Are you muthafuckas hype for the Kung Fury film???

Are you muthafuckas hype for the Kung Fury film???

It's gonna be hella f*ckin epic, just like all those 80's kung fu movies that I've totally seen

Maybe this and Ready Player One will be the death knell of fake 80s nostalgia. Shit is beyond played out.


I really think the short film and the music video by David Hasselhoff is enough of this.

The internet is too large and has touched too much of the world for any fads to actually die now. We've all but lost what defines the passing decades as far as fads go. That's why vaporwave is still ongoing.

I love the short, but I have no faith that this will be any good


even the short felt like a full length feature that was dragging at the end. sounds like another example of running something semi-decent into the ground for shekels

I agree totally. I think it had the right amount of popularity this everyone moved on.

kung fury is literally a direct ripoff of Danger Five

serious question: is this considered capeshit? they do capeshit things, but they don't wear traditional capeshit costumes (at least from what i recall).

nah. friend of mine really hyped up KF and told me to watch it, but found it really underwhelming.

I still get mad Danger 5 doesn't get the credit it deserves.

>I want to turn my brain off

People who say this really need to be rounded up and shot.

No but it 's the same sort of people who like both.

>can't wait to fuck this movie up

>Reddit the movie

hell no


Trailer was good because it let your imagination run wild in connecting random scenes.

Full movie was just a mess with only handful of good jokes.

was trash
fuck you OP

>howl of joy
>I almost hyperventilated

How do I know he would fit on this list?

Do you think people will ever let the 80's and 90's just fucking die?
I don't mean to sound like a joyless asshole, but I feel like a lot of people obsess over those periods of time a bit too much.

Nineties nostalgia hasn't even properly begun yet.

It will die in 20-30 years when people start obsessing about this time period

I wish I could feel this level of excitement for something.

the good news is, yes it will die, the bad news is it will just be replaced by late '90s early 2000s nostalgia just like the 50's nostalgia in the 80's

The economic boom of the 80s and the internet boom of the 90s created a lot of disposable income amongst the average American family, leading to good times and things to do. I think that's why it might be so nostalgic for people. People weren't as sad and depressed back then and I think social media has played a part in the depression of people today. So they look back before social media with rose colored glasses when it was, in fact, a better time for most Americans.

alternatively most of the people who wank nostalgic over it were either children or not even born at the time, and have a skewed perception as a result

Yeah, I mean everybody is going to be nostalgic for their childhood.. especially when everyone is depressed now a days.

>80s nostalgia began around 20 years ago with this movie
>20 years later they're still doing 80s nostalgia, even though most nostalgia trends only last 10 years