
stoya in a sci fi movie

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Isn't she crazy?

I think I prefer her when she's getting fucked stupid.

She's a reddit tier porn star, so who cares?

How much dick did she take for that role?

Stoya is always win.

Looks ok, but the title is shit.

why do cute, model-tier girls go into porn in the first place?

seriously? another fembot goes bad story?

an easy way to rebel/get attention


Too short to do actual modelling

Name a more overrated porn star. At least Sasha Grey had that bunny girl buttplay vid with Dana Dearmond. Stoya was always boring

Nothing is worse than a “top 5” pornstar who is a huge prude


Stoya had some good scenes but Sasha has the assets

>Look at the OUTRAGEOUS le faces I'm making! I'm SOOO surprised at how good sex feels even though I do it for a living!!1! xD
Do redditors really get off on this retarded shit?

And how many people did she threaten to #metoo?


>i was raped
>but i won't go to the police
>i'll post it on twitter instead

Mean while no one gave a fuck because he still has a job. Stoya is an overrated whore.

So its a low budget shitty horror version of "the passengers"? Thank you, but I think I will pass.

>Another Jew rapist
What a surprise.

Stoya tried to make it on the whole "too pretty for porn" vibe. That shit doesn't last unless you're doing some wilder stuff or have some other appeal.

twitter is the new police

Good girls go to the police. Actresses, porn stars, and otherwise degenerate women dont trust cops. Stems from their daddy issues.

Any movies with her?

She just described half of his scenes. Reminder that he's women's favorite pornstar

these people genuinely are able to completely forget everything they see on a screen is doctored, altered, fake, synthetic, planned, intricately choreographed and then filmed with a large group of teamsters standing around, at no point do they not believe Stoya is totally enjoying herself in a private moment during sex.
It's really weird to see people who fully buy in to fantasy like this.

the cronanbergs

she looks like a goblin there

I feel like gen z channers who like FAS face are starting to branch out into weirder shit.

jesus christ

Its competitive,whereas porn really isn't.

why hasnt this insipid piece of bipedal dogshit blown her fucking brains out yet


hello r*ddit

Get off the computer, mom.

Buncha James Deen fans in this thread

I want to so bad but idk how to stop

I stopped watching professional porn long time ago (with exception of some good vintage stuff). Loving amateur couples only.

Newfag pls go and stay go

not very bright are you?

Go get your eyeballs licked if you like Deen so much.


Well, at least it shows that people still have sex lives in space. It automatically gives the movie better characterization than most sci fi.

On the other hand, cinematography, especially this digital neon, is pure crass.

>reddit spaced post
>reaction image after 2010
>anime outside of the Sup Forumsutism containment board
>probably posted from a phone (no ending punctuation)
Yeah, no u are the newfag.

damn you're stupid

done the first part just got to apply the other two steps


Fuck off soccer mom.

This is a warning to all shitlords out there that you can't replace a strong independent womyn with lovebots so don't even try.

Why get into regular porn when you could just strike up a friendship/relationship with a photographer and start a fetish website?

Fetish is littered with uggos too. Anyone vaguely attractive would rake in the money.

oy vey

>We need to show boobs for at least 15% of the trailer to gain the interest of our tartget audience

am i?

please stop posting friend

didn't she accuse James Deam of raping her like a cunt? And she dated Masnon?
What kind of cuck do you have to be to idolize this roastie?

t Autist

>it turns out he's not a soccer mom, he's actually a trailer dwelling nazi who couldn't get his life together and blames jews for it
wew what a tweest

I don't think your average porn stars are known for long-term thinking or business savvy. Also, despite their willingness to fuck on camera, they can be prudish as well as Stoya has shown. Fetish stuff might be too weird for them.

she should get her fucking teeth cleaned.

>these people genuinely are able to completely forget everything they see on a screen is doctored, altered, fake, synthetic, planned, intricately choreographed and then filmed with a large group of teamsters standing around
Are you unable to enjoy movies as well?

Look how tiny Remy is . You can tell by her head to body ratio there. I see now she was always too smol for Hollywood.

>writes like a nigger
>defends "people" who don't belong here
Found the little kid under 25.
Thanks for the confirmation that you're a closet case and cancer.

Why though? Its not like if I stop watching porn I am magically going to get laid and it stops me from suicide over not getting any sex or affection. Why should I deny myself the pleasure of jerking it to whores on the internet? For what purpose?

holy fucking projection

Watching porn is a bad habit, and you know it.

>the toddler uses "projection" not realizing it's just "no u" - something a retard would say
Poor people should've never been allowed on the internet.

it is highly damaging to your dopamine receptors and too much fapping causes nerve damage and erectile dysfunction
it lowers testosterone and shorten your attention span
quitting porn is a small step to unfucking your shit

Pornography destroys your interior psychic world and replace it with a prebuilt disgusting one.
All that "no-fap" is bullshit, the real problem is fapping to porn, not the masturbation. If you feel the need to fap 10 times a day, then do it, but with your own fantasies.

