BLACK PANTHER Opening Night Happenings panther

Blacks are getting #LITTY for tonight's Black Panther

Any predictions?

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Take notes Ghostbusters 2016, this is how successful pandering looks like.

>Friend said he was wearing a Dashiki
I thought he was being sarcastic

>payed to see 98% 200+ mil Black movie
>got 12% underperformed white movie
I would be mad too

If you are YT you are taking the seat that belongs to a young black person. Stop trying to hijack our movement. You'd better watch your back if you're a YT and going to see this movie without a brother.

Follow the king's orders



I think those people all just walked into the wrong theater room

When you can't read, all titles look the same.

imagine Americans dressing in ledderhosen to see a movie

disney is a shit

What's a YT?

The only difference is that Black Panther is full of good looking people.
Oh and I guess not rebooting a franchise and genderswapping/raceswapping anyone.

sure thing fren

goddamn, that is some trash tier level and i don't even care about critic score shit
guess it still make money from soccer moms for them to keep making these shit, how many fifty shade movies already? 3?

He could always just not look at twitter til he sees it

>Went to a packed theater with 75% black audience
>expected them to be hollering and blabbering throughout the movie
>barely a peep or reaction at all
>the look on the audiences' faces were that they were bored as fuck and weren't quite understanding what the fuck was going on half the time

if this wasn't an anomaly than BP might suffer quite horribly after the first week

Sound it out. And you say black people can't read LMAO


I wonder how many latino shitskin post in this thread, thinking they're any better than niggers.

Take notes Netflix, this is how NOT to pander


people that sucker in to hype deserve disappointment

YT = white
wypipo = white people
fucking niggers

how would you rate it to other marvel capeshit solo hero movie?

I don't get it.

anybody here feel bad for the negroid?
will they learn their lesson about hollywood?

mexican-american here (legal citizen). my skin's pretty white desu senpai

jajaja *gets shot* me gusta *gets beheaded* el trumpo

some have others haven't

at least he has a job


For all the Sup Forumstard niggers lurking in here: how does it feel to know you're losing? How does it feel to know that the left has already won the cultural war and that your pathetic shitpost and butthurt isn't gonna stop the future?

Will you?

pretty goddam underwhelming

not as bad as Thor the Dark World, but barely better, the fights might as well have been choreographed by the guy that does the CW shows, all Panther did was spam his kinetic energy wave

Serkis was the best thing about this movie, and Killmonger was actually effectively menacing and threatening

Tell everyone to go see Five Finger For Kino instead.

transparent screen.

hollywood has already lost

nah, let not pretend they weren't always suckers to the like of Tyler Perry movies

it's a fucking superhero movie
calm down, you faggot, the hype is getting to everyone's head it seems

>good looking

>mfw black people want to go back to Africa
BASED Marvel.

so is anyone on Sup Forums going to see Black Panther?

Sup Forums doesn't care about politics or culture.

All they care about is memes.



>wanting african american to watch foreign movie where they have to read subtitles

you having a laugh m8?

Disney will make a few hundred million dollars and Trump will still be President. You will still be a faggot.

>go to local kinoplex to watch black panther
>get through the penis inspection test
>crawl through the designated shooting hallway to avoid getting shot at
>avoid getting my eyes pecked out by the theater falcon
>right before getting into the doorway
>a group of blacks dressed in tribal african clothes led by robert tells me I have to join in their tribal dance or else i wont get in
>decided to do the robot
>got kicked out

fuck, now I need to learn to dance like them

Ling of Zamunda is awesome. :)

Jesus fucking Christ. This is the definition of blacksplotation

that looks pretty good

Well, niggers are hyping it up to be some sort of uniting force in the black community. The smarter ones realizing they got baited by Disney to watch a generic capeshit. Then you'll get a splinter faction that makes it seem like "holy shit this is my culture" and transforms BP into a cult classic. So the black community divides itself over some meaningless bullshit all over again. The cycle continues.


>blocks your opening night

You don't see me making hourly autosage threads about it.

>watching BLACKED Panther

Please somebody

>posts a black with as many white features as possible as evidence


your mother's porn tape?



>white features

should i tell him lads

>Trump will still be President.
(and that's a good thing)

>Trump is president
>The same cucks that go see every Marvel shit show go see this one plus THE BROTHAS

>This is surely the end for you alt righters!


>not bringing an entire buffet to your local kinoplex

>putting a feud you have with a board on a Chinese pornographic cartoon anonymous internet image board over the fate of entire cultures and sanctity of a people

kekistan has nothing on this

Aw man I love white tees. Unless Im eating spaghetti of course.

>wasting your shekels on a filler MCUshit
Just save your shekels for DP2 and IW if you want capeshit.

Be like a nigger and pirate Black Panther

gets proved wrong
shifts goalpost

Speaking of good goyims

It's uncanny.

Wo, are we movin' too slow?
Have you seen us,
Uncle Remus . . .
We look pretty sharp in these clothes (yes, we do)
Unless we get sprayed with a hose
It ain't bad in the day
If they squirt it your way
'Cept in the winter, when it's froze
An' it's hard if it hits
On yer nose
On yer nose
Just keep yer nose
To the grindstone, they say
Will that redeem us,
Uncle Remus . . .
I can't wait till my Fro is full-grown
I'll just throw 'way my Doo-Rag at home
I'll take a drive to BEVERLY HILLS
Just before dawn
An' knock the little jockeys
Off the rich people's lawn
An' before they get up
I'll be gone, I'll be gone
Before they get up
I'll be knocking the jockeys off the lawn
Down in the dew


Just got back from this movie. There actually is a CIA guy 2.0 as one of the main characters.

You have no idea how much i wanna come inside her.

Anyone wanna put this one on there? I gotta shitpost somewhere else real quick.

appearance wise she's basically a really tanned white

piss poor example, if I didn't even know any better I would assume persian or even Mediterranean

I'm going to an 11:30 showing tonight

You know how sometimes guys at the counter will be like "That all boss?" or "Thanks chief"

Do you guys think I can get away with going "thanks king" next time I'm interacting with a blackguy?

I'm a 5'8" white guy for reference

Kekistan has plenty on this.


Black people are a meme. A wonderful meme.

I don't even know what posts are fake anymore

They try to kill whitey in this movie?

>taking a fucking comic book movie this seriously
Are black people the least self aware people in the world?

Jesus Christ.

>All they care about is memes.
if this were still true then that board wouldn't be 200% shit