How long until Rotten Tomatoes no longer allows audience scores, the same way netflix did?

How long until Rotten Tomatoes no longer allows audience scores, the same way netflix did?

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soon hopefully

Some other site will pop up and take its place like it did with imdb.

Netflix is an audience upvote/downvote. What are you talking about

Used to be able to give out stars

not long

It'll go up like the IMDB score did. It was frontloaded with 1s from trolls before it even released

A reminder for brainlets

>Audience - 4/5
>Critics - 8.3/10 = 4.15/5

Reminder they will ban you for fraudulent looking reviews. If you bomb it, make sure to give it 1 or 1 and a half stars and write something about the movie like "I didn't like the CGI" or something

Why would you bomb it in the first place

autism. I bombed last jedi even though I liked it just for the lulz

Makes sense then.

imdb was at like 6.4 at one point. Now its above 7

>literally on netflix right now
>yes you can upvote or downvote
>however you can not see other people's votes
>go to website
>can't see it on netflix website either
All you're doing is free marketing and analysis for them so they can shill you more shit. Instead of letting you review the product for other people who follow in same circles of product.

the scores are wildly different between everyone and a bunch of things don't even show you a score

Sure you did shillboi

That just means that people either gives it 1 or 5.

Rotten tomatoes already said that few people did it though, so your vote alone is not relevant at all

Eh, Idk. It's already got about half the audience scores it's gonna get. And it's gone down again. This is probably a pretty good indicator of where it's gonna be at. There aren't actually that many trolls to significantly alter a score.

I actually wrote a detailed review for black panther having watched it last night.
I kept prejudice to a minimum and actually reviewed the movie from a recording and artistic view.
Rotten Tomatoes refused to post it even though I gave it 2 stars, which is more than I thought it deserved.
They are clearly filtering reviews.

Daily reminder RT is a shill outpost


nah, Sup Forums definitely had an effect. the score dropped from around 70 to 48 over the course of a month

Does anyone know if there is a cam version of BP online?

Not yet, but there should be a Korean HC sub one any day now

It can't be racists because Jumanji where the protagonist is a mulatto got 90%
It can't be DC fans because Ragnarok and all MCU 2017 movies got 88/90%

So who did this?

>durr i started using netflix in the past six months i know what it always was

>ticket sales drop over the course of a month
>score drops over the course of the same month
>somehow an Irish whiskey brewing forum has an effect on either
If you really truly believe that Sup Forums or Russians or anyone else shilled that hard you're going to have a hard life.

The score almost always start higher, BvS was over 70% as well and now is 63%

Also I was here everyday there was no plans to raid this movie at all, in fact Sup Forums was sure the movie would get 90% score at least and got extremely surprised

It was the Star Trek cucks, they envy the power of the force.

Just rated it a half star out of 5

Is it possible that maybe people are getting sick of this?

People who thought the movie was shit IRL but damage control shills can't say that

>It can't be racists because Jumanji where the protagonist is a mulatto got 90%
I don't think even the Rock considers himself a nigger.

Deserved at least 4.143642/10 in my opinion; why are critics so harsh at times?

it's that and more

>Sup Forums seriously believes that Star Wars: The Last Jedi was unironically a 10/10 movie
Did you watch it? It deserves the rating it got from the audience. I would say it deserves lower, but the exact score shown on there is more than fair.
No one is buying the agenda that it was somehow rigged to lose.

Ok ADL and ABC, I thought you learned your lesson from yesterday about posting on Sup Forums and using your own post as a source.

its a marketing tool. They don't want super low scores opening weekend to fuck their bottom line. How is this not hard to understand?

but 8 is bigger than 4

Is this true? Holy shit.

It's quite good bvious that the audience score would be higher if it weren't for Sup Forums

>inb4 muh Sup Forums boogeyman
There was a thread a few days ago where those no life losers were mass one starring the movie on IMDB. Talk about being this much of a loser.

It's the same thing as the RT score right now

they got butthurt that multiple netflix original shows and movies got horrible ratings with their own rating system so they said fuck it and removed the rating system entirely

>Netflix does not show other users' scores
>it's the same as Rotten Tomatoes!
yeah, it's not

Was there a change in the content netflix keeps "creating"? Why the fuck do they want the audience score if they don't do anything with it.

wtf are you on about?

I believe it was the Amy Schumer special that started this

This anonymous user is right, movie is a masterpiece, only racist don't like it.

I didn't say it was a masterpiece retard

It is tho. We need more movies like this one. A lot more.


Yes it's true, it started with Amy Shekels stupid standup got rated the lowest rating of any Netflix show ever with some of the highest amount of review on record (at least 5-10k, can't remember exact numbers).
They were so out of touch with the audience and lost a ton of money buying her special for no one to watch it. They were afraid of other users not watching it due to the super low rating. Which would cost them a shit ton of money. So they have officially removed all reviews.
When up upvote or downvote all you are doing is giving their marketing team data on what trends people are moving to without risking YOU the users refusing to watch a show because it has 1k+ 1 star reviews.
It's a scam and the reason I left Netflix.

