Jennifer Anniston will never find love

I like Brad Pitt as an actor but he really fucked over Jen. She is such a lovely girl and she seems nice too. I mean he went from Jen to a scag who had to chop off her tits to getting saddled with foreign adoptees and now divorced! That's karma.

Why is hollywood like this? I think Ron Howard is one of the few who has lived in showbiz all his life and he is still with his wife and his kids are in the biz. The problem is the people not the business.

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I'll love her. Marry me, Jen.

I get the impression Jen is too pure and bland for Pitt which is why he ditched her for Jolie for all the raunchy dirty sex and now that he's older and mature he realizes what he truly lost. Yes I'm aware how much of a cheeto munching house wife I sound like right now.

she was always the best Friend.

I thought Aniston was a bitch to everyone on the set of Friends?

>seems pretty cool
>likes to smoke weed
too bad she's way older than me and out of my league

False but I still want to marry her.
Courtney Cox is her best friend in real life.

>>likes to smoke weed
I bet she only says that to seem "cool", like early 2000s Angeline edgy.


she took the bogpill in 2015 but seems to have come off it now

I feel like jennifer aniston is just utterly an endlessly demanding cunt after the sex wears out

I mean you can't blame brad, he's architype chad and even he's been utterly cucked by Angelina Jolie.

So the issue has to be with Jen, and she gives off that ME ME ME AND MY FEELINGS type of vibe

I swear, this chick's snatch is like toxic or something. It's the only explanation. Or vagina dentata.

She looks good now. I suppose botox or whatever she took has to settle or be absorbed or some shit.

>I swear, this chick's snatch is like toxic or something. It's the only explanation. Or vagina dentata.

All she needed to do shove a hot meal up there and she'll have Matt Leblanc at her mercy.

the issue with Aniston is that she doesn't like or want kids. Brad was desperate to be a dad. He wanted a family and she didn't. Then he met Angelina in her prime who was crazy about kids. And crazy in general but crazy girl sex is like a drug.

but that family was mostly third world adoptees.


Angie was mad hot in her prime, pleb. Jen couldnt even compare.

Thank you. getting dumped by Vince Vaughan was when the doubts set in.

It's half and half. 3 biological children, 3 3rd worlders.

>Anniston will never find love
Wtf are you talking about faggot? She found love with all the guys she was in love with before you ever heard of her, found love with Brad Pitt, found love with whoever she fell in love with after him, and found love with whoever this Thereaux guy is.

Love does not last forever like a fucking Disney movie/Hollywood ending, you simple twat. Grow up.

>Brad was desperate to be a dad
I would be too if I had those genes

And I wouldn't have wasted them in a psycho like Angelina Jolie, I would have put by Brad Pitt seed in literally 100 Casting couch models worldwide.

She got "dumped" by Vince Vaughn when they no longer had to promote their movie.

>3 biological children

I thought i was just one who Angelina is jewing to an early grave

>whoever this Thereaux guy is.

And John Mayer?

>Sup Forums getting news from third world shithole sources
>actual island niggers post here about celebs

I can't tell which is worse anymore


no such thing as a stable family or love forever. sure thing bud. Tell that to all the geriatrics who have died within hours of each other or shortly after from broken hearts.

>has 3 biological (white) kids
>adopts 4 asians
>adopts 1 darkie for appearance sake
is she redpilled on IQ?

Nope. The oldest one has to no gender because Jolie brainwashed her. The other two are normal.

>crazy girl sex is like a drug.


wtf. I thought they literally just got married and had kids.

Justin Theroux is such a hottie. Never even heard of him before the leftovers. He was terrific in that show. That final episode was perfect imo. I thought whats his name would have fucked it up, but It's honestly one of my favorite finales ever. I can watch it over and over

>that goofy motherfucker in the back left

way to luck out

don't you love the timeline?

i guess it just didn't work out. big age diff and diff career path. He is a work travelling musician.

also That Chad asian manlet

Do you think they're gonna start fucking since most aren't related?

lol and then he fucked up his family? what was he thinking

He wasn't. He was intoxicated by Ange's pussy and his desire to be a dad. She's a maniac but she was hot as fuck in her prime.

>then he fucked up his family?

you mean his wife with no kids and desparately avoid the the wall while you're still the sexiest fucker alive and haven't grown a beard yet while your bro clooney is getting hella puss?

She just stopped taking it
Botox treatment is a continuing pointless envevour

holy shit vince vaughn banged this whore? damn. it really is a shame that brad fell for her trap. Vince must have seen something that was crazy about her. She's too old to have kids now though. What is her craziness focused on now?

>She is such a lovely girl and she seems nice too.
She is a fucking stacey who is rightfully suffering in her old age.

literally no reason this motherfucker didn't impregnate literally 100 willing wombs like some kind of greek god.

it's just not fair

dude theres a looong list of hollwood guys that walked away from jen aniston.

Imagine what she'd need to do to woo Coutney Cox

maybe she's just a bitch

Some catnip will do.

