ITT: prison kino
ITT: prison kino
I thought it was a bit anticlimactic.
>Plans his escape
>Escapes without any problems
>Never seen again
Felt sorry for that one prisoner who chickened out, though.
It was perfect
They were never found irl so the movie compliments it and we never see them again after they disappear in the dark with their raft
thats the whole point
Cool Hand Luke and The Great Escape
Obligatory post
good movie even if it is kind of boring. cool hand luke is the best though
>American Me
>Blood In, Blood Out
>South Central
>Shawshank Redemption
Sorry, but I couldn’t get through Brawl In Cell Block 99, seeing Vince Vaughn look and act like bad ass Hank Hill was too much to wrap my head around.
Bonus: the first 2 seasons of Prison Break are great.
>linking to an image on an imageboard
>Wasting extra bandwidth on some piece of shit website
This is one of my favorites. It's so understated and quiet, also the woodshop scene with Doc was kino.
Can't remember the name but it has Ewan Mcgreggor or whatever his name is. I also saw a movie where these black dudes go to jail after a crack dealer frames them for a robbery. Remember it getting a negative feedback from black because one of the characters gets raped by white dudes.
>caring about bandwidth
>not checking those satan quads
Best film. I unirionically cri every time Red and Andy hug at the end
>title spoils the ending
the rock
probably con air which i used to think was the shit but i haven't seen in a while
Blood in blood out is absolute kino
does this count
it was perfect, no faggy M. Night Shyamalan plot twist, just a clean ending
>prison kino
>feels good man scene
shot caller
Brute force
this for sure, pure prisonkino with really intense sequences of roaming around the prison at night, shame Becker kicked the bucket so soon
>tfw 99% of Sup Forums has never watched this kino
Doubt it, it's a pretty famous film and most of Sup Forums has probably seen it
shame it's getting a remake
>most of Sup Forums has probably seen it
you really overestimate this board
Anyone seen cool hand luke? Saw it a few weeks ago for a class and really liked it.
Luke has made me feel cooler just from watching
if it's not on IMDb's top 250 or it isn't capeshit/star wars, Sup Forums hasn't seen it.
Sup Forums hasn't seen even top 250 films
you can bet your ass most of this board has only seen shit like Tarantino, Nolan, capeshit, Star Wars, maybe a few Kubrick or Lynch films but that's about it
Sup Forums truly is the board with the most plebs and with the worst taste
Fucking loved this, It was a huge surprise how much I enjoyed this considering the person who recommend it me
Someone get this hot head outta here
Pure kino
Basicallyl prison
>0 results
cucks, all of you
Short Eyes
I've heard about this but never watched it
is it with Dustin Hoffman?
J'ai préféré celui-ci
>no midnight express.
Poor O'Brien
The Count of Monte Cristo is one of the most well motivated revenge characters of all time. That dude gets fucking cucked, man. It angers to me thinking about it, the story really fills me with a desire for revenge.
Its shit. The anime series is practically the most faithful one even if all the characters end with a different fate (and the priest in the prison was a pirate ghost robotic superpowered ayylmao)
Blood in blood out
The nurse wasnt that bad. She even gave Nicholson the chance of democratically choosing some shit. He was bitchy, but she wasnt criminal or terrible mean. Well, until the ending of the movie in which she becomes Hitler
They probably fucking drowned
woman detected
"true" kino
Get it ? Get it ?
The ending was originally Morgan Freeman's "hope" speech on the coach.
However, they felt bad. They felt that the characters had gone through so much, and that they and the audience deserved more. Which is when they added the final scene of them wordlessly meeting and hugging on the beach.
Best brawl scene since Romper Stomper
Fucking fite me
King Rat
they should just cut the movie when they make it to the bay and end it with a cliffhanger because nobody knows to this day if they ever made it
eh not THAT good honestly, the ending is pretty weak
A remake. Fuck this earth
Does the Great Escape count?
>Miklo is a puto
>he stands in front of a sign that reads Puto
>Vatos Locos are all putos
>J'ai préféré celui-ci
>I preferred this one
I had high expectations from that movie but I didn't like it.
mein neger
I love Papillon. Could you recommend other McQueen kinos? (The Great Escape aside)
>t. warden
I love how this movie is purely "plot," driven. I know it's based on a true story. But from a storytelling perspective, it could've easily been bogged down with needless character drama.
I'm surprised it wasn't referenced sooner.
They tried to do that with the Butts guy and his sick mom but they went like "ahh, fuck it, everyone just wants to see Clint being a badass anyway" and dropped it.
the last castle
Vince and Mel kino coming this year this truly is the best timeline
Another Vaughn/Gibson kino??????
Get hyped
>S. Craig Zahler
>Mel Gibson
>Vince Vaughn
holy shit... it's going to be kino of the year
damn i just read it
Shot caller
No one saw this? Really worth a watch.
You know this is loosely based on a true story right ? The man had balls of steel
I cried at the final hug
A Prophet
Midnight Express
Con Air
Bonus points for The Big House documentary series too
Yeah, truly an amazing story. I saw this one night when I was just a kid and many scenes stuck with me. The one where the poor old, one eyed black guy realizes he should have been freed many years before is the first to come to mind, I think its the same where he tells the warden about the buried bodies.
Damn I have seen this only two times, included the the first some 10 years ago, I really need to watch it again
If you like true stories watch I am a fugitive from a chain gang. Though the real story of robert burns is more brutal than the movie imo
Nobody heard about this Mendelkino ?
when did they work together?
Hacksaw Ridge
Nice try, Spider.
nice try pendejo
I'm actually Joker
Yeah buddy
hello aussie
he never truely escaped the horrors of that
One of my favorite films, user.
My recommendation is pic related 80s kino. Cant believe it hasnt been mentioned. I always love a good Clancy Brown flick.
This is pretty based
dvd covers are the epitome of bad taste