Black Panther

Thoughts on the new Black Panther film?

The right thing to do would have been to donate those tickets to some black kids


do they ever close their mouths?

Nephew is the code word for my wife’s son

good idea, poor shoop

Wife was impregnated by his brother.


Sitting in some good seats there it looks like. Another white man stealing good seats from black folk. Something something Rosa Parks

These 2 are jokesters. They're mocking the ooga booga black nationalists with a funny reference to anther fake African country. I forgot the name of Eddie Murphy's made up kingdom


Best MCU girl

I know I might be falling for bait here but does that kids have the blacked,com
t-shirt on?


Two based black men if I ever saw

this poster of this is clearly an underage faggot who doesn't know about Coming to America.

>not jakwon

It's shooped, look at the edges.

>he hasn't seen Coming to America


big if true



Beat me to it

Did she break her neck or what is it with that collar?

Checked I bet no one at this premier know who they are or that they are from Zamunda.

Thought so thanks user

Keep the soys going
