Previously, on Trip drama:
Previously, on Trip drama: >>94705422
Other urls found in this thread:
first for kill cws . let a new stream be born.
>putting the subject in the name field
nth for keep Judy muted.
The Girl Who Waited is playing in CWS right now, Terror of the Zygons will be immediately after. cytu.
this is the first time i fucked this up. i think its an impressive fuck up though. I'm proud of myself
We can't use this thread, it doesn't show up if you search.
that might be for the best, to give /who/ a chance to calm down after all the excitement
Kinoest TARDIS exterior yet.
Hopefully the interior will be just as kino
Is this the /r/gallifrey Discord or a gay porn one?
oh fuck off
has the last day not taught you that the absolute last thing /who/ needs is mandatory usernames and authority hierarchies
flip a coin
This is how thread wars begin.
the gay one doesn't say doctor who
t. posted the gay one before
is it too late to make a new one, then let this one die?
we already have that. it's the sleam.
the last thing we need right now is a mod on our tail getting mad about duplicate threads
was anyone else warned for being off topic last thread?
You don't need to spoiler that
>that warm glow
really nice touch, the last few just felt to much
like a display set, not something living
What is your favourite episode written by Chris Chibnall?
now THIS is the best way to derail a thread
There are no good episodes dude just let the thread die instead of asking these boring dry ass questions.
What as deleted in last thread?
>Doctor Who
I have no idea what the economics would be, maybe it'd have to be higher honestly, who knows how they keep afloat.
Yeah I think there might be enough superfans like us to justify it. It'd be cool if they could use the analytics to see how long people listen to certain stories and stuff like that to, like Netflix does, more in-depth data than just "customers bought this".
>What is your favourite episode written by Chris Chibnall?
Broadchurch episode 7? ;)
I rather like Chinballs' Who episodes
42 is exciting as fuck, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is fun as fuck and Power of Three is comfy as fuck for 90% of it.
Silurian episodes are good but the human side of it is meh
The Power of Three but I still don't think it's that good
I'll ask again here but much much would you pay a month to stream all of Big Finish's content?
Reminder for the /who/ ranks who chart
spotify rates so like 6 bucks
Fuck off you already ruined the last thread.
red pill me on last thread's drama
fuck off
Judy caused Lymerence to have a mental breakdown.
Broadchurch 8 and Adrift from Torchwood are Chibnall's best works
fun fact: chibnall didnt write the end of power of three, someone else finished it
Because those are the only things you watched that were written by him?
What was deleted?
For Spotify I pay like 30 AUD a year to some rando in Sydney to pretend me and a bunch of other blokes are a family in Sydney, so we can get the family plan all cheaper, works great
P.S. > Dinos on a Spaceship > Power of Three > rest
You're not helping.
Stop trying to derail the thread dude. This is why you're the worst trip.
Really? What was the original planned ending? Or was there none?
No, because I watched them and thought they were the best
Is this really so unbelievable that you had to give me a smug (You)
Reposting this for an update.
read the thread yourself, it's better for everyone if we move on from it
kinda, please stop
you're riding a thin line before people start going after you the same way they do the other trips
Reminder that Lymerence is such a faggot that /who/ would rather defend Judy than defend him.
fuck offerino
there was originally an expensive action scene at the end. it was supposed to escalate to massive danger. chibnall was gone so another person rewrote it
t Lym
How new are you?
Everybody knows that Kinda is the worst trip.
>"As the Americans say... screw you, petal!"
>"The man who delivered the letter... Anthony. Be nice to him, because he's your grandson."
>"Aw, Berlin"
>"She's SO right, it's EMBARRASSING."
>"When was the last time you came so hard and so long you forgot where you are?"
>"It was also when we realized something the Shakri never understood, what "cubed" actually means.
>The Power...
>of Three."
>"That night, we camped on a beach in Brittany. It got so freezing we wore our coats and shared one sleeping bag. When we woke up the next morning, a dog was pissing on our tent. Hold me, Ianto."
-Chris "If it sounds awkward, I've written it" Chibnall
Is it bad that I'm laughing a bit at the Lym bullying? It's so ridiculous it's funny
It just means you're based as fuck.
t. Nilso
it stops being laughable when it actually hurts him
That P.S. minisode thing is such a generic bit of drama desu I can't relate to the love for it
>implying that's not the best possible result
t Lym
It really isn't.
that shit stops being funny when you actually know someone who has been depressed
Just makes it funnier knowing how pathetic they are that they pretend to be in love with some goth girl from a fan film.
To be fair Lymerence is such an easy target that even Judy started bullying him.
That's kinda pathetic.
Shit, true.
Alright, I apologize.
Don't. It's hilarious.
That's what you sign up for when you trip up. How have people not realized this already?
