Are there any examples of actors who were obviously trying to salvage a trash movie...

Are there any examples of actors who were obviously trying to salvage a trash movie? I'm watching Cloverfield Paradox and I swear this guy is trying to do all he can with what little he has.

Just finished it. The movie is a fucking mess and most of the weird stuff is never explained.

>never explained
Dude just turn your brain off, it's a movie lmao

>le only white guy is le only le one trying

fuck off white supremicuck. He was terrible and his little rat face is always terrible.

what i find annoying about Cloverfield Paradox is the movie just has this air of narcissism about it. Like it thinks it's being super clever being vaguely connected to the previous movies, when it damn well knows it's an unrelated script that was shoehorned into it.

Some of the reviews praising it were annoying. Like that one that mentioned weird girls introduction as "You won't believe it! Cronenberg fans won't be disappointed!".... er, yes, i was.

He didn't "try" to salvage it. Daniel brühl is just a good actor that played the role very well. I know many Americans aren't used to good actors anymore since most Blockbuster stuff has terrible acting.

Wouldn't you like to know why the weird glue just became alive to kill Mundy? And what about his fucking arm ripped off out of nowhere and being sentient and shit. And that russian guy who hears voice and had the worm and gyro inside him. They are important events that changed the plot so yeah i think i would like some kind of closure on that

Not the guy but turn your brain off bro is a meme criticizing not getting explanations or logic.

is it just me or does daniel bruhl looks like pharmabro?

literally ruined the movie

This. Both the actress and the character.

>i would like some kind of closure on that
I'm the guy. I think it's really as simple as
>omg our particle accelerator smashed two particles together and merged all the multiverses together
>lol brain bugs
>wacky arm is sentient
>wot if a goyl suddenly appeahd in a woll
>also a monster, the end.
It's a mess.

Though it was implied that in one of the universes the outcome was the ship crashing off NYC and waking up the monster from the first movie

Remind me again why this is such a bad movie? Seems like a standard straight to streaming sci-fi flick. Why do so many of you seem so upset?

>this nigga is 39
Damn he doesn't look a day over 30. I haven't seen it but Bruhl is a legitimately good actor so maybe it's just that?

Haven't watched that trash, but Daniel Bruhl is a certified kinoman

Brühl is CUTE! That being said I fucking hate the movie mostly for wasting Bruhl, Debicki and O'Dowd, rather than the script being shit

He really is a good actor, haven't seen the movie btw.

Bruhl's role in the Alienist is making me question how great an actor he really is. He keeps half whispering his lines in order to seem dark and brooding.

Rick and negan in the walking dead. They are pretty good actors Too bad amc and the staff are a bunch of sjw with no talent.

shitty movie isnt even self aware enough to realize how shitty it is and slap a nude scene in there to make up for it

whats with all these really good actors not getting german roles but getting huge in america. brühl Waltz Fassbender

I think that's a problem with the direction honestly. Almost none of the characters are likeable and the entire tone of the show was changed from the book to make it more grimdark

That could be. I just expected him to carry the show and he's so.. not

ah sry fassbender grew up in ireland

Yeah I hear you. The show overall so far has been a pretty major disappointment. Thought we were going to get The Knick 2.0 but like I said it just seems like it's trying to be too grim for its own good

The quantum fuckery of the space station caused the Cloverfield monster to not only show up in their present time, but to also travel backwards (and sideways across dimensions I guess?) to 2008 New York when the first Cloverfield movie happened.

It's the dumbest way to establish a prequel I've ever seen.

She was one of the only redeeming qualities of the movie imo: she was really well cast, and she did an excellent job of both being a human and appearing creepy and other-worldly, almost like an alien.

Will Smith gives a great performance in Suicide Squad which is otherwise a dumpster fire

Why did the Irishman's arm know that there was a magic gyro inside of the Russian?
What happened to that subplot where the Brazilian was supposed to have been from the Australian's universe?
Why did the magnetic goop kill the Irishman?
What was the point of that spinny space station part scene? Why did all three of them have to cross just for two of them to walk back leaving the American to die?
Why did the Australian want to keep the space station and kill everyone? Couldn't she have just beamed the experiment results down like the British lady did at the end anyway? I thought the particle collider was just an experiment to generate data so they could build free energy reactors on Earth later.

Am I supposed to handwave all of this as just quantum magic?

Acting wasn't really an issue with this movie. No one was given anything to do.

I liked it, don't know why critics are chimping out.

she was hot shit

The glue had metal in it and he was standing in front of a giant electro-magnet. I thought that part was pretty self-explanatory.

If the glue just punched through him (which is what I was expecting that would make sense), but for some reason it literally grabs him and pulls him away from the magnet.

I thought it was kinda event horizon-y? Didn't they say this dimension is literally trying to kill them?

movies it ripped off
Event Horizon
Philadelphia Experiment
The day after

Bruhl stars in Good Bye, Lenin! which is one of the handful of genuinely good German films ever made

It wasn't his univeres arm brainlet

>actors who were trying to salvage a trash movie
forest Whitaker in vantage point. great actor in a terrible movie

for some reason he reminds me of Emma Watson

I assumed that the weird happenings would be explained by the parallel universe spaceship trying to inhabit the same space as the normal spaceship. All the weird stuff would be caused by stuff from the other ship crossing dimensions (like the girl trapped in the wall). But nope the other ship crashed so I guess it was all just randum

I thought all the actors were fine, but the plot is just an uninteresting dud.

She's cute in a freakish way so I'm biased, but I thought her arc should have been focused on WAY more instead of pulling plot out of their asses with LOLSORANDUM garbage.

Fuck off. Daniel Bruhl is a good actor that can't stop taking shitty roles.


I think it's because people expected more of a Cloverfield film? Though I haven't seen any of the other ones.
And the bizarre hype around it, which was just people getting caught up in marketing.
It also had a few name actors in it, you're lucky if you get one name actor in similar quality schlock.

Regardless, it wasn't very good.