Make this Sup Forums related

Make this Sup Forums related


>Batman vs Superman is actually a good movie, you're just governed by the consensus created by men weaker than you

How did I do?

>you’re waifu got BLACKED


>there isn't even a pic of a woman
>still compelled to post this shit
you are brainwashed LMAO




xkcd is shit



Best one yet





fucking lmao

I can't im on a phone

Yet all I can think of is how horrifying life as a creature with a head that big would be.




Why do left wing memes suck so much?

Cheesefags btfo


Too soon

female dogs are called bitches so it works on two levels


Still not clever or funny

We have the authority on comedy here boys. No one else is allowed to post except for him.

audibly kek'd

Nobody said you couldn't post you triggerela

Got tired of your /ck/ thread huh?






fuck you

top kek

why do you bother posting then



try 30



So did he actually fuck his dog/get fucked by his dog? I know he advocates bestiality, but I don't follow things. Just thought his Neil Been reviews were funny and was very disappointed to find out his normal reviews were nitpicky and pretentious

Neil Breen*

He doesn't actually advocate bestiallity.
One of the injokes of his channel is him going on unrelated tangents being as edgy possible, like when E;R rants about gems.




>tfw never watched it
>Didn't lose all those years of watching one of the worst final episodes of all time



russian/nra/nazi/fascist memelord shit is in full damage control today eh



I cry



>being this passive aggressive and buttblasted
Never let the soy consume you user

Finale was unironically not bad. People just had unrealistic expectations because the marketing made it seem like the characters were just going to rattle off answers to the audience.

vegan dog

lol good post xDD




Fuck off


>Actively watching Lost and reaching season 6 in like two months like a year ago.
>Still have not watched the last 4 episodes of season 6.

I really want to go back to it but the whole reveal in the end has me salty.

he wasnt wrong, your cartoon was pretty shit

Sorry to disappoint


Around what time there are BLACKED threads?

I have never been into one.

well it was bound to happen sooner or later...


I can't believe you faggots are stupid enough to actually reply or you think your mother will die.


How would you do it Sup Forums?


>Oh no, it's retarded.

2 real… 2 REAL


Inb4 millions of big guy edits.





It is a legitimate concern for my mother, fuck you.

we're not your boys



Sup Forums, but very nice user

>la creatura...


