>*cries uncontrollably*
*cries uncontrollably*
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Did he seriously do this again?
I also want to know, I don't watch this shit
I mean children are literally getting their brains blown out by psychos with easy access to high-powered rifles
Right wingers don't care though, and would rather call you a libshit and scream SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED than actually condiser and address the problem reasonably and logically though.
Talk shit, get hit. Pretty simple.
It's all the soy in his system.
They actually think doing this over & over again will somehow work.
More children die drowning in pools than school shootings. I'm not giving up my rights for a blip in the statistics
>Sup Forums defends school shooters because liberals don't
Jesus christ the fucking contrarianism from you people
He seems to get misty eyed but no sobbing as far as I can see
Not an argument
Pools aren't specifically designed to kill multiple people rapidly
What the fuck are you on about? The kid was obviously getting bullied daily and he hit back.
Conservatives want all children to die
Good to know
I'm genuinely curious how you think gun control should, and how it would be implemented in this country. What does it look like when it happens? What's your ideal situation?
He was 19, not even in high school, and was killing 14 and 15 year olds and teachers you fucking idiot.
>so what you're saying is
pissy eyed jew faggot
fuck off kike shill
go and stick your limp wristed communist policies up your ass, stupid faggot
not him but so what retard
what's the big deal, who cares
it's not that they don't care, it's that retarded leftwing faggots think that banning guns is the answer to a problem with the school systems and society in general.
They were probably talking shit like he wouldn't find out
I'm not for taking anyone's guns away. Literally just better mental health screening so some teenage retard can't get his hands on military grade gear would be fine.
They really have no reason to entertain the idea of compromise, seeing as it doesn't benefit them in any way. Their position is that there should be no more restrictions on guns than we currently have, so no compromise is going to result in anything but them giving up ground and receiving nothing in return. Then of course next time something happens, anti-gun activists will naturally demand another "compromise" that just further erodes gun rights.
The real solution that benefits both sides is to fix our deranged society so that people who do this don't crop up in the first place. But of course that means Republicans not fear mongering and actually acting on their family values bullshit and Democrats not using every little thing as a wedge to divide the population into controllable interest groups. Obviously neither side really wants a true change in the status quo.
dude nihilism when I can't form an argument lmao
like he said, its pretty simple, you talk shit you get hit
don't complain when after you start talking shit to other people, they shut you down. You started it.
He sounds like a cult leader.
>can't even give me a single argument about why would anyone care
wew lad
its a nothingburger as usual
I have no sympathy toward Chads and Staceys dying if they were happier than me. Am I evil? I don't want them to die but I feel nothing knowing they were innocent and slaughtered.
>dude these people are so insincere
>also those libturd normies deserved it based MAGApede shooter
Carolla is a riot, should have been him that got famous rather than Faggot-Kimmel
You post this shit yet niggers on Twitter were happy she is dead because "Fuck Drumpf and Fuck white people"
Couple this with the opioid crisis and it's like trump supporters love being fucked with by country club sociopaths.
>want to ban guns to save childrens lives
>march in the streets to protect late term abortions
quads of truth
He's getting worse than Colbert. It's like we all get that you have political opinions but why don't you entertain us and try to make us laugh you narcoleptic fuck.
Right wingers like taking it in the ass from the rich elite
Leftists like taking it in the ass from the government
But in the end they're both the same thing
True but I'll still stick with right wingers if it means obliterating niggers from society.
Everyone around him knew he was a psycho that tortured animals, and no one did anything. He would have murdered someone one eventually even if he didn't have guns
>saying school shootings are bad is now controversial for conservatives
Oh my.
But unfortunately that's WHY he became famous.
Carolla gave way too few fucks to actually make it in Hollywood beyond podcasts and va work. The only reason Kimmel did anything after the Man Show was because he turned into a complete sjw faggot and refused to acknowledge where he came from.
They are exploiting this “crisis” in order to serve their own agenda of unarming the citizens. Fact is, banning guns will be about as effective as banning alcohol and weed and other drugs. If someone wants it, they’ll get it. If someone wants to commit atrocities. They will. What we should be discussing is why no one turned this guy in before all of this happened when he clearly made statements leading up to the event. Shameful. But banning guns? What’s next, banning cars because they drive through crowds? Give me a break. Leftists are the most simpleminded people I’ve ever seen, instituting radical solutions to things that have already happened.
is this your first school shooting?
They don't care about that
They care about how your vote will make them money. No one cares about your weird ethnic cleansing desires except other autistic Sup Forumstards.
He never blamed Obama for the shootings when he was President.
No, they don't support abortion.
This. I wonder how many SJW fucks even knos about his time on the Man Show. They'd probably be outraged. I loved that show and Corolla is based.
who is they?
Have there been any studies conducted as to whether the manner in which school shootings are reported on actually impact the frequency of said shootings? Because I have to imagine that knowing you will dominate the news cycle for weeks at a time, your face and name plastered on the screen the world over, has to have some kind of impact on the motivation of these killers and their craving for attention.
So we should ban guns but ignore any reason why people are becoming psychos at such a high rate?
