ITT: Characters women will never understand.
ITT: Characters women will never understand
pete was a fucking cuck dude
This is truly the GOAT answer. rest are good but none beats this
>isn't it good he died?
>he was a bad guy
god women suck
women here, can confirm. also interesting that i didn't like most of these movies
Please stick to your fairy tales and don't go shooting up schools.
Why are you sad, Mike? I'm from your state
No shit. He goes nuts after losing his job and sweating his ass off while stuck in rush hour traffic and his ex wife is having a relaxing day cooking and playing with HIS children on his dime. Then he has to hear about race and Jews and all the bullshit about how everyone else’s life is hard. Mexicans tell him he’s not allowed to sit in a public park and instead of the cops pursuing the gangsters for their crimes, they pursue him for demanding breakfast after 10:00AM at gun point. Falling Down is the explanation for why so many white men are raging right now.
It was somewhat ruined by the cliche cop on his day before retirement.
>not mashing A when there are orc archers around
What movie was the Shah of Iran in?
>no one posting the obvious
manlet: the character
on the contrary, larry was very womanlike.
>Constantly laughed at by his peers even though he works ten times harder than them
>Gets his ass kicked by a skinny British beta in front of his coworkers
>JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP-tier hairline
>Marries a 10/10 Jewish girl who leaves him and gets even hotter afterwards
Was Pete Campbell the original cuck?
true, have real life experience of women shitting on him
>b-buttt wh-yy didnt he kill himself user
but women can't understand the desire to find meaning in life
but they can probably identify with complaining and bitching about everything while claiming they havnt done anything to deserve their situation (while that same inaction is what caused their suffering in the first place)
thats strikes me as incredibly feminine
Some of the best female character are utterly impenetrable to the female psyche. They can only see them as women, as themselves, and not as fleshed out characters.
But he gets it all in the end
My brother hates Pete, my best friends ex loves him
What gives?!
>man goes nuts because his endures the same mundane trials of life as every other person in existence
You're right, it really is an excellent explanation for why white men are losing their shit. They're ass at coping.
These are the best answers.
Sounds like white male privilege: the movie
hes the least complex character ever
looks like a jew tbqh
high quality shoop user
I see you are a man of culture as well
The director was a woman...