by director Robert Altman while working on set, actress Lilian Gish responded "There's only one man I call by first name, and that is David Wark Griffith."

This is true. They saw how huge DBZ and SM got in the west and now they think their shit somehow doesn't stink.

more importantly, why the fuck dont they reprint Chungking Express?


who hurt you?

my bad clicked the wrong guy

worse he's a hapa

he was gay got it

it doesn't, in fact they're (obviously) having trouble getting solid titles these days with all the boutique lines locking shit down

You mean Ashley Cronan?

Probably lost the license

They got

night of the living dead
Silence of the lambs
Midnight cowboy

Recently. They're doing fine

>not fucking black guys

go watch Wakanda