Purge Night is in in 2 hours. How do you prep? Are you boarding up or are you getting a costume and a gun to go kill other purgers?
Purge Night is in in 2 hours. How do you prep...
sleep under the house
I'd just get on the roof of my two story house with my .300 win mag.
>all crime is legal
>immigrants and tourists can also commit crime as shown in the 3rd movie
>everyone is killing each other
>no one is doing drugs or downloading pizza
Totally unrealistic desu.
What other crimes besides murder and theft would people commit in that short span of time?
well rape is a big one too
Dealing drugs and downloading pizza.
Or am I shilling on an imageboard for a few cents?
>Downloading pizza
>Not seeking out a single mother and raping the pizza
I would leave the country for a couple of days, or drive out in the middle of the nowhere If I couldn't do that.
I'm not sure what to do about my stuff though I guess I could put the most valuable in a car or something.
> kill other purgers
You mean kill niggers and faggots. Purge night is just a night to kill minorities to make America great again.
sharpen my katana
The idea of the purge or societal collapse is so hilarious it's like people assume that without the government everyone would suddenly become a bloodthirsty psychopath. Most people are nonviolent they do not enjoy dominating people most people nowadays would rather starve to death then kill someone else and take their food atleast in the west and some other countries. If an "apocalypse" scenario happened right now and the government became obsolete the world would actually become a better place for western societies. If the purge was real the only people that would be "purging" are people that are already criminals that do horrific shit everyday
It would still be illegal to have the pizza on your computer the next day and the cops will be watching you like a hawk if they learn you used purge day to get cp even if you did get rid of it.
They already said that in the 2nd movie. That's why they have the death squads.
>The idea of the purge or societal collapse is so hilarious it's like people assume that without the government everyone would suddenly become a bloodthirsty psychopath. Most people are nonviolent
It doesn't matter what "most people" do, it only matters what the most violent people do. They're the ones that have the initiative.
whats that
I'm staying right here and watching people livestreaming their own purges
Camping out outside of Khalessi's house
>most people nowadays would rather starve to death then kill someone else and take their food
That seems really hard to believe. I know that people wouldn't go anywhere near as crazy and bloodthirsty as the films show, but I think you'd be surprised at what people would do when forced to survive.
It's statistically likely that they would just be attacking other violent people
the only reason I don't kill people is because I fear the law
remove the law and I already have 45 people I would seek out and murder
Nothing because I live in a small community where we all know and respect each other.
> Most people are nonviolent they do not enjoy dominating people most people nowadays would rather starve to death then kill someone else and take their food atleast in the west and some other countries
Probably in Europe where Muslim hordes rape women and kill but in America we don't care about human. The NRA would have so much fun with Purge night and go to work the next morning like nothing happened.
I'm driving 2 hours into the woods and up a mountain where there are literally no people within a 20 mile radius and I am camping out there.
By your own words, its statistically likely that they would attack innocent people, because like you said, most people are non-violent.
>anti-american communist propaganda
>called "the purge"
Wow, they really do always project
this desu
Why would they even want to survive at that point their life would be a horroshow I suspect that there is a big chunk of people that would rather just kill themselves
I've never seen any of these ,are they worth watching?
No, it's hilarious because huge and difficult-to-reverse damage (arson, destruction of infrastructure) suddenly being legal is a shitty trade-off for government sanctioned death squads getting to kill a few poor non-whites.
Do you like bad movies?
then yes
otherwise no.
i'd hack the shit out of everything i could connect to and not bother with proxies or VPNs etc.
Is it bad in a fun way, or just bad?
I wanna rape a chink
looks like ryan haywood
second one is better than first, is just an alright flick to watch more than anything
You're an idiot. The only difference between a civilised man and a savage is three days of food.
In all SHTF Events, bosnia, etc, you had normal folk who killed others for food, because they cared more about themselves, their family and their friends. It's called Tribalism, retard.
>putting ur dick in a pussy
>as bad as murder
make sure my evil AR15 is loaded and in easy reach but not much else since it's the real world and the entire neighborhood doesn't turn into a bunch of psychopaths on one specific night of the year simply because some suit says it's legal
Sup Forums live in purge era, look what the Janitor is doing on reylo general
First one was the best though
> Survival of the fittest. I had a friend that said he was OK with the world ending because he knew he would strive better in that environment then normal society. Some people are savages at heart and see society as something holding them back.
Yes it's just terrible goyim, it's not like women enjoy having strangers dicks in them, all those women who fuck strangers at clubs aren't real!
Incomparable scenarios most of the population of America could survive atleast 1 month with no food and they have enough Diet Coke stored in their garage to Last them 3 winters
I watched one part of a purge movie and it was upper class white people praying and eating dinner (at a country club?) and then they were hunting captured people with their NRA mega guns. Do all the movies have this awkward social messaging?
Ironically, a purge event would be the safest day in US history. No one would willingly go out in the middle of a warzone and risk their life against legit psychopaths with military-grade weaponry.
It's like the prisoner's dilemma. Almost everyone would just stay bunkered up in their home. There would also probably be safe zones set up by local PD, especially in rural/suburban areas where there is little crime.
The whole premise for the movies is so fucking stupid.
Considering 3 and 4 are literally #FCKDRUMPF, yea
Most victims of crime are people that associate with criminals i.e. Drug users or people that are convicted criminals themselves
Criminal sociopaths are largely incompetent and bad at fostering reciprocaty in others whatever environment your friend would create is completely unsustainable. Society isn't holding him back in most cases they are actually caring for these people like infants
The will to survive is ingrained in all living things
>Most victims of crime are people that associate with criminals
I don't know what world you live in, but people mugging you on the street don't select you based on your criminal background but based on what you're carrying and how weak you look.
