Shows up making literal ape noises, chimping out, and just being an overall stereotype

>shows up making literal ape noises, chimping out, and just being an overall stereotype
>ends up being maximum bro tier, a quipper, and loyal to his rightful king, even after being defeated by him

Based Man Ape was my favorite supporting character.

Other urls found in this thread:



Totally agree. He had a solid mini-arc.
Hopefully Get Out bro went on to get pegged by his waifu (who was also fantastic) with her spear for being an idiot.

This is likely just bait, but to clarify my OP, I really liked Mbaku. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that not only did he save Tchalla and keep him alive, he allowed him to take the flower juice, and fought by his side at the end.

Take note Kathleen Kennedy/Rian Johson. THIS is how you properly subvert expectations.

I liked how rejected the magic herb and just plain allowed T'challa to be cured with it

Wakanda suffers from cold????

I loved the unexpected payoff with the Rhinos. When you see the Rhino farm earlier, you're just like oh that's nice, but then when the armored ones show up at the end, that's a proper oh shit moment. The shot of get out bro mounting the Rhino, cape flowing, was badass.

>Wakanda suffers from cold????
Those characters in that scene are from the mountain tribe. They have snow up there.

Also his throne room was one of my favorite shots in the film.

Not just Rhinos, Rhinos with vitranium battle armor.

No, the ape tribe just chooses to live up in the mountains, isolating themselves since they don't 100% agree with how things are being run in wakanda.


The film used way more practical shots than most MCU movies. Big sets and fantastic aerial photography of african landscapes.

good to know is near kilimanjaro...

The waterfall footage is from Brazil though.

100% bros.
Also, tfw I was worried Mbaku was gonna get gored, before Okoye came through in the clutch
Lot of really great moments throughout the movie, but more than that, IMO It was the first Marvel movie I could remember since Winter Soldier that had an overall dramatic tone peppered with humorous moments that wasn't completely diluted by quips all movie long.
When Shuri filmed T'Challa testing the kinetic feedback "for research"

Besides the two villains and the only white guy who wasnt a villain the only entertaining character in the movie from wakanda

>the only white guy who wasnt a villain
Someone didn't stay until the end of the credits did they?

I was surprised how many fucking Black Panther characters they managed to fit into this without the movie feeling overstuffed.

When I heard the movie would have M'Baku and Killmonger AND Klaw i was convinced it would be a shitshow, but everyone felt like they got a good amount of screen time.

No i give two shits about marvel.
Me and a black buddy drunkenly and stoned paid 8 dollars to see jumanji which started exactly at 820. Got out of the theater shortly after ten buddy had to take a shit. Theater was empty i asked the girl if any other movies were playing and she said juat black panther.
So no considering i went from being pissed drunk and stoned to bone sober at 12:30 am when BPs end credits hit nah ill just read it online.

Klaw's death was still anti climatic as fuck though

Yea usually 3 villains is a clusterfuck (spiderman 3, batman & robin, Amazing spiderman 2). This movied used a ll three villians just right.

first act: history of wakanda, the moutnain tribe rejecting the king, and M'Baku battling for the trone

Second act: Klaw (carry over from Avengers 2) in Korea

Final act: Klaws minion is revealed as the real villain, only he is not really a villain. His claim to the throne is legit, he won the trial of combat fairly, and he perfomed the ceremony of the flower properly and met with his ancestors to confirm what being a king truly meant. To many people in Wakanda he gave them what they wanted: to no longer hide from the rest of the world.

>ill just read it online.
Now why would you do that when you could just ask?
Not everyone on Sup Forums is an asshole.
You may not know who this is if you give two shits about Marvel.

did he really won?
I recall T'challa saying that he didn't surrender

Well T'Challa lost the battle fairly and was thrown off a cliff, and his corpse was never found. That is a win and the fact that t'challa barely survived is only a technicality in the rules (submit or die).

>african landscapes

That is the proper term since those shots were in south Africa. The grassy hills in OP pic are siliam to what you see here:

>That is a win and the fact that t'challa barely survived is only a technicality in the rules (submit or die).

>two conditions of victory
>yield or die
>neither happened
>"Killmonger won, guize"
Aren't you supposed to be dead, Killmonger?

Black panther more or less miraculously returned from the dead. Kind of unprecedented circumstances.

And yet there weren't any rules against it.
Again, the rules were simple.
You win if you kill your opponent, or your opponent yields.
Neither happened. Killmonger was an idiot who didn't force the yield or confirm the kill.
As such, per the rules, he did not win, and there was no finality to the challenge until T'Challa prodcued it by sheathing Killmonger's spear blade in him.

>huge buff dudes
>apparently vegetarians
>can easily beat around people using only hardened wood
>also maybe immune to cold

man, Jabari grown vegetables must be powerful, maybe even soul stone powered

Yea T'challa's comeback was equally legit, not arguing that. Killmonger should have just put more effort in finding the body first but he was in too much of a hurry to be crowned king.

>Killmonger should have just put more effort in finding the body first
Dude, if he was trained special forces, he should have knived his neck, confirmed the kill, then tossed the body. He just assumed all over himself, and it came back to bite him in the torso.

The magic heart shaped flowers were for sure mutated and powered by the soul stone. The souls of fallen kings linger inside it and the living can speak to the dead.

It's not the fucking soul stone you morons. Drop it already

The soul stone is in Wakanda. That is why Black Dwarf (one of thanos' generals) attacks Wakanda in the infinity war trailer.

The movie is loosely following this story arc, so the gem/stone is definitely there.

brazil is like africa v2 though

Anyone else notice they cribbed a line from Hickman's Avengers when T'Challa tells Namor that every breath he takes is mercy from him?

Yea the MCU movies borrow a few liens from modern marvel comics. Civil war used a few borrowed lines too, especially the "when the world tells you to move" speech.

I have absolutely no problem with this. Lifting lines directly from the related source material is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a very in-character thing for panther to say.