Holy shit i'm so mad

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To be quite honest, I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner knowing how liberals are

Who the fuck even is Shaun King. Never even heard of him till Trump came into this election who he bitches about.

a trans-nigger

kid u not

Well, there certainly were other things before this, like a badly drawn swastika. Not even drawn in the right direction.

Literally a white guy pretending to be a nigger.

I think he's a paid protestor or something.

a white guy with a fade pretending to be black also promotes blm

>expecting liberals to be able to draw diagonal lines

Liberals are so tolerant and progressive. Stealing and vandalizing because you don't like someone for their political views is very mature.

I know the image tries to make him look black, but what seriously, how have these past 2-3 years came up with some of the stupidest shit.


Fuck it, looks like Trump will have the newest shiniest star on the block once it's replaced. Also, there is no way the nigs and pigs with problem glasses who did this are not on some video


>making someone that irrationally mad

This was a lot funnier before it was reality.

Why mad? Some stupid shit just made some thousands of Trump voters, if not more.

Someone is going to have to fix this
Trumps creating jobs even before he gets into office.

Is Amiri King our guy?

>diagonal lines


>getting so triggered by Trump that seeing his name on the sidewalk provokes you to destroy it
>now Trump gets a new star that someone else has to pay for and repair/install

>88 checked

also: they really are stupid, aren't they? they can't get into a REAL job, but end up in positions like pro lying and doing nothing useful

They already got a beaner to fix it.


>average white guy
>a sandnigger

Southern Californiafag here. I knew this would happen eventually. People have already crapped on it and spray canned it like a million times.

Not like it matters. Hollywood is a cesspool of degeneracy and I'm seeing more and more Trump/Pence signs every day.


>laughing and commenting at your own post
like holy shit get hit by a medier


>"That'll show him!"

>Sarah Bomb encouraging the destruction of private property

Like pottery

Don't be mad the retard is going to jail because his identity is revealed in a public video and he's going to be ordered to buy Trump a brand new star which is worth like 30k. This is a good thing , this retard now is a felon and can't vote. That was how he could have prevented a trump presidency , what does smashing the star fucking do Trump? It's just one less Shillary vote. This guy is the most retarded attention whore.

>a trans-nigger

What do the dirt skins plan to accomplish? They are free to play politics but they just complain about politics

Talcum X

Is it normal to identify as other race? What do you call that? Transracist?

One of the BLM head-honchos. Literal trans-nigger than condones violence.

So Donald Trump is now Saddam Hussein? I thought he was Hitler?

>It's a Liberals Further Embrace Islamic Fundamentalism episode

Literally a Trans-black man who leads BLM.

I'm not even making this up or joking.

2016 is awesome.

>Mac Powder
WTF is that? Is it nigger for cocaine?

Those fucking cunts in the comments section. Can't wait till Trump is prez and they chimp out

Just a friendly asian wishing Trump good luck.

MAC is a brand of cosmetics. Many of their products come in a powder form, which looks just like that picture when it breaks and crumbles (i.e. if you drop it). It was actually decent bants.

>that image

cite your sources motherfucker
he isn't paying shit I know you canadians still have witch trials but there is a court of law here in the states and he isn't paying a dime until there is sufficient evidence that he did it.
fucking leaf piece of shit
>one less shillary vote
shut the fuck up you skinny pale ugly fuck, acting like your foreign ass even has a say in american politics
fuck trump
fuck hillary

Has any US political candidate in recent history been demonized to this extent?

I'm young and this'll only be the second presidential election I'm voting in, but I can't remember the political atmosphere being so toxic, neither can my parents. The fact that this kind of shit is becoming normalized feels like a bad joke taken too far.

>the ratchet side of me

Do these dumb cunts think that is a complement?

It shouldn't be surprising anymore that these people have no decorum. They'll justify vandalism, theft and violence if it's in their interest.

>1 election
jesus christ, there should be some non-partisan organization that has "voters-ed" mandatory to register to vote,to prevent retards like this from voting

I really fucking hate it when people destroy art. Even if it isn't particularly good art, I hate the fact that someones effort just gets instantly negated by some dipshit with a chip on their shoulder because daddy didn't tell them they loved them enough times

Honestly just makes me sick

MAC is pretty decent quality makeup. That is what it looks like now. The scary looking nigger has made a humourus and accurate quip.

Liberals have always been this hateful. Being in an area where hate was intoxicating is new though


>machined brass star made by a computer
>marble and concrete
I'm beginning to realise that the stereotype that all trump supporters are idiot white southerners is true.
fucking hillbilly niggers

One day I'm going to become a Hollywood star and get my name on the walk of fame.

Except I'm going to put a World War 2 mine under it.

Then I'm going to start going full Sup Forums until someone decides to sledgehammer my star and gets Allah Akbar'd.

Can we demo a hillary statue?

Oh wait

Where did the statue go??