>la abominacion familia

>tfw you have godlike genes and your kid turns out to be some tranny freak

Brad Pitt really ruined her. She suffered multiple abortions with him and he: cheated on her, wasted her prime years (even to fertility treatments, to certain women is too late), called her boring to the press, let Angie run a strong decade long smear campaign on her that people still believe to this day ( i.e. "she didn't want babiezz"), probably caused the to lose trust in most men and lose interest in having a family.
Too bad it didn't work out with this dude, I wish her well.

Nope, they were all friendly. Except for the Joey actor, but it was more like a case of him not being compatible than anyone being a mega bitch.

>suffered multiple abortions
>called her boring to the press

yea thats what you get for getting your dick stuck in a satan worshipping vampiric succubus.
And her looks are a flook Jon Voight was never and "attractive " man

>She suffered multiple abortions with him

her body her choice faggot.

>called her boring to the press,

she probably is.

angelina kept that cock on lock, he stood by her when she had cancer and everything

no no they were promoting a movie. this happen all the time. The guy and the gal get together like they in love and when the movie comes out finally they break up. Its a classic story. I think this happened with Robert Patinson and Bella. Whats that girl name?

White girl in white used to wear colorful feminine clothing, for the past year she's all in neutral.

In the future we need to quarantine brad genes and put them into Debicki.

we need new ubermensc overlords to replace the ugly kikes

Not everyone is the fucking fag glued to the jewbox, fag.

Los goblinos famosos

Imagine if she and Brad hook back up?

I remember people saying they were very friendly among the 6 of them, but bitchy to the rest of the cast and crew.

>two hot actors can't find love
>somehow us normal looking people are supposed to have hope

Natural abortions, miscarriages.

Most of it has disappeared from the web (same as her talking about wanting kids with him to the press, unless someone can find it I can't anymore), but you can find people talking about them and the speculations.

It's why she called Brad Pitt insensitive for the shot he did with Angie and a made up family, that was released/done right after their divorce.

>>called her boring to the press

Here's his apology:

doesnt matter, continued bloodline.

It’s actually a well known rumor that she has a smelly pussy. Not even joking, she’s supposedly had to see doctors about it


What are you even doing in this board?

>crazy girl sex is like a drug.

Literal drug. Those endorphins and dopamine and serotonin and oxytocin. I've had it a few times and now I can get over it cold turkey, but the first time I kept having oneitis.

ah yes an unofficial biography source

>the virgin gook vs the gigachang

Like I said, there were talks way back then.

Rumor was the chad chink fucked Angelina behind brads back, and that is why they separated.
How can black boys compete?

Your privilege is showing white boi

I've fapped to her every single day since I first saw her in Friends,

I am clearly the only right guy for her.

Pitt always wanted kids, Anniston didn't because muh career. Now Brad has like a half a dozen kids and Jen has... nothing.

Move over, this is achilles now

well thats annoying


Except for those millions of dollars from Friends and movie roles.
Oh and fame.

Didn't she steal that guy from his wife?

>look I can click my heels together and really believe

Dumbfuck, that is not reality for the vast overwhelming majority of human beings on this earth, and even when it is, that doesn't mean that everyone who doesn't weirdly love one person and only one person for the entire rest of their life never experienced love you 1 dimensional twat. If that's what your definition of love is, odds are you're going to be one sad motherfucker, bc the duration has fuck all to do with the quality that is love.

Enjoy it while you have it, learn to recognize when you don't and decide whether you can or even want to live with someone regardless of your long-gone biological impulses. But fuck an aye, grow up.

isn’t brad a manlet though

Damn, I'm a big fan of Justin. Too bad he fell for the cthulu pussy that haunts the hollywood hills

eh king of manlets, looks good in a suit and his jawline somehow adds 3 inches

I finished the show around 6 months ago and have been actively fighting the urge to start it back up again. I want to wait as long as possible because the fact that I'll never get to watch those episodes for the first time again legitimately depresses me

She is at least still attractive for her age. She's like 20 years older than me and I would still fuck her proudly.

Turns out Brad Pitt was the real loser when they broke up. He's been JUST'd really hard. Angelina Jolie lost her world famous tits to cancer, they got divorced and now their perfect diamond baby that the media was fawning over is a little tranny faggot. Meanwhile Jennifer Aniston is still attractive, single, and has a career.

Holy lel, haven't heard a "bog" in a long time
Caught me off guard I'm still laughing

Always look at the parents before you stick your dick in.

>Jennifer Aniston is still attractive

Angelina suckd his soul out

She could always just marry me.
I'm ready to settle down.

you have to be a special kind of faggot to not think she's still hot

confirming tripfag posts should still be ignored


> Now Brad has like a half a dozen kids and Jen has... nothing.

And most of them are adopted niglets from some third-world shithole while his crazy bitch of an ex-wife tries to turn his own son into a tranny. That's a pyrrhic victory for him.

That isn't ultimately fulfilling.

Yet none of that can buy her love.
None of that can make her feel accomplished as a woman

Good goy, follow your career instead of creating lives

Companionate love is more important

>their three biological children look like future gods due to Pitt's god-like aesthetics while those other creatures offer a contrast

Triggered roastie cunt



Here's the thing, Mr Thorax

>And most of them are adopted niglets from some third-world shithole

Except Brad Pitt isn't a racist asshole, like you, and is actually a warm hearted individual capable of loving kids who aren't blood related to him.