With a massive opening expected in mainland China. Remind me again how Asians are "too racist" to watch it?
Black Panther opens #1 in Taiwan and Hong Kong
Other urls found in this thread:
It's like racists who watch basketball and football. The MCU is too big in Asia to skip this.
It was marketed as a comedy there.
How much did the mouse have to pay for this?
>Ching chong you must dumb all your flicks to pander to us
>Oops we dirrint watch it again
>*picks up pirated dvd from local mart in 2 weeks*
I'm assuming this topic was made as a jest, this is an award show that was obviously paid for by some western liberal organization.
Chinese people didn't vote for this.
>Hong Kong
>Mainland China
Those are 3 seperate countries user
Nice try, Joshua Wong.
It's opened big in literally every Asian country so far, we don't know about China yet
its actually the chinese american community, look the article up
lol nobody knows who he is in the world how would china know him?
it's the biggest fear yellow feverfags have
ever since their women stopped giving a fuck about their virgin white ass and started dating black men, they started being, like every white boi, a yellow feverfag.
You see, according to them, the biggest positive with having an asian gf is that "they never fuck niggers". That's their biggest fear. They know damn well, once asian women start burning the coal. It's all fucking lost to them. No more white women for them, no more asian women for them. And who the fuck wants black women anyway? Not even black guys want that shit.
They fear that.
what a competition, damnnn
I could see the movie doing ok in China based on the themes of the movie. Chinks are an insect race that practically worship authority/leadership/empire/etc and the whole Wakanda/Hero King thing fits that. The setting is also a little too exotic for them to see it as a threat to their society.
who /realchina/ here?
It has to compete with a local movie in China that's expected to break the opening weekend record of Fate of the Furious. It'll be interesting.
forgot image
mainland scum need not apply
Disney is literally false advertising to trick the Chinks into thinking it's not about black people.
Just like they're full-blown tricking the chinks into thinking Soylo has nothing to do with Star Wars.
It's flagrant, unapologetic false advertising.
It wasn't 1st in Hong Kong and Taiwan. It was 2nd and 3rd. Fucking 3rd.
>Sup Forums:
>the rest of the world is racist
>look they had to minimize Boyega in TFA posters because the chinese
>look TLJ didn't do well because the black dude
>the rest of the world is racist like us
>this happens
Civil War made over $200 million in China. They already know he's black
blacks are so cringey
imagine sucking disney's cock this hard
>this guy
It's February. All that only translates to 23 mil in two days
>>The chinese will never think that a film called "Black Panther" is about black people
are you guys retarded
No, but the Chinese is.
You guys do know we have internet here and can watch movie trailers and go into imdb right?
Jesus, that's pathetic.
this like nazi white power shit
You don't speak for all chinks by a longshot, fishhead, assuming you really are Chinese.
>chinese only went to this movie based on this one poster and trailers
>the chinese is
"The Chinese are", retard
Why the fuck would a Chinese person have any frame of reference for that?
Are you implying a movie with the color black being in the title guarantees it to having 90 percent black people?
>this movie is the high point of the race
a black panther is a literal existing animal
crowned by the chinese american academy of film, not actual china
The first showing filled with everyone bootlegging it.
this is going into my mcu shitposting file
What big movies - outside MCU - he even does to justify this?
They don't care if it's black or not, they're there for the CGI effect
so why didn't they turn out for star wars?
Have you seen the shit the Chinese will gobble up in cinemas? It astounds me every day that the culture single-highhandedly funding Transformers can put their pants on right.
You’re a fucking retard
They’re intelligent, they just have pleb as fuck taste
I bet the marketing campaign is just laughing their asses off and clinking their wine glasses together on suckering these people this easily.
Not too intelligent then, are they user?
pay with a good movie
No you can solve vector calculus or work in a career demanding mental strain. In a society as demanding and busy as China’s, you’re not going to find many cinephiles.
who are you quoting?
I live in Korea and watched this, people were laughing throughout at the stupid accents, and ESPECIALLY people were howling with laughter at this guy
Because the ST is a soulless cash in
you dont understand op
a white movie would have done better
Imagine the smell of that room
What fucking purpose does destroying your lower lip serve to these idiots?
the amount of mental gymnastics this board is doing right now trying to discredit a black movie. Fucking hell you guys are so annoying. You even go as far as loving chinese people because theyre racist as fuck too. 99% of you all would never say shit to a black guys face. You all do nothing but spam the same shit over and over again and pretend that its funny. Good luck to you all, as youll still be here in 5 years wondering where it all went wrong and posting feel threads. Screencap this to remind yourself that its your fault your life is shitty.
jaja goblinoooo noooo....
Don't take it too hard. They're just angry and bitter. They're mad other people are enjoying things they could never understand. They hate that being black is yet another group they'll never be part of. Just one more thing they can't participate in. They'll get mad and cry and cajole on Sup Forums while the world moves on. Wait until you see the replies to this post. That'll validate everything we've said.
>the amount of mental gymnastics this board is doing right now trying to discredit a black movie. Fucking hell you guys are so annoying. You even go as far as loving chinese people because theyre racist as fuck too. 99% of you all would never say shit to a black guys face. You all do nothing but spam the same shit over and over again and pretend that its funny. Good luck to you all, as youll still be here in 5 years wondering where it all went wrong and posting feel threads. Screencap this to remind yourself that its your fault your life is shitty.
They will use any strawman they can to discredit a flick. This movie could break records in every country it releases in except China and they'd just keep bringing up China
>99% of you all would never say shit to a black guys face
Only correct thing you've said. I'd never waste my breath trying to communicate with a nigger.
Cant wait til next week when the theaters are empty and all the shills are in full overtime mode.
better trailer than what we got in the US
back to reality, you only find a few percent of your own race agreeable and .00001% of any other
it's a fact.
>mad about white people being racist
>be racist towards Chinese people
Tiniest violin Baboon
fuckin coon lover
They told chinks that it was a documentary and they'd be taking over Wakanda soon.
nice source
I mean look at their competition
What matters is whether it's a good movie or not.
Would you call the Star Wars movies "good movies", if you didn't have the backing of nostalgia over the OT to back them?
Sup Forumstards were wrong
Da 'mount a mennal gymnastix dis board be doin' right now tryin' 2 dis a nigga flick. Fuggin' hell u guys ain't shit. U be lovin' chinese peeps cuz dey racist as fuck too. 99& of y'all won't say SHIT to a nigga's face, y'all do nothin' but talk shit and pretend dat shit is funny. Good luck to y'all as y'all still be fucking around here in 5 years wonderin' where y'all went wrong and postin' feel threads. Screencap dis shit 2 remind yoself that its yo faul *dies in a gang-related incident*
Sup Forums campaigned to get Disney a huge tax cut like their lives depended on it. I'd say in terms of sucking Disney cock no one can beat them
competing against what movies?
right, none
Like 150 million
>t.dumbass who said Fifty Shades Freed would beat it a few days ago
same as cutting part of your dick off
t. strawman
Theater was filled out on a weekday in my azn country. Turns out chinks just have good taste.
>asian people fetishize blacks
>black people fetishize whites
>whites fetishize asians
>chinese people because theyre racist as fuck too. 99%
Based asians
Condorito La Pelicula ayy lmao
Which is why they're turning to traps in droves, still makes them a genetic dead end tho.