How can you hate on Black Panther when it creates so much joy?

How can you hate on Black Panther when it creates so much joy?

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They can #returntowakanda anytime they like, user.

Hopefully a bunch of blacks and liberals will anhero like the dorks that watched Avatar and wanted to live on Pandora

It's the same kind of weird pathetic phenomenon, isn't it?

Does that mean that a lot of people are going to move to Africa? Good for them.

>...and now we want to live in a xenophobic, homogeneous, ethnocentric, isolationist country

boy are they going to be shocked when they get there and find out it's not and never was like anything close to how Wakanda is portrayed

Wakanda is literally Trump's America given form

you people are all fucking racists.

What is bad about black people getting excited about Nationalism? Nothing...

Blacks, Whites, Mexicans, whoever all should have pride in their history... this movie will make black people feel respect for themselves and conduct themselves.

It will help break the cycle of black teenagers being influenced by rap music, it will make them want to achieve things, it will give them discipline and self awareness.

All races have people that are shitty in them... every single race, some races have more then others, but it does not reflect on everyone.

Arent you all sick of this? This constant laughing in private at others? This constant meming racist shit.

This place has become so high schoolish.

Black always want to move to the most advanced nation that give them the best gibs
So what is new

>in order to have respect for your culture and history they have to make a marvel capeshit film

yeah I hate myself where are the Greek Cypriot superheroes living in an advanced civilization where we pretend half our island wasn't buttfucked by the turks I hate my culture wtf

the fact that blacks care about this at all is what's hilarious because at the end of the day, it's still dumb marvelshit

Fuck you, where's the hidden hyper-advanced Irish city where boisterous boozey heroes fight the oppression of the English (or whoever oppresses them since my family hasn't seen Ireland in a century and I don't know anything about Ireland or Irish culture and I'm only 1/4 Irish but that never stopped anyone before)

Where's my nazi moon base?

Cunt you've already had your moment

>What is bad about black people getting excited about Nationalism? Nothing...
They went to Liberia for this and all they accomplished was enslaving/killing the local niggers and then promptly develop the country into another West African shithole.

There needs to be more super country diversity! At least 10% of all hyper advanced countries must be run by Nazis.

Still waiting for the sequel

noone hates movie
hate is toward retarded marketing
media push this marvel flick like some sort of big event, like a motherfucking 2nd coming of jesus
it's not movie, it's the awful buzz around it

>It will help break the cycle of black teenagers being influenced by rap music

I don't even fucking understand these people. Do they even understand the source material? About how they closed themselves off from the rest of Africa because they too knew the burden of the nignog, not taking in any refugees at all, and only then could they have progressed like they did?

It's literally bafflng

Is the Root a real thing or is more like We Wuz Onion

If the soundtrack really does have alot of rap than that alone is a reason not to go, tbqh

>We went to the opening night of Triumph of the Will, and now we want to live in Nazi Germany forever

>media push this marvel flick like some sort of big event, like a motherfucking 2nd coming of jesus

They're deliberately making it about race. A fictional movie about Africa starring afroamericans and featuring rap music.

It's the most absurd insulting shit, as if chinks in Australia made a movie about a glorious space civ in a forgotten valley back home. And they woulda had it too if not for dirty whitey.

And then everyone takes it dead serious and treats movie ticket purchases like political activism. What the fuck is even going on anymore? Where were these people and these crowds for Selma? Real civil rights is booooooring I guess.

>We went to see 12 Years a Slave and now we want to live in the antebellum South forever

It's because they're end goal was never "equality and diversity"

It's the security of non whites, and destruction of whites. In America and Europe alike. They don't want a diverse country they want a non-white country. They want your children dead and they want your family replaced.

Now that you know the truth, raise your hand to the iron eagle, son

>Sup Forumspol/ hates niggers because they are afraid of the amount of crimes they commit and because they don't like how they look like apes but they won't admit that, because that's racist
>now the biggest black movie of all time has been released and it's full of good role model characters that could teach little niggers not to steal and rape and murder, and instead to aspire to something greater for society, and even to a certain extent inspire them to become actors and filmmakers and artists etcetera
It's a win-win for everyone, I don't see why anyone should hate Black Panther. That being said, I'm sure people have their reasons to do so, and that's fine.

Funny how leftys are all for an isolationist ethnostate as long as whites aren't involved.

rly makes u think

>Blacks, Whites, Mexicans, whoever all should have pride in their history... this movie will make black people feel respect for themselves and conduct themselves.
It's literal fiction you mong.

