didnt fassbender hit that?
That isn't Emily Vanthick or Hayley Atwell
la creatura...
she looks pretty le 100% face
I dunno, I'd say she's pretty much fully black (and if not, its impossible to tell really)
I hope so
Cute for a black chick
Would colonise and leave her a stipend while I was absent but when my business brought me back would pay her visits for more fucking while barely acknowledging my mudblood progeny running around her mud hut
You're kidding right?
The only good looking woman was Angela Bassett and only barely
The Ass is phat
>"Cute for a black chick"
>implying black girls aren't best girls
Based fass
Only niggers find huge asses appealing
100% racially pure waifu
It sucks she has small boobs and looks so ugly in Black Panthet.
Then call me Dolezal, because I'd take this over any flat-assed white girl
she's literally african
Newfag doesn't understand how to use the memes.
What music did he listen to and what flavor of vape did he smoke while fucking her?
Would bury my tongue in her booty pipe
>Best Marvelfu
>Not Mommy Karen Gillan
Karen Gillan as Nebula>Any other MCU Female
“Can You Get to That” by Funkadelic and Coconut Breeze
t. dicklet
excuse me niggas
where did you watch thor ragnarok? rarbg doesn't have the bluray rim
did you guys watched the web-dl version?
Hello tiny
Why haven't you taken the blackpill yet?
Just how small is that thing?
Based whitebois
Because I don't want to dishonor my ancestors by flushing my genetics down the drain procreating with a subhuman?
>Peggy Carter
>Black Widow
>Scarlet Witch
>Sharon Carter
>Betty Ross
>Christine Palmer
But no yeah this ooga booga is so much hotter all the magazines told me besides we JUST had a black president it’s 2018 I mean come on
sup reddit
They produce the worst looking babies
Pajeet/black have good babies for a mix
Sharon Carter a shit
Come on user, I know there are some unfortunate stereotypes floating around, but white guys aren't THAT bad.
>dishonor my ancestors
Yes sweetie. That's the reason you don't have a gf. A black one of course. Or any other one. But yeah. These roasties don't even DESERVE your 200pounds full of master race genetics
you tried
waste of a good meme
how small is it ?
Her face a CUTE
>white men have black gf
>it's model tier
>black men have white gf
>it's fat
why is this? Don't black men like good looking women?
How can i get a wife like this?
Nah, that isn't Shuri.
Shuri is love, Shuri is life.
It's like white men and Asian women.
Shuri is cuter but Lupita got a fat butt you could see it in everything she wore
Black women are the least desirable women, and white men are the most desirable men. A white man doesn't need to settle for an unattractive black woman. Black men are the least desirable men, while white women are the most desirable women. Black men have to settle for any white woman they can get. It's not hard.
whatcha think bout dat, black boi?
You just know this guy is a fatass or lanklet with bottom of the barrel genetics.
You people do know that white Africans exist? It's clear she has a good amount of white in her.
>white men are the most desirable men
>Black men are the least desirable men
not in America, white boi
>he forgot the first FIRST black President
>projecting this hard
>white africans
It's hardly projecting. Everyone knows the people that go online and base their entire persona around race do it because of their worthlessness as individuals.
With a whip many times. Don't steal soap.
>low test
t. doctor professor twostone
Post pics of ur micropenis
What year is it where you live?
how other would you describe it?
is spot on. What other explanation would there be?
for the love of the creator just give me a fucking jungle adventure!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA ROAAAAR"!!!!! JUST ONCE!
who is everyone? your commie friends?
There is nothing worse than seing a bf&wm.
>hating on niggers
Unfortunately, we can't be friends.
t. salty white bitch
she speaks like a mongrel
From that leaked fight scene of black panther and cheetah-man, I can already tell I'm gonna need subtitles for this one.
Gonna need some pics
She's literally autistic, /ourgirl/
the absolute state of soyboys
for reals? That does make me like her more for some reason.
First off fucktard, she speak like an Angel who descended from the Heavens to embrace us with her beautiful voice.
Second off, Black Panther is an AMERICAN film. That's right. Made here in America, not in the deep congo jungles of Africa. You don't need subtitles for shit, unless you're going blind and need glasses.
Do not ever talk shit about Shuri again, NEVER. Everybody else? Free game. Not Shuri.
The things I would do to Lupita's ass
>You don't need subtitles for shit, unless you're going blind and need glasses.
what did he mean by this?
low test soyboy detected
made for bbc
Shuri Is A FUCKING NIGGER and I will Rape in the ASS and jizz on her nigger face and cram my foot long cock down her throat until she passes out from loss of oxygen loss will film it and send it to you.
>rapist, unfaithful, liar
Yup, sounds black
small dick
I think all the soy is making you liberal sissies attracted to wide noses. Id day do the world a favor and get vasectomies, but you’ll never get laid anyway lol
Based magapede xd
this is your brain on Sup Forums
keep eating those redpills user, this is pure comedy
top right is the only non soyboy on that picture
this is how memes go to shit.
Thoughts on her toes during the car chase in korea?
Was kino imo.
Giv blek gf now!
soylent pede
that place is a toxi waste and i'm the kind of racist that wants people just to be honest with each other. /po/ is just a waste land.
Exactly the reason these couples were picked you fuckbrain
I'd fill her with my superior genes.