And that's a good thing
How is this a bad OR good thing? It's just going to happen.
This, it's only bad if you care about "race" (LOL!)
>it's an inevitably, goy
No, you just change the laws you fucking kike
Fuck yeah, it is. A race that can't or won't reproduce like normal fucking humans because they are too fucking hedonistic and/or self-absorbed deserves to be wiped out. It's just evolution running it's course.
It was never going to happen until a jew introduced the 1965 immigration act.
It’s also still not inevitable if enough white people wake up. This nation wasn’t founded as a breeding farm for shitskins.
Without resorting to generalization or stereotypes, explain why a mixed-race majority is a bad thing. You literally can't.
>why lining up disney's pocket is a good thing
>It’s also still not inevitable if enough white people start having more children.
Fixed that for you. Why don't you blame white people for viewing kids as economic/social bondage? I guess you cant enjoy all the accumulated wealth when you have to give it to little ungrateful rug rats.
Cauc-Asian countries are the only successful ones...and that's a bad thing!
>le 56
O nononononononononononononononono look at these dudes! LOOK AT THEIR ETHNIC REPLACEMENT AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Lets be honest, a good amount of those whites are actually hispanic and mena shitskins
Even though nothing indicates white population will decrease let's assume it will for the purpose of our alarmist infographic.
>mfw I'm brown with a big, fat long cock and I exclusively fuck white women
I'm up to 14 now, hoping to get to 15 soon
>I'm brown
fuck off
white women belong to black gods
Decreased IQ by a full standard deviation. Mixed kids are alienated by their black peers and try to overcompensate by trying to impress them (gangs, crime).
Zero heritage or identity. Massive self esteem issues. White kids treat them with indifference which clashes with how the mixed kid's white parent treats them like KANGZ N KWEENZ WHO DINDU NUFFIN FOR INFINITY and they all end up with a massive chip on their shoulder.
If you want to take a shit in your own genepool go right ahead. Just don't be surprised when all everyone else ever does is shit in it too after seeing you do it.
White women belong to colored men in general
they're not sending their whitest folks
>without resorting to generalizations
learn to read Drumpftard.
>Refute this without refuting this
Nigga if you're gonna fish for (You)s use decent bait. (You) withheld until you get your shit together.
Of course I can. You’re simply ignorant on this topic. For one, lower IQ. Secondly, read Robert Putnam’s work. Less sense of community, less social trust, less empathy, less shared identity, etc. Also worse health, greater violence, greater government dependency, less productivity, etc.
Whites are a small minority in the world. Nonwhites can fuck off.
>have many friends
>parents that love you
>"oh no I look different and it makes me feel bad"
Because they work long hours to subsidize non-white breeding and they’ve been brainwashed by Jewish media that kids are “rugrats”.