>All races have people that are shitty in them... every single race, some races have more then others, but it does not reflect on everyone.
Yeah in a world of seven BILLION judging people as individuals is really productive you absolute mental midget. Especially when, as divorce rates and such show, people are so complex that actually properly getting to know one takes an extraordinary amount of time, coupled with the fact that you'll probably walk past more people in an hour long walk around a city than you will ever make the acquantiance of your life. This line of thinking is meaningless, it's like Libertarianism, it sounds like a good idea but in practice it simply does not work due to scale.

I've dealt with leftists calling for the creation of a Kurdish state despite the fact that it implies multiculturalism is the flaw facing the Kurdish people yet they just brush right past that fact without acknowledging it. Your statement isn't even 1% meme it's literally true.

Just imagine if this movie triggers black people into a whole new level.
Like they all become woke and start taking over, things become like how it is in BP

.. come on you have to admit it beats our current situation, and not talking about Trump. I'm talking about all of it, it fucking sucks

You... realise this has happened in multiple countries right?

You could always, you know, learn how to actually talk to people in order to listen to them and learn the most about them in the shortest period of time. But sure, it's better to put millions of individuals in the same bag of traits based only on either their nationality or race, historically that's been really productive. Foolproof. Who cares who the person in front of you actually is?

But the King changed his mind and became a cuck, so I don't get your point

>What is bad about black people getting excited about Nationalism? Nothing...

The part where Wakanda is FICTIONAL.


Keep them coming lad

>You could always, you know, learn how to actually talk to people in order to listen to them and learn the most about them in the shortest period of time.
Again, this is simply a retarded concept that doesn't hold up to scrutiny at all. Stereotyping is valid and you yourself would use it because it makes sense.
I mean I DO have black friends mate, I will judge the individual as the individual when I can, but I AM still a racist and will utilise stereotyping because it is logical.
Put it like this, you have to walk somewhere, an hour it will take. You have a choice between two neighbourhoods. Both are economically similar, the routes are equidistant, and the scenery is pretty much the same on either route. One is ethnically white, the other is ethnically black, and statistically the component people are essentially a microcosm of the US itself. Which route do you take? You take the white one because it's less risky with no drawback.
Now why do you do that? What makes it riskier? Is it because you're less likely to trip and fall on the former route? Is it because you have a higher chance of being hit by lightning on the latter route?

What you are suggesting is by definition anti-intellectualism. You are throwing away valid statistical data based simply on dogmatic belief and nothing else.

>We read Lord of the Flies and now we want to live on a deserted island forever

>Now we want to live in Wakanda forever

wtf I love Black Panther now

Ethonationalism is back on the meny boys!


>be hidden african country that never suffered under imperialism
>your kang has 90 trillion dollars
>still look like a 3rd world shithole


When are people in the MCU going to stop being impressed with technology?

This is the point Breitbart made, just Trump needs to deliver on this messaging and show black people what we mean when we say MAGA, we want a Wakanda. Lets say MAWA, Make America Wakanda Again

Because they don't hate blacks (or other races) for the crimes and savagery and what have you, it's literally just because they're not the same ethnicity. You could show them a British black man more civilized than them and they'd still hate him.

>... and Now We Want To Live In Wakanda Forever
>Wakanda is super isolationist, so racist and segregated that white people don't even know it exists, provides zero aid or support to other nations despite being the most technologically advanced and richest nation the planet has ever seen, takes all the alt-right's talking points but turns it to 11 and changes it to black people instead of white
>liberals love it

What did they mean by this?

He still didn't let anyone in, he just opened support centers around the world.

>be hidden african country that never suffered under imperialism
>has 90 trillons dollars
>decide to helps the black americans at the end of the movie instead of helping the nearby countries

>"staggering megalopolis"
>looks like it has a population of 500k tops

Well yeah Ethiopians won't be seeing the movie, why pander to them.

Good then because this movie literally mocks Africans. "Black Americans" are not welcomed there.

The double standard IS kind of amazing.

I wonder how those same people would react to masses of white people testifying teary-eyed about how [insert movie] "reawakened their white pride". It has to be fine, right?

This movie taught me purple drank give nigga superpower

I want to live in Wakanda too

At the end of the day, the message of the movie is that the way to achieve utopia is to have an isolationist, xenophobic ethnostate that avoids any contact with anyone outside it and fiercely rejects foreign cultures. As a Nazi, I heartily approve of this message and wish we could all learn from it together.