HULU is a lot better, same system however it is slightly geared towards the original Netflix system.
If you(Anon1) and Anon2 like two of the same shows, it starts a loop where it will begin to recommend a new show that Anon2 has started watching.
If you continue to vote positively Anon1 will stay on the same path as Anon2 and you will both keep popping up new shows/movies for eachother. If you dislike a certain amount of shows it removes you from Anon2 and puts you with Anon3. Eventually down the road you are placed in larger groups of like minded people eventually entering AnonymousGroup1. It takes a large amount of deviation to end a connection with a group as they have thousands of users and the odds of you ever being placed in a group where you don't like the shows/movies is extremely low in the first place. So odds are all the shows recommended to you, you will want to watch.
Meaning very little money is wasted.
If a show gets no viewings, it is quickly replaced as it's a time waster.

>How long until Rotten Tomatoes no longer allows audience scores, the same way netflix did?

they ditched their forums just like imdb did, so probably soon

they may not completely remove it, but it'll be far less prominent on the page. you'll have to scroll down or something.

>Some other site will pop up and take its place like it did with imdb.

>Netflix is an audience upvote/downvote.

no it isn't. the green number is "similarity" to things you've liked, that's all.

The thing is Netflix is going to be scared straight once Disney emerge on the scene.

Hulu will be part owned by Disney so expect some kind of bullshit to start there soon.

Before you think i'm trying to trick you into anything, I'm not, if Netflix doesn't change it's ways then fuck it too, just walk away, it's the only way they all learn, fucking starve the beast.

Wouldn't be surprised if it were a false flag. Set up some operation to get a few hundred braindead trolls combined with some false flaggers to get a smattering of fake "fuck black people, WE WUZ lol"-tier negative reviews, lump all the legit negative reviews in with the easily proven to be bullshit ones, then shut it all down because of "review bombing" when maybe only 5% of the negatives were actually bullshit.

time to stop paying for streaming services and just go back to pirating

Rotten Tomatoes is an ally to alt-right and a partner in their crimes.

Netflix offers nothing of worthwhile value outside their original series and even that is HIGHLY debatable from show to show.
Disney will not add anything that will save Netflix, the only thing that can save Netflix is going back to how Netflix was pre 2010.

HULU is completely worthwhile.
I get high quality content of a great variety.
for horror movies I use Shudder, which is extremely low price and has hundreds of horror movies.
The two together equates to nearly everything I would ever need to watch for years.
The only thing I would ever need to pirate is very specific shows like Anime/etc.

When I was deployed I pirated quite a bit, but honestly user we are moving away from pirating due to a large amount of shows and movies exiting their copyright limitations. Dropping the price of nearly all movies from the 1900s-1980s to dirt cheap.
A lot of movies are flat out free.
I really have no interest in pirating a tv show from 2018 when it isn't even of good quality.


Why does this movie trigger the light and alt right so hard

Nice false flag shill

i liked how google played for a while with tags when you search for a movie
they had options like good/bad effects, acting, action packed, boring etc. which beats the hell out of a fucking score that most people will go one extreme or the other if they liked the movie or not

because it makes black people look good.



Asgard had to be made multiracial, because it would be racist if it remained pure white.
Wakanda had to be kept pure black, because it would be racist if they made it multiracial.

"Diverse" just means "not white". "Racist" just means "not anti-white".

It's past time for white normies and our political leaders to refer to this openly as an established and obvious reality.

>using an aggregate review site that allows """"""critics"""""" to be given serious authority on whether a movie is good or not

>multiracial Wakanda wouldnt make fucking sense
>WHy not a multiracial Asgard they are aliens

I am annoyed that this piece of shit is getting more praise than actual good Films that stared black people. The praise for this movie goes so far as to become full circle and racist in itself. Everyone is praising it like the first black movie in history.

That's a capeshit problem, not a black movie problem. Capeshit films steal way too much attention.

Except that there is whites in comics Wakanda including the white boy who was raised by the previous king and current leader of the secret police

In the source comics, Asgardians weren't aliens, they were simply the Norse gods with no nod to a "scientific" explanation. They felt free to change that.

If they changed Asgard that much, they could change Wakanda as much as they wanted to make it make sense for it to be multiracial.

"Diverse" just means "not white". "Racist" just means "not anti-white".

It's past time for white normies and our political leaders to refer to this openly as an established and obvious reality.

Nice reddit spacing. However it's clearly not true. Jack Kirby's old gods, i.e. the original intent behind the marvel Thor universe disproves that.

The movie is literally about the monarchist walled off patriarchal ethnostate ruled by blood royalty that is attacked by American nigger. Are you retarded?

>Jack Kirby's old gods, i.e. the original intent behind the marvel Thor universe disproves that.

>completely different project for a different publisher
>"but it's the project he wanted to do, so it's the ORIGINAL INTENT"
>ignores decades of actual comics where this "original intent" wasn't followed or hinted at

Stop making excuses. "Diverse" just means "not white". "Racist" just means "not anti-white".

It's past time for white normies and our political leaders to refer to this openly as an established and obvious reality. We are under attack and will lose everything if we don't defend ourselves.

>Fraudulent looking reviews.

Wtf is that

People pre-emptively spamming BP with "WE WUZ KANGZ" reviews for trolling purposes

>space cop cites a DC property to indict a Marvel topic
>fucks off to another thread to say "roastie" some more
>wew lad

How low will it go?

Didn't they stop the star ratings because of Amy Schumer?

the rock is not a mulatto he is black/pacific islander and he does consider himself mixed his father is black. he was literally in the black power group during his WWE career.

>It was frontloaded with 1s from trolls before it even released

imdb outweights troll reviews with written reviews from active users that just don't score one or two movies