>Black Panther will flop-
Black Panther will flop-
>grrr!! bu bu bu what we meant was that it won't do as well in foreign markets as it does in amerifat!!
My dick flopped into your mums vag
>$200 mil budget
>no where near making it back yet
Lets wait and see.
>opening weekend had the Jew gold boost (black panther challenge) which no other movie in the world ever gets
It'll just make the second weekend drop all the more palpable.
>Sup Forums is wrong again
nothing new
normies love it tho
>makes up 1/8 of its budget in a SINGLE DAY
>movie will be out for weeks and weeks
>hasn't even been released everywhere yet
Keep moving those goalposts.
>Black panther flops.
lmao take that niggers.
>black panther is a huge success.
Lmao take that niggers you gave your money to jews for marvel garbage.
I dont actually see how Sup Forums can lose this one.
>lets see how it does
Yeah those goalposts are really flying.
>implying it will do anything close to jumanji
Sorry, Sup Forums is exclusively a /litty/ board.
>200 million budget
>100 million ad campaign
>200 million disney bulk buying movie tickets
yeah good luck disney
Literally nobody suggested that it would.
Well they lose because they don't actually hold any values, they are only against things
If it hasn't made its production budget back by the end of Monday, I will leave this board forever.
This but unironically
Don't forget the 25% of profits they'll have to give to black communities
>100 million ad
No way it is that low.
You know what it means?
More marketing. Marketing = morons rushing to theaters at day 1
Internationally it will.
There's no way they'll make money from it.
Next week they'll run even MORE advertisements after its #1.
Anyone that cares about this movie is seeing it this weekend.
By next week, they'll be lucky to get 1/3 of what they made over the 4-day weekend.
Remember: the "budget" isn't what Disney is spending on this movie, and the "gross" isn't what Disney is receiving.
The budget is what was spent on production, not promotion, and the gross is the total ticket sales, which are split with the theaters. Aside from that, ticket sales aren't the only revenue from a movie, which can go on with broadcast deals, home-viewing purchases, and merchandise indefinitely.
It's typical for this kind of movie to spend as much or more on promotion as production. They may need a billion in gross sales to break even on ticket sales alone, but there are many other sources of revenue.
They've been buying their own tickets, so their high ticket sales become a news story, and so people see sold out shows and hurry to buy tickets for later shows, because if it's selling out, it must be really good. It's part of their promotional strategy.
Blacks? You couldnt hold any values and watch a marvel movie. they are for brainlets.
It's so pathetic seeing polfags hoping with all their strength that they movie will flop
I'm not from Sup Forums and just using common sense, you can tell it's not going to be a financial success.
The movie realistically needs to make $1 billion to turn a profit. It won't come close to that.
Justice League needed that much and it barely made $700 million with far more recognizable names
Yeah I had this arguement with someone who is bizzarely pro multicult and he said the same things. Gross takings and the films budget are not how you determine the success of a movie.
I suspect that there will be an early frenzy of sales and then the movies takings will fall off a cliff. Where that leaves the profitability of the movie I have no idea.
This "movie" probably doesn't even need a cent from theaters to be profitable, it was likely made on NGO money, thus any box office is merely bonus
Sup Forums hasn't never been right about anything.
a n y t h i n g
>Thinking it won't have a massive drop
>$320 worldwide opening weekend
>Disney bulk buying tickets
That's some nice handcannon you got there
deal with it disney
>Needs 1 billion to turn a profit
You are literally taking memes and trying to force it as reality
You underestimate the power of social engineering/brainwashing. This movie will perform at the box office in a way proportionate to the amount of shilling that has gone into it. This will be another Wonder Woman/Force Awakens. Although, the movie will certainly flop in East Asia and Central Europe.
>$320 million opening weekend
LOL if you think that's a realistic number for Black Panther
What are you talking about?
It's called business. Learn to read quarterly reports sometime, kid.
It will flop in western europe too. I havnt seen an ad for black panter at all. I dont think they expect anyone to go to it outside of black communities.
He also said that the movie CAN make far more than its ticket sales in merchandise and and sales to TV networks/netflix.
He was balanced.
It will do around $550-680 million worldwide. Mostly from domestic sales.
Typical for a new marvel capeshit hero.
You're probably correct about this desu. I haven't even noticed the fake news media in my country shilling it, though that just might be because they're spending more time talking about the Olympics right now. Is it getting a worldwide opening at the same time, tho?
Im thinking more like $400 million but that is pure gestimation on my part.
Seems so. there are viewings in Ireland today. Literally not a single ad, or TV spot or people I know are talking about it. I dont think it will sell a ticket here. Purely because its an american black meme film. Why would an Irish person go to it?
You underestimate the amount of creatures which have been spawned thanks to welfare. I looked for user reviews for TLJ on youtube within 24 hours after premiere, there was parade of literally 56% guys from the pol picture, I mean they actually looked hideous. And of course they all liked it. With audiences like that, disney can show a picture of turd for 2 hours and every critic will praise it as unexpected breakthrough in cinema.
$200m+ domestic
$120m+ International
The movie is outpacing Doctor Strange and GOTG overseas and those both made over $430m
I'm from SEA and it's not getting much promo here. About the only people that will like it are Flips (niggers of Asia). Also, I guess they've gave up in China. This movie is purely for the US and written off as a public service film by Disney
I expect it to underperform.
Audience score on Rotten Tomatoes (at 75%) is already below all of the Thor movies (lowest is the first one, with 76%), and still falling. Still above Captain America (74%), Iron Man 2 (72%), and The Incredible Hulk (71%), but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it passes them all and sets a new low, as people continue to watch who aren't the biggest opening-night enthusiasts.
Poor ticket sales will follow from a combination of unease with the race-baiting promotion and poor word-of-mouth for an MCU movie lacking the usual humor and special effects competence.
You're probably right. I'm being safe since it's supposed to have a huge opening. Originally I thought around $350-500 total but with a near 200 million dollar opening weekend it's going to be much higher.