This, but unironically

>this, but unironically

>not that guy, but
>am that guy

>big if true

>engineer here, can confirm

>quote 10+ people
>say something retarded
>guaranteed replies

sadly that still cheers me up, as well as
>me on the left/right

>OP here
>am not OP

this but ironically

>OP calls you out
>no one believes him
hehe, nothin personal

>vanilla, but unironically

>i was just pretending to be retarded

>see two anons arguing and decide to jump in and defend one of them
>"don't ever speak for me again faggot"


>in a heated argument with someone
>he BTFOs me
>random user comes into the argument and BTFOs him

I actually love finding the most absurd posts I can reply to with that.

big if true

for you


>Sup Forums here, can confirm

me on the left

>using the phrase BTFO

>Q predicted this

>this, but unironically
>I'm actually being ironically

are you annoyed when people say this or when people accuse other people of saying this

both 2bhqhwym8

>have any kind of opinion on this board
>"haha dude i bet you're one of those people that like soy haha rekt"

>user calls someone a faggot
>"why the homophobia?"
>/poltv/ gives me (You)s

Hope you're ready to get banned

>Came here to say this

>post kek
>actually barely smirk

thanks user

>call a movie kino
>have never actually seen it

uh, no

>Go to a unfunny thread with no replies on page 9/10
>Samefag until it gets 300 replies
>People start pointing out the incredibly small number of IPs and call the OP a massive samefag
>mfw I wasn't even the OP