Why did Luke just hold out his hand for Vader to chop off?

Why did Luke just hold out his hand for Vader to chop off?

he's a dumb stupid fucking cum idiot

cause he's a marvin sue!!

It was a game of chicken that went all wrong.

why did his hand make sparks

The lightsaber, as we know, is an extension of the male power and dominance that represents the penis. When Vader cuts off Luke’s hand and saber, the implication is that he is castrating Luke and severing his penis.

Post the .gif of Vader autistically swinging at Luke while the camera goes super close up for some reason

God damn I love this place

I think Vader’s lightsaber hit the bottom of Luke’s saber.

>he thinks light sabers as dicks is an original film interpretation.

Luke might as well have lost his penis. He died a virgin. Not everyone can be like the great Chad that was his father.

why do they all hold the lightsabers like a baseball bat?

>never banged his cute orange padawan

Because Vader just redirected Luke’s strike ?

OH, LOOK! OP cherry picked a few frames. Leaving out the bit where Vader clearly deflects/parries Luke’s Blade away to set up the cut.

Why didn't Luke pretend that he's joining Vader, just to betray him later and escape?

You don’t need that orange chick when you have prime Natalie Portman.

Unlike this brilliant scene in the prequels where Anakin just opens his arms up wide all slow like for no reason to invite his own arm to be chopped off.

Because the force can reed minds ?

He clearly just all of a sudden stops moving. And Vader isn't moving verry fast either


This just confirms the OP gif. Luke is just holding his hand out and waiting for Vader to slowly slice it off. But seeing this..
I guess the Skywalker men just have terrible reflexes.

orange butt cheeks tho

Momentum nigger

Lol I don’t understand how people say that the prequels sword fighting is better with how stupid this is in comparison to this Supposedly the best things about the prequels is that their duels are better. Aside from Obi vs Darth in the first movie, that is a bullshit statement.

Fucking prequel apologist are brainlets.

Because Lucas is a hack and S Y M B O L I S M.

The fight scene that actually looks realistic upon close inspection has yet to be filmed.

I'm sure there's a force-based and thoroughly autistic explanation for this in the novelization.

This > anything in the OT

The real reason is that the prosthetic hand that Hamill was wearing shot out of his sleeve when he launched it, so the sparks are from that.

The question I don’t get it is why the lightsaber deactivates with his hand still holding it.

You can keep trying this shit but nothing is saving TLJ from a public reckoning.

War is hell,a soyboy can NEVER understand this

Both of their arms are moving in the same direction but Vader pulls his back to cut off Luke's arm while Luke stops moving. Take off the nostalgia goggles

Cause the muscle pushing the button wasn't getting nerve impulses to keep pushing the button.

It's so you can see what's happening in the scene.

Bullshit. Before the camera cut you can clearly see his hand starting to come back down. I’m not providing frame by frame breakdown evidence to prove my point because you’re blind. The hand cut is clearly and logically set up.

And you can also see before the cut that Luke arm’s also moving down,it become immobile after the cut,take real googles.OP’s question is an editing error

(You) have autism.


lightsabers have weird force attunement crystals and controls inside the blades shell that can only be accessed via the force. what this mean: if a lightsaber was doing something it wasn't supposed to on screen? the force did it.

the prequels are guilty of this, because there are lightsabers that lack the little dials and controls of the original trilogy. there are a bunch of cool slick chrome handles, but don't have any buttons. not to mention the lightsaber throw move.