Drug users would steal from anyone, and while it is statistically probably a druggy would steal from his own family, with a purge the family can go and steal as a group to other people without repercussions.
"most victims of crime are people associated with convicted criminals"
I doubt the guy at the store that gets robbed at gun-point by a convicted criminal has anything to do with the guy himself.
But the hunted people were captured by black people and sold to the white people.
lol @ you idiots doing anything productive
I've digged myself a little fox hole and covered it up. Inside I have a tunnel system complete with a centralized cavern with emergency supplies and what not with a few alternative caverns linking to different fox holes for observation purposes, a literal man cave.
>don't live in a big city so no one is insane and wants to kill each other just because they can
>stay inside like everyone else
I need some clarification here.
If i by some slaves during the purge night, are they staying mine after?
russian collusion
Which race do you think would have the higher kill count? Would it be blacks like on non purge nights or do whites get more aggressive while the purge is going on?
I'd go with economical ones. Why go with simpleton joys of rape and murder when you can, say, rob some museum and make a fortune on the auctions on the next day? That's just easiest idea for the one who can't fiddle with his tax numbers, property rights, etc.
mutts like elliot rodger
Fiscal Evasion.
Wouldn't the museum just hire a bunch of trustworthy people and give them a hefty sum afterwards to protect it during the purge? I don't see why that wouldn't work.
No, slavery goes back to being illegal when the purge is over
Only people with Guns around here are in the Ra.
And I’m Catholic so I’m good.
What part of the city do you think muggings or armed robberies take place in? Not saying that innocent everyday people don't become victims because that does happen but only in poor areas as soon as the crime starts spilling out the city starts cracking down. Look at Times Square in NYC for example it used to be fucking dangerous and people got mugged all the time now it's like fucking Disney land same thing happened in Los Angelos. The people that live in those now gentrified areas, getting mugged or getting attacked would be a very rare occurrence but the crime is still the same as it was in the shitty parts of the city. And the people that live in those shitty parts aren't exactly you're average run the mill everyday person they're not bad people but when you picturing an average guy you're picturing something else.
>trustworthy people
>on a purge night
I don't think so. They'll just do the same.
>that one terrible annoying black girl who gets run the fuck over
That part was good
Not true you're talking about a different group of people and a different way of life you're almost talking about a different world shit would not go down like that here
>What part of the city do you think muggings or armed robberies take place in?
What? Do you think robberies only occur in nigger infested neighborhoods? They occur everywhere. Have you even been to Brazil or seen videos of people mugging tourists? They do it in a plaza in front of everyone.
>because that does happen but only in poor areas
That's literally fucking, the best place to steal from people is where there is a multitude of people that isn't fucking poor, so you can grab a purse and just keep walking without anyone noticing.
why do you say that, she had big tits
>good or moral people
She was a total cunt
>I want my candy bar
>I killed my parents
totally deserved what she got
You've been watching too many movies and internet videos buddy. Also we're not talking about Brazil or Mexico we're talking about the west and in the west the victims of crime are people that have already been surrounded by criminality their whole lives.
>Last purge night
>Leave door open
>No visitors
>As usual
C-cant get purged if no one k-knows your here r-right br-bros?
pirate music and movies
Oh god no. They are fucking terrible films.
>brazil is not the west
>mexico is not the west
>my life experience is "too many movies and internet videos"
>my family's experiences are "too many movies and internet videos"
>my country's every day news are "too many movies and internet videos"
filho da puta
If the purge were real, every community would simply create their own anti-purge patrols and militias to patrol around neighborhoods and protect businesses on purge night. Look for example what happened in Hurricane Katrina.
When I say the west I'm talking about Europe, Canada, and the US people with comparable lives and even that's a stretch. The average life of people in Mexico and Brazil is not comparable to western countries especially in terms of crime
it is though, Europe isn't the west, Christians nations are the west
thats mostly what happens in the movie anyway. everyone boards up and the only ones going out are the ones you want to die.
Really only the first movie was any good. The leader of the gang was a neat character.
Damn it. So you can commit every crime but will be responsible for shitload of them on the next morning? I call this "purge" a bullshit.
Well if you steal something I don't think you have to give it back afterwards, so it's kind of up in the air.
Pretty sure you couldn't just keep your slave though, sorry.
>Kill somebody's family
>"Haha it's the purge you can't do shit about it"
What you think they'll care about the rules? They'll still try to get revenge illegally, or just wait until the next purge and fuck you up.
mexico just died with an earthquake
what magnitude
why post in this thread? I see nothing about it anywhere though.
>I don't hear about it anywhere though
Why do americans don't care about their neighbors? Mexican are legit dying
>why post in this thread?
purge night on mexico as we speak
Why do you think most of them wear masks? To prevent post-purge retaliation. Though obviously the rich kids from the first movie didn't need them.
Oh yeah I kind of forgot about the masks. Though if it was somebody I knew personally I'm pretty sure I'd still recognize them.
>Do you think robberies only occur in nigger infested neighborhoods? They occur everywhere. Have you even been to Brazil or seen videos of people mugging tourists?
Brazil is an example of what comes of state-sanctioned miscegnation. They're all nigger or spic there and there is nowhere safe to go except hyperrich complexes.
Well MY Brand of Catholics were the ones opressed by a Colonising Force unlike the More Southern European Catholic branches.
the amerimutt meme is true. they would die of dysentery though.
Look at situations like Katrina. Additionally, in bosnia before the war, it wasn't like africa. it was developed.
People would turn to raiders after a few days of no food
If I lie on my taxes during the Purge does that count
whom are you lying about your taxes during purge? The government is gone
This, so much this, as if companies wouldn't line up all payments or illegal actions to occur at the time of the raid.