Why is she so perfect

Why is she so perfect

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You're a horny teenage juggalo

She's a rapist

Sorry, but this version is better.

You think she did anal with Dick?

I wanna do anal with dick

Everyone does anal with Dick


She isn't. She's criminally insane and needy.

Do those still even exist? I would think the old generation grew up and the youth nowadays doesn't give a shit about artists like that.

the new voice is cringe as hell

I miss Tara Strong

I want her to sit on my face and do that.

Why the fuck would you want someone equally terrible? Hynden Walch did Harley better than Strong.


This is the best version of Harley Quinn

>actually looks playful and crazy
>BTAS Harley is pure Mary Sue character with fanservice

Harley pretty much only worked in the DCAU and related comics. Every other appearance has been awful because she was developed with that specific Joker and universe in mind, and she doesn't work outside that context.

TB's Harley was fine, granted she had the exact same dynamic with a highly similar Joker, and didn't have her fling with Ivy.



>and didn't have her fling with Ivy.

Truly saddening


Well then...

Eh TB Ivy is a lot different from BTAS Ivy it wouldn't have worked as well.

Fair enough. Awful was probably a strong word.

To be fair, Ivy was significantly younger than Harley in that show so I can see why the showrunners may have avoided going that route with the two of them.

>new voice sounds more like Arleen Sorkin.
>(You) want Ms. Tara "Shoots Shady Amateur MILF Porn to Support Her Cocaine Habit" Strong to come back

Show me where to find this MILF porn user.

>that framerate

those titties

file size limit?


Actual video. The whole movie is kinda cheaply made.

BTAS literally created the character

It's an interesting re-design, but the character loses a lot when you can't see her eyes.

Direct to video is cheaply made? No way

The new movies have small budgets

I would like to second this request. The court demands evidence for such claims!


Sometimes it's the other way around. Batman lost a lot before you couldn't see his eyes.

flat fucking ass

Dont hate her for it, she was born with no-butt syndrome. poor woman must suffer horribly from sitting directly on her spine

I pretty much grew up with BTAS, Batman/Superman Adventures, Batman Beyond and Justice League (Unlimited)

Basically all those series and shows basically had pretty close, realistic depictions of what every villain should be

For example
>BTAS Penguin was a high class mobster who had a thing for birds and penquins
>Even Arkham City made him out to be a thug
>But the Batman went back to making him some eccentric weirdo that probably fucked his birds
>Even the Joker was some lunatic hobo looked like some 9 year old would design

>Batman logo on back

Did I miss something? Is this from that Arkham Knight abomination or Injustice?

All the girls in every NRS game has no ass, that's why I play SFV

Injustice 2

Tara sucks at Harley though.

Lmao no the FUCK it's not

Relax, guys. I was just joking about her looks. There's no such thing as Tara Strong porn...

Why isn't this a thing IRL?

Sure Edgy is edgy and always appeals to idiots, ie- teenagers


Oh I'm sure there is, maybe not official, but she's the kind of person that definitely makes boatloads of homemade. With her open, attention-seeking personality, you can tell that if she wouldn't have to consider her professional standing, she would flood the net with pornography.

Maybe one day her phone will get hacked and a sex video of hers will leak out. You never know.

Teenagers aren't people stuck in a time-loop. Tastes change. I doubt there are a lot of teens still listening to Linkin Park, Saliva, Green Day. Blink and Good Charlotte. I bet most of them don't even know what that is. Same as our generation of teens didn't listen to whatever the fuck 80's kids listened to, OG rap maybe?

The only constant is The Beatles. Teens from every decade discover and listen to them.

And she has a whole line of these into her mouth shot videos. She's probably is singlehandedly responsible in the coming spike of milf- and vorefags.

1. It would never fly in America, because the internet left would try and get it shut down for "degrading women"
2. Japan has their own fictional characters to fill their restaurants with, dressed in skimpy clothing

Yeah right, next thing you'll tell me every teen listened to Talking Heads. Don't judge from personal experience.

>How dare those women have a job!?
>They belong in the kitchen!

>Teens from every decade discover and listen to them.
>every teen listened to Talking Heads.
>every teen
One of these statements is not like the other.
I said that teens of every decade listen to the Beatles, not every teen. Go watch a Kids React or Teens React video about The Beatles and try to say otherwise.

First of all, who the fuck watches that shit? Are you a normalfag in the 60+ demographic? Also I've seen a few scenes from that and they look like hipsters. Of course a hipster would listen to old popular stuff, on vinyl no doubt.

Para ti: youtu.be/J8-8XDw5RfU

Please tell me there is rumors of a PC Version? might be another bugged piece of shit but i need the models goodanmit!

Fuck me, that was terrible. I had my hopes up, but Bruce Timm just going crazy.

I remember going to a figure drawing session where the model was dressed like the Harley in OP's picture. She was pretty cute, and was clearly having fun with her role.

Shes only good cause she associates her self with the cutest autist in comics

Her left hand is going pretty low.


Floronic Man

Ivy and Harley's relationship is built on the fact that they are always fighting the urge to fuck each other. Sometimes they win but then sometimes they win

nice try

at best, a level four intellect

he is so good in the game

She's got a likeable personality.

Was that girl dressed as Granny Goodness?

>attractive girls holding each other
>evil monster summons tentacle
Was I the only one who expected a different kind of ending?

kek, so many people notice her

Where can I find my own, personal Harley Quinn?

You are not enough Batman/Joker. She is cute and quirky around capes but average guys get their hands broken...

I'll just learn gymnastics and get super strong, then cosplay in a night wing costume and call myself

So, it's time to become a superhero.

>When memes become real


Truly the thinking mans way to go


I'd like to let her suck at some other things, if you know what I mean.

god this was fucking shit
if it wasn't the stupid blaming society politic green peace message from the villains or the retarded ending
are we suppose to feel sorry for a sociopath who aided and abetted a psychopath, who committed murder her self and then gets all teary eyed cause she has no future.
and dont get me started on the implid rape and sexism shit
fuck cant we just a fun super hero vs super villain story with out all the political shit
the idea of turning the world in to plants was kinda dumb but it work until evil swamp thing had to explain everything
it had its moments when ever Harley got punched but her voice really got on my nerves
the animation was really spotty
it was really a waste of time

>It would never fly in America
>Get shut down for degrading women.
Then why are stripper joints still around? What in the fuck is Hooters?

Is that edited or something? I have trouble believing they'd actually go for fart jokes like that

It's not edited, first fart joke I've laughed at ever as well

>oh noes, what if muh children accidentally walk in and see superheroines in small skintight costumes
The problem is that comic books are for kids. It is okay dressing up slutty at cons, maybe making the costumes even more skimpy because it is accepted as some weird halloween party. But as soon as you try to make something more adult oriented in public you'll get shut down by the prudes.

DC and Marvel comics are getting more mature and adult of late, wouldn't the general public accept an idea like this now?

I'm pretty sure Hooters is family friendly. Besides there is nothing wrong with opening a cafe place with skimpy waitresses based off of DC Heroes and what not. They are already lewd plus simply say nobody under 16 can get in unless with parents.

>Hooters is family friendly
Really? Women allow their husbands/boyfriends to take the family to a slutty bar?


This is what happens when someone lives in a bubble where "teh SJWs" dominate their attention. They forget that 95% of the world doesn't give a fuck.

>sex videos where she uses her raven voice

>in the future we will be able to buy perfect harley quinn ai girlfriends

Fun fact: Granny was actually hot and busty when she was younger.

I feel bad for her son, when he gets to high school this shit is gonna haunt him.

>>Falls for Ape Joker
