>His hope and optimism: gone.
His hope and optimism: gone
Other urls found in this thread:
is bob a nu-male now?
gender roles = utterly fucking destroyed
Don't worry Bob will have his time. He was being a little shitty trying to relive his glory days behind his family's back. I'm curious as to what conflict will be in Helen's arc. I'm sure she'll have a hard time adjusting to the workforce as Bob is at home with the kids in a different way. Bob still gets to fuck his thicc wife, or watch him get cucked by Helen's new boss.
>He was being a little shitty trying to relive his glory days behind his family's back.
God forbid a man want to do something for himself for once.
>her thickness and braapness: intact
Yeah sure, but he was such a little bitch about it and he couldn't tell his own wife "I'm doing this for myself and I'd love it if you supported me."
>First movie ends with the family preparing to fight as a team.
>Sequel picks up right where the first left off
>lol nevermind kids, stay there while we fight the villain on our own.
The only explanation I can think of is that that scene isn't related to the fight with the Underminer.
>Could've made a movie about Mr. Incredible and Frozone, whom people like because they are fun characters
>Could've made a movie about the grown up kids to show how much the world has changed since the first movie
>Instead they make a movie about the boring wife who's only liked because of porn
Did anybody ever care about elastigirl in the first movie beyond the scene where she looks at her butt? (people with a fetish for elastic people don't count)
This is going to be SUBVERSIVE Kino. Can't wait to watch my favorite childhood movie be reduced to propaganda
it might as well have said 'shut up'
Well if that aint a fucking sign of the times
This looks so shit I think I'll be skipping it. Only enjoyable thing to come out of this will be the HD webms when the bluray come out and all the porn.
This will be a bigger "fuck you drumpf xD" than Boss Baby. Every body thought that movie would be a trump parody but the baby ended up being the fucking hero, saving the magic talking baby company. Now Mr. Incredible here is closer to an emasculated drumpf: in the first movie he does whatever he wants, literally grabs 'em by the pussy, has all the power etc but now he's getting cucked big time, he's even fat again and is portrayed as a short tempered big ass baby. The reign of the blue eyed blond is over. Brava Pixar, Brava.
It's a movie about the family, the first one was too. What we saw in the trailer will most likely be the first half hour of the movie.
And of all the things they could choose to portray this message, they choose The Incredibles. It's Watchmen for kids, all they had to do was make an ok sequel with more hero stuff and maybe a older version of the characters and everyone would be happy. But no, god forbid if a kids movie isn't about politics these days.
it will be like finding dory. same shit different characters, better be safe than sorry
hope and optimism: still there
Her new uniform is boring and you can see they tried they hardest not to make a tight ass.
But it's beautiful how it was illegal and wrong when he did it, but it's amazing and wonderful when she does. Look, she even gets free time touring and being in hotel rooms while he had to return home and live a double life.
And of course they had to make him look like he's totally inept at being a stay at home dad...
As is the analytical mind of a man would be inept at taking care of house and kids using a well structured and balanced schedule...
Boy, I love stories written by feminist writers...
I wonder what consequences does this kind of response to seeing a pretty lady has on a boy's mind
??? Esl?
I don't know, but they probably aren't good, specially if they consider a pretty lady.
People might be bitching but if the movie is mostly this, then I'm not going to complain.
Plot wise the movie adds up; people see Mr. Incredible as a shitty hero which most people consider as one of the sole causes of the ban on supers. Elastic Girl's track record has been completely clean since her days of fighting crime which is why a tycoon would want to take her up. Now if they throw away the idea of a single father and an empowered woman and lead into the idea of a unified family is a happy family-no one should be a single parent and every superhero needs a sidekick- then it will come out ok, if not and they carry the feminist agenda and imo gay ass single parent father plot point the entire thing will be shit but praised by mainstream.
It's legal now you fucking MRA dipshit.
Incredibles was just OK. Do americans tend to make big deal out of anything?
>not white
Didn't liberals pick up on the libertarian subtext in the original? Brad Bird is still directing this one right?
>mfw my feminist co-worker said this movie is sexist because it glorifies a father's role and forgets about the mother
with leftists you can't win
This thread is the perfect proof that this board is full of manchildren that still live with your mother.
Don't ever trust a woman to iron a fine suit. They simply don't understand how to.
Amazing how it's suddenly okay when the woman wants to do it. Just like sexual assault.
What was this poster trying to convey?
t. waifufag
Who dis qt
Boku Pico
>(people with a fetish for elastic people don't count)
i guess I'm out
Does Trump pay rent to live in your brain or does he just own it?
wtf is that omg i cant beleive you did that
Well fortunately they failed
>le quirky pervert
go back to Sup Forums you fucking brainlet jesus christ
Oh look. Death of a white male.
I'm not watching this.
he's on that "trump to send americans to the moon" thingy on the bottom of the page, desu
>More HelenxViolet from Shadman coming no doubt after this movie
>Yo we saw you enjoyed a traditional family unit coming together as a team and playing to each others strengths
>So we rolled it back to cliche dumb dad sitcom tier
>enjoy, that'll be $14 plus popcorn.
You are actually homosexual if you would not race mix with that women
Oh look, a movie showing how a man is inept at raising a family. Women are just so good at it...
Disney is unbearable with their constant agenda...
>bob already fucked elastagirl producing kids
>almost had an affair with a skinny nigger in the first movie
>can rape his nubile daughter anytime as stay at home dad
only a pleb will go out and do the grunt work
I can't wait until he gets to the part where Violet fists Helens massive cock, slowly working her way up inside until she's totally engulfed in it and then she has to revert it back to a pussy because Bob comes home early so Violet is trapped in her womb, then Bob rapes Helen for not having dinner ready only he's fucking Helen and also Violet too who is inside Helen, but he doesn't know.
I bet Violet will have a boyfriend in which this man can exploit.
this but without the three points at the end of each sentence
>Is like Incredibles I but with the mom
Woah, so original
But I want crab legs
>/tvpol/ getting all flustered over Incredibles 2 because they project politics they hate onto it
>Not realizing the main story is about the transition every father makes from being self focused (the lead hero in his own story) to being a family focused father to his children
This is the internal struggle literally every good father goes through.
Sup Forums of course can't relate because Sup Forums posters are young and childless
More like
>Dont stereotype women, women can everything like men can
>oh and here have the stereotypical manly man who fails doing women things
Its pottery!
>people saying things I don't like
>muh boobie meme
He'll be Mulatto or black I bet.
Yes, because this trope hasn't been done before, its surly done with the best intentions.
>He'll be Mulatto or black I bet.
You gotta fit those "diverse" agenda user.
One thing I like about Always Sunny is that when it does this kind of cliche tripe, it always flips it
>Well if you think my life is so easy then fine lets swap!
>Yeah lets!
>Ok wow, yeah you're life is shit, fuck off.
>When your best friend is cheating on his wife with your underage daughter and he thinks you don't know, but you do
>You're just too broken now to really care about anything any more
Holy moly, you talking about the movie or your life? That's an ass kicking in the making.
>Not realizing the main story is about the transition every father makes from being self focused (the lead hero in his own story) to being a family focused father to his children
Which is in this already involved with his family. The ones suddenly realizing they have to care for a family are superstars or junkies.
But since incredible1 we see he is already a caring family father. This will just be the trope that he wants to superhero again, but thats just rehash of the first one.