Cartoon where everyone is an anthropomorphic animal and there are no humans or "regular" animals

>cartoon where everyone is an anthropomorphic animal and there are no humans or "regular" animals
>they eat meat

Are you implying animals don't eat meat?

yeah, this is partially why I hate furry cartoons

I think he's asking, what is the meat, when the meat is a 'person' in that world.

He's an idiot, like the people who ask "Is mermaids eating fish cannibalism?"

>that one Camp Lazlo episode where they go to a restaurant

Hell, they even have a moose head mounted on their mess hall wall

Not exactly like it, but it's one of the reasons Pokemon is retarded

They addressed this in Bojack Horseman
They breed and drug other animals specifically to be eaten, so the food animals act like walking real animals while the normal animals act like humans

>cartoon character walks off cliff
>doesn't start to fall until they realize their predicament.

I'm literally angry with rage.

>cartoon where everyone is an anthropomorphic animal including dogs and cats
>they have pet dogs and cats

It's okay, OP. It's generally understood that they're eating human.

>thinks the meat he buys comes from animals

Millions and millions of people go missing every year. Think about it.

The only way to be sure of what you eat is to hunt or grow it yourself. This is why the government is poisoning wildlife and conspiring with megacorporations like Monsanto to replace natural crops genetically modified crops that weaken your capacity to think critically and leave you susceptible to subliminal messages embedded in popular entertainment.

Bojack had an episode on this.
They just raised chickens to be stupid and ate them.

Animals don't shy away from eating their young in wildlife so makes sense really. Even something as seemingly innocent as bunnies can be cannibalistic little fucks at times.

The Murrayverse is it's own beast.

Pokéverse is confirmed vegan by word of God.

>there's a cow pokemon that's used to produce dairy
Confirmed bullshit. The only reason that franchise became popular is because it's adored by simpletons who can't go on for more than two minutes without drooling

You're correct, I forgot that milk is a no for vegans. It's at least vegetarian.

If I recall correctly it's a retcon, along with stuff like deciding that normal animals shouldn't be in the Pokémon world (some episodes had normal birds and such).

What about Slowpoke tails?

>multiple retcons
>ecosystems functioning without animals
Nice worldbuilding there

They even eat Slowpoke tails, dumbass.

Well in games there are multiple mentions of people catching Pokemon just to eat them, usually magicarps.

You forget not all animals eat meat

But that is true in real life too you just have to believe.......

>pokemon aren't wild animals

>not liking pokemon

The latest game confirms Mareanie eat Corsola, just to name one.