Hillary supporters just showing themselves to be the idiot criminal vandalist tards that they are, once again. This is why we can't have nice things

isis destroyed it with bombs

this should be the fate of all racists who dont respect islam!

itt defense of vandalism

>Donald Trump’s star on the iconic Hollywood Walk of Fame was destroyed early Wednesday morning by a man dressed as a city construction worker wielding a sledgehammer and pickax. The man, who told Deadline his name was Jamie Otis, said he was trying to extract the star to auction it off and raise funds for the women who have come forward to accuse Trump of sexually assaulting them over the decades.
Off your meds ameritard? you sound like a little crackhead.

Destroyed in 2001 by Muslims

awwww your little star got broken
oh wait don't worry, 30k doesn't even make a scratch compared to the hundreds of millions trump, the movie industry, and whatever federal grant that protects the walk of fame makes
deal with it motherfucker
everyday peoples tires are stolen and good businesses are are set back a lot by vandalism. you idiots don't say anything because
quit being such a crybaby.

I wonder how they'd react if someone decided to chip away at or spray paint over a Bernie mural.

So has the Screen Actors Guild given a statement yet condemning this action against one of it's Guild members?

>who told Deadline his name was Jamie Otis
now what kind of idiot commits such a public act of vandalism, in such a popular place, then goes tell a journalist his real name
>who told Deadline his name was John Gacey
>who told Deadline his name was William Sherman
>who told Deadline his name was Kanye West
You canadians are so innocent, it's easy to understand where you're coming from. All you leafs confess to every thing you do you fucking pussies.

>veryday peoples tires are stolen and good businesses are are set back a lot by vandalism. you idiots don't say anything because
That makes absolutely no sense you fucking faggot

that gif is 100x worse

someone have to do it, fucking communist would turn usa into venezuela if he could

Someone in a FB group just said he's saying on his page that he doesn't give a fuck about the police or trump supporters. I can't find him though

>push over statue
>starts crumbling before it even hits the ground
literally wut

all you fucks claim
>these libs!
>these niggers!
>these jews!
and then shout in your echo hall [pol] and nod confidently. How much polacks are there? 20k? 10k? How many are unironically extremely right winged? It's not that it's just LIBZ COMMIEZ AND JEWS. They're literally just the vocal minority.
You're A L O N E in the real world. Most polcucks here are age 18-26. Most go to a college. Most see these things in real life. You polfucks constitute .001% of trumps voters. The rest are uneducated middle income older white folks, which, unsurprisingly, constitute a fuck ton of people. The ignorant mass who wants someone, anything to blame. On the surface, you see these purple haired freaks and ugly fucks doing shit like this, but it's really any educated person who bags on trump. You all complain you get mistreated for wearing MAGA hats, its true. Your classmates aren't loser sociopaths, they haven't resorted to idiotic bigotry to find meaning in this world. They identify (You) with the ignorant masses.
>inb4 nice blog post
you're a fucking loser

proven wrong again
>The man who destroyed Donald Trump’s Walk of Fame star on Hollywood Blvd this morning says he’s prepared to go to jail if necessary. “I think I’ll have to handle the consequences of what I’ve done,” says James Otis, who could face three years in jail and more than $10,000 in fines under California law for the act of vandalism. “I will gladly pay the money if I have to and if I must go to jail, I will.”
>Sounding calm, Otis says he has spoken to the LAPD since the incident and is pondering whether to turn himself in. “Either today or tomorrow — if we can do it today by 5 PM that’ll be fine with me,” Otis revealed, saying he would likely surrender at the Hollywood Police Station.

I can't tell if you're pretending to be retarded to ruse me or you're actually that stupid. Are you mad a canadian fucked your bitch

You know that anyone can buy one right? For a few $1Gs. IF you are nominated then you will get a nice spot location. If you buy one.. they will put it up wherever.

Did libshits ever vandalize Reagan's star?

post yfw the new trump star says President Donald J Trump instead

fuck off moron before I get real triggered

holy shit it's right fucking there
it's literally RIGHT THERE
that maple syrup diet is getting to your head there buddy.


Based amiri king

Based Amiri

Keep telling yourself that shill. You really don't know shit about Sup Forums. But you'll learn nigger, you'll learn.

If I remember right, those statues are Assyrian, making them thousands upon thousands of years old. And they weren't made from granite or marble either.

those violent trump supporters... w8...

Felony destruction of property.

Lock 'em up and put him in a cell right next to Shilldawg.


This bothers me more than beheading videos
what does that say about me

also, Twitter CEO's boyfriend


>when they go low, we go high

What is a human compared to something like, the Rosetta Stone, or the Pyramids?

It's completely justified to be bothered more by the complete destruction of human history than the loss of a single human.

Basically how I feel ya
I'm weep if ISIS bombed the Pyramids, or toppled the Chartres cathedral
As faggy as that makes me look it would be heart breaking

calm down triggered boy, do you have a Bernie tattoo?

Why do these people always get a self-righteous hard-on when they commit crimes?

It's pretty funny how some people can get wrapped up so much in their sense of moral indignation and demonization of the other side that they become the very regressive evil they claim the other side represents.

It's like all those people who go to Trump rallies and hit Trump supporters in the back of the head with a bag filled with hard stones while holding up "Love Trumps Hate" signs.

Whoa, rare Hitler! Mind if I save it, friend?

Shaun King is a white man.