Judy tried to be friendly with lym, but he just ignored
Terror of the Zygons about to start in CWS
this but unironically
fuck off with your garbage stream
Can we please bully Chris Chibnall instead
Samefagging this is not going to work. If you're that insistent on /who/ abandoning CWS for a new channel, I've got an idea - go make it yourself and see how successful it is!
No, I'm over most of the trips to be honest. I'd only keep a small handful and purge the rest
He deserves everything.
Remember when we got an user here saying that TNG was better and more mature than Who?
And we had some fun discussing with him?
good times
t. Nacho
Keep who?
That was literally a day ago. Wow it's almost like /who/ goes up and down in quality all the time.
Favourite music from TUaT?
I really liked this variation on A Good Man and Vale
The music at the "709 episodes ago" segment that melded into All The Strange Strange Creatures was pretty cool
I Am The Doctor variation in the Doctor of War clip sequence
Doomsday variation when 1 is talking to Bill
Breaking the Wall variation in 12's last speech
Here's a suite of pretty much all of TUaT's music. A few cues, like 9/The Doctor's Theme, the very last bit of music in the episode, some of the repeated motifs, were just pulled directly from earlier eps.
The Doomsday variation for sure.
Fuck off, faggot. /who/ likes Judy more than they like you.
This any good?
Daps. That's it.
That's a great one. What did you think of when it played in the episode? Did you like how Marigold reappropriated old themes for different characters?
Do you want the long answer or the short answer
This episode seemed like they'd just remembered all the best pieces from RTD's era and decided to cram them all in.
I'm not knocking it, it works. it gives it a weird sense of finality.
I'm not doing anything, give me as long as you got.
Yeah, I seriously loved it. It just works. I wish the scene was longer though.
My theory is that marigold expected it to be his last episode (whether or not it was, we still don't know - maybe he didn't either) so he got all sentimental
It will be hilarious if it wasn't even Marigold's last ep, that would seem even more absurd then.
Okay, well my thoughts are...spoilers for 8's audios here...back in the audio EDAs, I applauded Big Finish for tackling Susan head-on, including her, having her meet up properly with the Doctor again (and not in a very rushed way like The Five Doctors), elaborating on her life post-The Dalek Invasion of Earth, and actually using her as an important character in new Doctor Who stories.
Except…did they actually tackle her head on? Phil Sandifer uses a Neil Gaiman quote about Susan Penvensie to define the issues surrounding Susan as “the Problem of Susan”, the difficulty writers have with really digging into Susan as a character, considering the implications of her being the Doctor’s grandaughter and an active agent in her own right, the conflict that the existence of Susan presents later characterisations of the Doctor, and so on. I think Big Finish get credit for addressing the “Problem of Susan” merely by using her at all, but I remain hesitant to give them that much credit.
Did they really have her meet up properly with the Doctor again? For allthey're together in EDA S4, they never stop and have an actual proper conversation about their lives, their past, Gallifrey and so on. They talk about the active plot of the day, or they talk obliquely in continuity references. Some of the best writing in Doctor Who has come from writers unafraid to leave their mark and upset the status quo, just look at Holmes or Moffat. Big Finish can coast off using her at all, but I do not believe they truly iterated on the character in any meaningful way.
Were her interactions with 8 really that much less rushed than The Five Doctors? They certainly never stopped to have an actual conversation revealing substantial depths to their characters or pasts we weren’t aware of at the very least implicitly before.
Stop bullying Lym, Cats was the bad influence
Did it really elaborate on her life much? I’ll give them that to a degree, they did work on the worldbuilding of Earth post-The Dalek Invasion of Earth.
Did it really use her as an important character? She was immediately sidelined by her son, Alex, and the biggest problem of all comes for me here. Lucie Miller’s death works very well in To the Death, it is a big moment in Doctor Who and perfectly played. Tamsin’s death works in a very different way, almost the opposite way, but it works as well. Both deaths feel real and characters react with the appropriate emotional responses. But when Alex dies, all we seem to get is Susan screaming. Once. Her last conversation with 8 resorts back to “reference past continuity” mode as a retread of the “one day, I shall come back” speech is trotted out again, and the both of them refuse to act like actual characters with actual emotions. Her son died. His great-grandson died. And they basically don’t comment on it at all. For all the strengths of To the Death, I fear it falls into that disappointing tradition of Doctor Who stories so adrift from realistic emotional responses (such as Amy and Rory’s relatively casual attitude to the events of Series 6) that it breaks the immersion and the story itself.
So, enter All Hands on Deck. A story entirely from Susan’s perspective elaborating on her life post-To the Death. There was a real opportunity here to “right the wrongs” of her past characterisations, so to speak. To really elaborate on her psyche, how she coped post-To the Death. The format of Short Trips gives the entire story to Carole Ann Ford, giving her and the writer all the room to make the story entirely about her and her psychology, as much as 12 had Heaven Sent to himself, if not more, considering the more intimate circumstances smaller-scale audios like this are written in. So, how did the audio do?
(Next post will start spoiling the audio specifically, you might wanna skip that)