Ok, no memes please, let's have a serious discussion about this movie

Ok, no memes please, let's have a serious discussion about this movie

Is it actually good, or is it just another capeshit movie?

Its above average.

Klaw was actually really enjoyable to watch the entire time he was on screen. Killmonger was pretty decent, too. Overall the bad guys were good.

The setting actually genuinely made the movie a little better than some of the other marvel movies. At the very least, it made Black Panther's origin more interesting to learn, and made it so that the antagonists' plots could tie in well with everything else.

CGI was pretty shit, but no worse than spiderman/civil war.

I'd give it a 7.5/10. Not the most amazing thing ever, but an above average marvel movie

God damn, I reddit-spaced every single line in this post. I am sorry.

It's "Ok another Marvel movie" tier.
Setting is good.

It's just another capeshit. It's also one you wouldn't want to see in theaters. [spoilers]niggers are notorious for ruining moviegoing experiences by being loud apes[/spoiler]

The main villian fucking sucks and plays trap music in the background Everytime he comes on to screen. He also talks like a fucking high schooler. Movie fucking sucked bad. Worst Marvel film hands down. I was actually looking forward to seeing this too. Disney tricked me fuck.

Its another capeshit film with a sprinkle of ham-fisted politics to make it seem a bit deeper than it is.
If you enjoy the marvel formula well enough it’s a decent way to kill 2 hours.
Clawwas wasted halfway through since he was the only one that was enjoyable to watch and seemed to be having fun while everyone else is running around like its war and peace-tier shit.
Killmonger is a fucking idiot with daddy issues that just... garbles the rest of the film with his stupidity.

Yeah you didn't watch it

>Movie fucking sucked bad. Worst Marvel film hands down
This objectively isn't true.

inverted color scheme villain with the same power set.

you tell me.


It’s good if you enjoy reading comics. If you’re just a regular movie goer, it’s pure eye candy.

it's just another capeshit

if you enjoy that then FINE, but that's what it is



Thanks for proving you didn't actually watch the flick


I don't know what Reddit spacing is because I don't use that site, but it seems like pretty standard stuff for here. I've done a little journalism work, and it rally seems to stem from that - when you have short sentences/paragraphs, with line breaks in between them, it's much more readable; it's faster and people feel less intimidated by that than huge paragraphs.

Couldn't be worst than Thor, Thor tdw, Avengers 2 or Civil War, but worst than all the others maybe ...

If you’re while and paid money to see this you’re a race traitor.

Its capeshit. How can it be good ? I mean, seriously.
Even as a pol/tard, i enjoyed blockbusters like blade. In fact maybe because when given the right role, wesley snipes was really charismatic and badass. Demolition man was truly funny. There are other movies with black actors are actually enjoyable, we can all cite a decent number of them. But, come on, superheroes...its pokemon level of retardation.


Best MCU villain in Killmonger.
Best side kick in Man Ape.
Interesting sets and costumes.
Surprising political message.
7.5/10, certainly one of the better marvel films.

Honestly, the best part about the movie WAS the political statement trying to be made. I wish they either capitalized on that a little more, or delved deeper into the spiritual side of Wakanda a little more.

Biggest gripe of the movie was the fact that both Black Panther and Killmonger were like... the same in the end. They had the same costume, with the same moves, and the same gadgets. It made for a VERY boring final fight. Klaue was great, the Gorilla people were also bad ass, as was Zuri (Forest's character)

If they would have had it where T'challa had to return to a traditional Black Panther outfit and used like, the Panther goddess to fight Killmonger, it would have made for a much more memorable movie.

It was amazing. The graphics were mind blowing. Probably the best marvel I ever saw.


it's less quippy than your typical marvel flick

That's a bit much, just because it's safe from criticism doesn't mean you have to hold it up as the Citizen Kane of Capeshit. It's good, but not a fucking genre-shaping masterwork like these people are making it out to be.


>underage iliterate thinks reddit invented double spacing

oh dear

above average, cool new tech and lore. Story was also good. 7.5 is a good imdb score for this. Only downside is that it didnt really feel like a superhero movie but the same applies to other marvel flicks.


peckerwoods gonna peckerwood. black panther is amazing.

the move was good and the only other marvel movie that could arguably be considered as good or better than this is ironman 1
there is not alot of jokes / quips. the story is straight forward without any wink and nods to the comics or other movies

killmonger represented blacklives matter, the angry lets kill whitey type fellow, where as black panther told him flatly that he is just like the people he's claiming as evil.

the message i took from it is stay true to traditions and family blood line without all that extra violence against everyone. empower your people and those around you, not destroy everyone that you dont get along with.

killmonger was and is marvels best villain because he really did have a proper motivation, that is understandable and in some ways you cant really blame him.