>dude fuck seatbelts: the post
Im in LEO and I can say it’s terrible how available our tactics for dealing with these things is. You could google what we do and watch YouTube videos to easily cater your plan
Nobody ever said trump cultists are not stupid.
Why is everything so black and white with Sup Forums types? It doesn't have to be either an all-out-ban or nothing.
How dense are you people?
you're just a self centered faggot, evil doesn't exist
get a load of this retards post
Don't trampolines and pools kill more kids by themselves than school shootings?
Its not a seatbelt. It’s a gross overreaction to an over highlighted regional tragedy. Why not report more on the opiate crisis which kills more kids each year. Teenagers overdosing everyday. Not to mention all the adults.
What happened? I dont read news nor do I live in the states.
>but what about
If you start digging into the horrid reality that modernity has reduced people to hollow, brainwashed, rootless, dazed, nihilist wrecks, that would necessitate large-scale cultural change. Instead, passing legislation that makes these people slightly less effective at killing each other is much easier.
an autistic spic shot up his former school and killed a bunch of people
>Dude its just one compromise lmao
couple years later
>Dude its just one compromise lmao
ad infinitum until they're gone
And further since you got me ranting, do I feel bad for the dead kids and their families? Yeah I feel sorry for parents that outlive their kids. It sucks. But just because they are the ones on television crying about why no one does anything about guns doesn’t mean it’s an actual issue or the primary concern in our country. No one is interview the parents of children killed by drunk drivers. But I’m sure MADD would have a few choice words about how much of a crisis drunk driving in this country is.
Trump supporting white supremacist shot up a bunch of kids.
Pedestrian injuries have gone up since the creation of seatbelts interestingly enough
>focus only on this event which we deem of utmost importance and furthermore discuss it according to how we have framed it, deviate from that and we will respond with moral outrage
Yeah it’s a major what about. Why should we focus all our energy and money on eliminating a crisis that’s in like 11th place in the crisis race. It’s just oversaturated in the news because it’s a hot button topic and a platform for politics
Can someone link to the video of the time when Jimmy cried the hardest?
That's not how it works
Says who? You?
Sounds like gun nuts to me.
Here is why banning guns will never work
That's not even the tip of the iceberg for trump related damage control.
Gun ownership is a foundational right. What is disingenuous about wanting to preserve that? Gungrabbers moved the goalposts, not vice-versa.
Pretty much the exact response I expect from libtards that can only cry when the wound is fresh and not actually form even a fragment of an argument when the trendiness of a micro tragedy ends. What I find truly ironic about all of this shit is that, at least in my area, liberals are the ones that get over this shit faster but always have the loudest responses initially.
That's exactly how it works. See California. Basically, there is nothing to gain for pro gun people. A compromise is just them losing something and getting jack shit in return.
That´s exactly how it works, as evidenced by the slippery slope currently traveled by the braindead europeasant majority.
>when news agencies are still getting trolled by internet NEETs
>micro tragedy
Nice NRA approved newspeak
I really just despise Republicans at this point. They rely on old slogans like "guns don't kill people" to defend innocent people dying. Then they like to resort to word games whenever someone uses the term "assault rifle." And of course they have to use CAPITAL LETTERS to show how intelligent their arguments are. These people are fucking retarded.
>less or no dead children=nothing
trump supporters do this shit to themselves
at least corolla kept his balls
Guns don't shoot themselves, friendo.
Right wingers love taking rich lobbyist cock down their throat
It is absolutely a micro tragedy.
This is a parody. The entire leftist ethos is the use of language to mislead/coerce. Don't get me wrong, there are demagogues and sophists on both sides, but egalitarians are the ones who have a foundational belief in the use of language to manipulate in lieu of a coherent belief structure.
>h-he can't be a TRUE trump supporter c-cuz he's nonwhite! F-FALSE FLAG!
I'm a liberal who owns guns. In my state, in order to get my concealed carry permit, I had to pay for the initial course, then for both local and federal law enforcement background checks (extensive --not the ten minute shit they do at the gun shop when you buy a gun). I mean, I had a detective call me about an non-violent arrest years prior for which the charges were dismissed prior to arraignment. Then I had to sit down and talk with a police chief in my town before I could get the card.
Why can't it be a federal law that in order to purchase a gun, you have to go through these checks and balances? I would go one step further and require that you have to sit down for an hour with a clinical psychologist who might be able to sniff out any psychotic or violent tendencies.
But no. GOP lawmakers and voters insist muh gun rights allow people like this nutjob kid in some states to just walk into a store and buy an AR on his 18th birthday with the most minimal of background checks.
>children waiting at bus stop
>disgruntled cis-white-right wing-patriarch-racist-trump supporting-male drives his Ford Fusion through the crowd killing 17 children and injury several more
>if there’s no children, they can’t die anymore
>an adult shouldn't be able to buy weapons meant for a civilian market
How are these two things equivalent?
Yeah, children being murdered in the one place they should be safest about every three weeks in a micro tragedy. And being the only country where this regularly happens, that's a micro tragedy too.
I hope you never lose a child this way, even though it might afford you the opportunity to realize how utterly dumb you sound when you say shit like that.
>Doesn't want all children to die
Fuck off, faggot.
Your pearl-clutching is a really good substitute for an actual rebuttal. Good work!