For me? It's Colin Quinn!

For me? It's Colin Quinn!

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Hope he doesn't die


poor quinny

egh, oh its nothing, i just come on Sup Forums this morning and user is shitposting about me heghh..
cant believe im getting roasted by a guy whose last major achievement was getting a rejection letter from a job application

Why are all the good ones dying first?

RIP comedian's comedian

one day newfags won't remember the classic memes

For me? It's Anthony "back alley tunisian knife fighter" Cumia!

based colin quinn thread spammer

This tbqf

c o l b o y s

For me? It's Gregg "Opie" Hughes!

For me? It's Patrice O'Neal

For me? I'ts Bob Kelly.

It's finally catching on my dude, persistence wins out.

>Colin will die before Artie and Blobby Kelly

"the comedian's comedian"

>Colin Quinn and Bobo will never get a late night show, but pissy-eyed faggot Jimmy Kimmel does.

he is almost as persistent as ledecky poster

well he is

The comedian's comic

You know what duuude, ya got ya chronic obesity, ya got ya clogged arteries and boom! Colin Quinn has a cardiac arrest before you do.

How would Patrice have reacted?

spot on, even read it in his stupid voice

Sad, obv he looked up to Colin as a father figure and as a comedian. But knowing everyone from the cellar he be ridiculed by it he would just make a joke he had a heartattack before his own diabetic ass.

Didn't Colin recently have a heart attack or a stroke...or something??? I hope that nigga aight.

CQ and Ron Bennington are the only celebrity deaths that will legit upset me quite a bit.

Based Patreecky.

I really wish he was back and in good health. He wouldn't buy into this Black Panther shit. And if he did he'd do it to be contrarian and provoke arguments and make everyone laugh any way.

Bob and Vos are at their best when they're not even trying to be funny.

If Patrice was alive today he'd be guesting on Chapo Trap House senpai.

My fav Bobby Kelly bit on O&A was when he called in and they all started riffing "fa la la la" fat jokes for 5 minutes straight, even Tom Papa was having a go and then they switched back to Bobby on the phone and it was the disconnected tone.
Imagine fat Bob being excited to call his friends and telling them about his vacation and it just ends up like this.