Just give up your rights man

just give up your rights man



Fuckn faggot


This nigga cry when his phone autocorrects something he didn't want

>americana look for moral guide innate night television
Stupid mongrels

Just make it easy for people who are mentally ill and a history of domestic violence to get weapons designed for murder of as many people as possible.

>Thanks NRA

I think it's trying to communicate with us

>americana look for moral guide innate night television

hopefully someone shoots his retarded child

What rights? To shoot children? To buy assault weapons at walmart?

>"muh right to play with murder toys is more important than people's lives"

that's how stupid you all sound






Well, it's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.

You cannot buy assault weapons at walmart.

...the mutt recited, literally unable to form an independent coherent thought


This. Jimmy's son goes through too much...Trump is a monster.


I wish I could but assault weapons at walmart

I'm under no obligation to give up my right to defend myself because you did.

Edgy but also real. Shit you triggered me!

He's still just mad that a bunch of angry Protestants defeated the "greatest military in the world" back in the day.

America needs a nation wide gun buy back program funded by the tax payers, or a loan from other countries. Think of the children for Christ's sake

And you think criminals will just hand over their illegal guns?

Who's guns? Aryan guns? Proofs?

lol what

But it was a gun free zone guys why did he have a gun in a gun free zone?

does this faggot ever stop crying

This. All we need to do to end gun violence in Chicago is offer to buy their guns

whats the point of the moon anymore? someone should just nuke it


i think it's hilarious how american society is so sickened that it creates mass murderers out of its teenagers and all you can even formulate a thought on is how your property might be threatened

i'm not even in favor of gun control. you guys would just use knives anyway if you couldn't shoot anymore

Ameriburgers you should never give up your guns, just because a late night talk show host delivers the mandated emotions to the people.

Yeah it's gonna keep getting deleted.

Not an argument

I'm gonna buy more if anything.

Mutt mods can't handle the truth

>that sweet delusion
Here's your (You), you've earned it

i kind of agreed with this picture for a second untill i noticed the kid and came to the conclusion that people who cry about Sup Forums are redditors and Sup Forumsedditors

Gun crime in the United States is at an all-time low and the reduction has coincided with an increase in gun ownership. This is a fact.

>what right?
>user quotes the right

nigga he already won

An armed society is a polite society.

>Sup Forums cry about Sup Forums

The solution to mass murderers is mental health reform and getting the FBI to spend less time trying to stage a coup against a president and more time investigating people openly talking about planning mass shootings on social media, not outlawing guns.


>expecting any intelligence or reason from someone who posts amerimutts
Just walk away

Australia is much better than the shithole that is the USA

it boggles my mind how no liberals seem to remember this dude was the host of the fucking man show.

You should be hesitant to make fun of Americans when you come across this retarded

Burn the constitution

>tfw you want cars to be banned as they are a bigger threat to human life but no one is advocating for that

lmfao roofuckers actually believe this

Did you not think at all when you made this post.

The societal elite created this situation, they bred these mass murderers. Of course the violence would continue, they want it to so they can infringe on the right that threatens them.

Did the faggot really cry again? Or is it just a rehashed meme from the last time?

>country that was used by literal caveman, full of deadly spiders and aggressive kangoroos
>better than anything

>assault weapons
How does it feel to get scared by memes? Assault weapons aren't even a real classification. It's a term made up by the media to describe a scary looking semi auto.

Smoking kills more people than both yet it's still legal.

so the point you're making is that
pro Sup Forums=small fringe faction of reddit, extremely cancerous
anti Sup Forums=vast majority of reddit, extremely cancerous

Shoot all the people who own guns

nra plz fuck off

there is a way discuss without your invective

there are ways to cure the problem that does not trample our rights

He's the biggest fucking worm in Hollywood.

Imagine if George Washington saw these liberals crying about how we need to give up our guns. They'd be angry as heck!

More people commit murder with their hands. We should disarm all people at birth.

is this a pun?

There are soyboys on this board who got PTSD just from reading that.

anti Sup Forums is mostly made of people that have been browsing this place for years and don't want their main boards infested with mutts from Sup Forums

Remove all free will from people.

Good. Don't mess with Texas.


You're so full of shit

European here
Australia is in fact much better than the usa

Pretty poor example of a polite society desu m9

I missed it, did this cuck cry again ?

That's the goal, yes.

you wish

In what ways?

Correlation doesn't prove causation.
ALL crime in the US is at an all-time low, gun crime is just following the same trend.

I doubt the dead care whether it's an arab or a white dude killing them so why don't y'all get as mad at these killings as you got at the A-rabs for 911?


The lack of americans is the main selling point for me

underrated, fucking kek


You have to be a fucking retard to pretend reddit is anything but a cancer infested liberal shithole

Same. My state recently made it so you don't even need a ccw license to conceal carry now. My mark23 is too big and my p22 is only .22lr. What is Sup Forums's suggestion for a new carry gun?

Sure thing Ahmed

Lol noguns is mad


fucking pathetic

>that image
Did RLM really ravage Christian Harloff's psyche that much?

yeah dealing with the alpha dogs must be rough for yuropansies

How many kids did the Sup Forumstard kill in the last mass shooting?

CZ75 Compact.

lol. also it is 100% an act. i'm not even that cynical.this is embarrassing;


It still doesn't seem to indicate that gun ownership is necessarily inimical to low gun violence.

Childless amerimutt el goblino virgins cant empathize with people who actually had sex and created new life they cared for only to be killed senselessly. More at 11.


During FBI interviews 9/10 violent criminals have stated that they would never mess with a potential victim they even suspect to be armed. Turns out, funnily enough, that an armed populace is effective at dissuading criminal activity. WHO'D-A-THUNK-IT

>haha fucking Sup Forums you think you tough you pasty white nerd? You can't do shit
>help help the Sup Forums is shooting me where are you Obama

Remember, the left cries about children being gunned down, while the right celebrates the right to do so.