i just assumed this would be more about the soul stone than it was a firm origin story

>a black man killed my dad but fuck white people
>proper motivation

Some clearly has seen shakespears work

no stupid. killmonger was mad that black panther had all of those weapons and technology and never lent a hand when 'they had protests'. what protests do you think he was referring to dumbass?


the whole movie is "muh racism" which is hardly a creative motivation or handled well when it never shows it in his own life. his life was fucked over by a black man and he can't stop bitching about whitey.

lol have you even seen it? did you leave during the second act?

calling kilmonger a good villain because he references protests is like saying a jewish villain is good because of an off hand remark about concentration camps

yes, real clever, bravo ryan coogler, capeshit is saved now

It's actually good. Michael B. Jordan killed it as Killmonger. I loved his mentality. The criticism is Marvel movies being the same is bullshit. This was not like Spider-man or Guardians or Thor from last year. More serious. And his sister was a QT.

obviously you didnt watch the movie. if you seen it you would understand. i didnt say he was good villain based on those few examples, hes a good villain for the collective actions and motivations he had through the film. just watch the movie and stop pretending to know what you are talking about

consistent serious tone
pretty good character personality development
subtle on its symbolism
beautiful visuals.

-shaky combat scenes
-makes me re-question the serious to fun balance..
if Marvel going full serious doesn't bring enough joy to the movie.. It lacked a little heart and joy that iron man 1, or Guardians bring.
because of that its a movie you can see once, enjoy, but not really care to see it again, as opposed to civil war you can watch once a month

fair scores would be 7.5 to 8.5
anything outside of that is a bit unrealistic



>8 out of 10 movie due to bad cgi and a slow middle.

He didn't just reference a protest, though. He and other characters in the film expressed disapproval of Wakanda's failing to intervene on behalf of disaporic communities against colonialism, slavery, police brutality, and economic disenfranchisement. You can dispute the impact of those things but they're much more interesting than money or power or just nihilism. That's what sets him apart.

also a litttttle long winded and repetitive.

What's better, black panther or spiderman homecoming?

Homecoming was absolute dogshit but everyone loved it, hope it isn't the case here again


bp by far

Spiderman is a little more lighthearted fun.

BP is more like a james bond movie in a way.

Homecoming was great and you are arguably wrong.

It's like every other MCU movie but with less quips. A solid 7 for me.

Sup Forums is posting about a movie that came out yesterday? real shit?!?!


Homocoming was just another failed Iron Man movie instead of an actual spiderman movie, just like all the avengers and captain america flicks were.

>black continent

No one here has seen nor will see it till its online for free
Everything else is shitposting

Ironically, this could be considered pretty racist if someone from the political right said it.

It was one of Marvel's better films, but it's no Winter Soldier. It took itself far more seriously than Thor: Ragnarok which was refreshing. There are some SJW-ish lines which stick out like a sore thumb but don't really distract from the movie too much. (The bad guy's final line is pretty rough though).

If someone is one of those "Marvel films are all the same" types, they will not think this movie is any different. But generally they aren't fun to take to movies anyway.

Also I could be wrong on this, but this might have the least quips of any marvel film. If it's not the least quips then it's second least. Has to be.

actually I was paying close attention to overboard SJW shit.
I don't think they went overboard once, I was pleasantly surprised.
their preaching was subtle.

what parts are you referring to?

but marvel films ARE all the same you capeshitter

oh, so you haven't read any threads. i get it now. a bunch of people have actually seen the movie already user. and more are going over the coming days.

shouldn't you be furiously working on your slides and charts to try and convince us next week that the movie is losing money? get your homework done early, champ. don't procrastinate now.

Yeah I can agree with that. The parts that stuck out to me were referring to the agent as a "colonizer", the bad guys last line, and the bad guy's idea / motivation of revenge on oppressors. None of these were so blatant though that they ruined the movie. I'd go see it again.

Well fortunately we don't have to see movies together.

But every other Marvel movies besides this one and Winter Soldier are mindless quipfests you fucking idiots.

yeah, forgot about the colonizer part.. but her character is a wise ass, so I didn't mind it.

but the bad guy's entire psychology is based on that bruv, its one of the things that make him a bad guy.
in some ways BP was alittle anti SJW, anti blame whitey.

the bad guy had the strong belief that blacks are held down throughout the world and hes pissed about it. And even though hes right, blacks have been held down, BP was saying nah we don't deal with this shit by trying to overthrow everyone in the way of the blacks

>I don't know what Reddit spacing is because I don't use that site

I've had this explained to me once. Basically, on reddit you need to hit enter twice to start writing in the new line. So you have people fresh from reddit thinking that we do basic breaks because we are from reddit as well. It's classic projection coupled with standard redditor's response to coming to Sup Forums for the first time.