Just try to remind your childhood and your pre-adolescent period, at that time you didn't need porn to get turned on. Now, if you're accustomed to porn, it will be very hard to simply masturbate without it.

The thing is that your creative power, comes mainly from your libido. Your sexual fantasies can be easily converted to a powerfull energy to create, think, or do other things. Sex takes an important part of your psyche, and is at the origin of a lot of its contents. By imposing its own degrading images and not letting you create your personal ones, watching porn will slowly degrade you're ability to create, because you will be used to have a pre-made material.

It's catastrophic because it impoverished your brain, you became lazy because all the images are available, and also you became more and more perverted because to be turned on, you always need more powerfull and chocking images.

Porn is bad for your psyche, and bad for your creative power. You should try to progressively reduce your consumption, and try to masturbate without it more and more until you're totally disinfected.

Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 1
Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 2
Pornography's Effects on Adult and Child
Your Brain on Porn

Eh I guess.

Just look at Bianca Beauchamp though. Hot French Canadian with a photographer boyfriend who ended up defining latex fetishism. Bet she still had fuckloads of subscribera paying her despite the downfall of other porn. They're also quite aggressive with take down notices; large porn sharing sites NEVER have stuff from Bianca for long.

99% of the time there's not even any nudity. Its basically just glamour but in latex and occasionally some light bondage or implied girl on girl.

Well being a man is about sacrifice user. You have to put in some time today to pay for tomorrow. Finding a job, working out, getting yourself stable. If you stop watching porn you won't get laid, but you might find something better to do with your time than obsessing over diseased roastie cunts.

>the redditors are coming out of the woodwork to defend their garbage taste in porn

Also way too fucking ugly

you were projecting and now claiming that im poor
but keep defending porn addiction for whatever reason, im sure its a good one

>it even writes like a poor person
kek when are you going to realize you're simply not even a person compared to me?


Is this chick a slut or is she a SLUT ?

Why are all women such whores, Sup Forums?
They seem so prudish in real life.

Pornography destroys your interior psychic world and replace it with a prebuilt disgusting one.
All that "no-fap" is bullshit, the real problem is fapping to porn, not the masturbation. If you feel the need to fap 10 times a day, then do it, but with your own fantasies.

Just try to remind your childhood and your pre-adolescent period, at that time you didn't need porn to get turned on. Now, if you're accustomed to porn, it will be very hard to simply masturbate without it.

The thing is that your creative power, comes mainly from your libido. Your sexual fantasies can be easily converted to a powerfull energy to create, think, or do other things. Sex takes an important part of your psyche, and is at the origin of a lot of its contents. By imposing its own degrading images and not letting you create your personal ones, watching porn will slowly degrade you're ability to create, because you will be used to have a pre-made material.

It's catastrophic because it impoverished your brain, you became lazy because all the images are available, and also you became more and more perverted because to be turned on, you always need more powerfull and shocking images.

Porn is bad for your psyche, and bad for your creative power. You should try to progressively reduce your consumption, and try to masturbate without it more and more until you're totally disinfected.

Wasn't that dude a convicted felon and is now dead? Not the person to be giving advice.


me too man


Yeah he killed some commie but he's not dead, he's aliver than alive

noep he is very much alive

It's the same as with any other drug, like smoking or alcohol, and anything else. You need a strong will to quit, but it's worth it in the end.

looks promising

Oops. Not dead. Just a degenerate criminal worshiped by people who couldn't get their lives together.
What a shame.

I agree that fetish porn is more lucrative and potentially better to preserve privacy depending on the niche. But, and I'm only assuming here, that it has higher start-up costs (finding a photographer/buying a decent camera) for someone wanting to make porn independently. Plus you have to create content and build an audience. All of this would likely take longer than just doing mainstream stuff but it would certainly pay off in the long run assuming he or she puts consistent effort into their output.

This thread is currently being raided by Sup Forumsedditor refugees. It's sad.

He's got a fucking youtube channel check it my man

>shorten your attention span

this sounds like it could be true but could you back it up please?

>check this white trash criminal edgeleord
Doesn't sound interesting.

>it is highly damaging to your dopamine receptors and too much fapping causes nerve damage and erectile dysfunction
>it lowers testosterone and shorten your attention span
There's no scientific evidence for this. It's just correlation without causation. Someone who jerks off twice a day probably has a lot of free, unstructured time, which could be because they are a NEET, incel, socially isolated, etc. They are also most likely someone who is on the internet constantly, and that combined with unstructured time leads to attention and time management problems. Jerking off a lot isn't the cause of any of those, it's a symptom, and not jerking off isn't going to solve anything.

kek. Is this some sort of trend?

is 2d ok

Neil Gaiman has quite a lot of influence. He helped Jonathan Ross's wife get into screenplay writing, and he probably helped Stoya after she dressed as Death and had a threesome with him and his wife.

Stop making sense! I want to preach to others even though my life is shit!

her teeth look fine you retarded amerimutt