You can also tell that they are underage because it's apparent that they have yet to write fucking e-mails.

Are there many African jungle shots? That'd be the coolest for me.

Capeshit 1/10

underage, and/or
>american educated

>BP is more like a james bond movie in a way.
Really don't get why people are making this comparison. There's like a ten minute bit in Korea that's like James Bond, the rest of the movie is more like African King Arthur. That's the obvious comparison in my mind. This is Ryan Coogler's Excalibur.

it's irrelevant whether it's good or bad

/we/ hate it

I'm phoneposting from my local theater right now and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Killmonger was a good villain, one of the best marvel ones (not saying a whole lot, but he was still good)
Supporting Cast was also good, characters were distinctive and memorable, sometimes overshadowing T'Chala
CGI was pretty wonky at times
Opening was exposition heavy/cluttered. Got better as it went along.

One of the best Marvel films, and a solid film all around. The social commentary was nice, not overly forced and fit the story and characters.

The Korean scene and the gadget introduction scene were James Bond like. You're right though, it's more Mythical/King Arthur than spy thriller.

interesting, didn't know anyone else made that comparison.

But really it did feel like that to me..
him falling and almost dying, coming back..
going through different issues and training.. being cool and kicking ass, having chase scenes..
checking out gadgets and technology..
chasing arms dealers and political criminals...

The parts I found most interesting was the mythical aspects.

>A King losing and regaining his kingdom
>Rivals contesting the throne
>Brother betraying brother
>Journeying to the land of the dead
>Ritual combat

Yeah that's the good shit that I got out of it.

>there BLACK business
>there BLACK dollars

When they detour to soth korea is it obvious that the first draft of the script said china?

Are the effects good? The trailers looked awful, but the promotional materials are always behind the finished product.

don't get me wrong, im not trying to say that my points were the 'good parts' of the movie
I was just explaining why it made me think James Bond

but yeah as a whole the movie was much more half what im saying half what youre saying.

Effects were great, however the fight scenes were alittle too "Shake the camera whoaaa!"

Does anyone else from the MCU make a cameo?
Does BP have any plot elements which are relevant to Infinity War?

If it really sets up IW I'll probably go see it but if not I'm happy to just wait 6 months till it's on Netflix.

>finally a recent marvel movie that doesn’t rely on quips all the time
>it’s about niggers

How does this movie rank among other good black movies? Is it more enjoyable than Boyz N The Hood or Menace II Society? What about compared to Coogler's other films?

Besides Klaue and Martin Freeman Bucky is in a Post-Credits scene. Aside from that, very self contained.

>When they detour to soth korea is it obvious that the first draft of the script said china?

It's just a random ass gambling den that could be potentially anywhere and once they take to the streets you probably won't be paying attention to the scenery since It's a chase scene. Like some user said the sequence is very James Bond.

Also the effects are great everywhere outside of close quarters fight scenes which get a little CGI heavy during the last fight

May legitimately be the best Marvel movie out there.

Reddit-spacing is putting each sentence on its own line, with an empty line in between, instead of writing in normal paragraphs with empty lines between. Sometimes paragraphs just turn out to be short, and this is encouraged by the Sup Forums layout, which gives you a narrow (by default) window to type in, and then stretches your post sideways across the whole monitor.

People who bitch about "Reddit-spacing" when your paragraphs turn out to be short are idiots.

You can't discuss this movie on Sup Forums. Every post is a shit post. Everyone is just a retarded teenager baiting or trying to be funny. Sup Forums is incapable of any kind of decent movie discussion. It's impossible here.

And it's all so fucking boring.

So the Wakandans will break his conditioning then and he can be a real character. Cool I guess.

Black Panther was better overall, but Homecoming hit a better high point. The whole sequence that starts when Peter goes to pick up his date for homecoming and ends shortly after he and his date get dropped off is one of, if not the, best sequence in cinematic marvel.

Huh, didn't realize Will Smith was not featured front and center in a block buster before.

They don't with the exception of Klaue (Which barley counts because NO or his native series) but It's definitely a betterr movie for it.

>Which barley counts because BP is his native series

>same costume, with the same moves, and the same gadgets. It made for a VERY boring final fight
>t.brainlet who doesn’t understand metaphors

It references the events of CW, but otherwise its a completely self-contained film. It happens in the MCU, but it doesn't touch the IW storyline at all.

>People who bitch about "Reddit-spacing" when your paragraphs turn out to be short are idiots.
this! so much this! i feel the same way about ppl who use "roasties"

it could be real, its called black nazi germany

When is Blob gonna start loosing toes from his diabetes?