Friday night

>Friday night

Why are you here?

didnt even realize it was friday


For the first time in forever I stared into a woman's eyes and felt something I never felt so strongly before. It was the gym receptionist and I had asked information about the prices they offer.
I was annoyed because she used the ol' salesman technique of assuming I'm already buying shit, but I couldn't help but notice she wouldn't break eye contact. She had light brown eyes and looked like a slightly more latina(and thicker) ana de armas. I was lost for a second and then it hit me. The immense urge to cum balls deep in her no condom, and to explore her fertile field to my heart's content.
My inadequacy left me disappoint though, as always. I drove home thinking about her eyes and round, delicate face- and also about her annoying stacy voice and empty head. I was so numbed that this feel almost made me cry. You know you never feel lonely or inadequate until you see how normal everyone else is. It's the same with women. I was fine, thinking of them as just alien, dangerous creatures, but now reality set in.
So here I am, Bane. Like you, I sit shirtless in the darkness, cum soaked and tired; numb by the mask I refuse to take off, it would be extremely painful to do so, and I ask myself:
"Why are you here?"

playing Assassins creed Kangz, surprisingly entertaining

Fried chicken, hennessy and coke, and kung fu movies, senpai.

No I'm not black btw

I was out last weekend.
Might be out next weekend or the weekend after, depending when my m8 wants to head out for his birthday.

Because my “Friday night” actually occurs on Monday morning.

Brutal week at work, 60+ hours. Waiting on delivery food.
Gf wont be back from grad school interviews for a day so ive got some peace and quiet to play vidya and watch movies.
Probably gonna spend my overtime pay on snowboarding sunday.

Don't drink anymore

For you.

sneedposting on Sup Forums
waifuposting on /hr/

cause im a fucking loser with no friends

I'm getting shitfaced in a few hours though

>people still go out on the weekends
Fucking why? I'm usually too goddamn tired to do anything but die.

Didn't know it was Friday
>tfw i start wagecuck job monday

>workout partner is so inconsistent and usually cancels 1-2 hours before we're suppose to workout

Another lonely gym session for me. Does anyone here live in in the Fraser Valley in British Columbia and want to workout with me?

because im not black

Nothing has changed since last Friday, and it's safe to assume nothing will by the next

>working out

lol. the poor mans hobby. The only way you have a shot at feeling good about yourself is picking heavy things up and putting them down, and then flexing your muscles in a mirror while you obsessively gaze at yourself. That's the only way people will pay attention to your existence, that's the only way you have a shot at snagging a one night stand slut on Tinder, that is your only out let in life. You go and waste your life away at a shitty job that doesn't pay good while the fat bald fuck who is your boss goes home to his 9/10 fit wife and gets laid. You then slave away at the gym immediately after slaving away at work and all because your muscles make you feel good about yourself. That is a miserable existence.

My dealer hasn't replied yet

I-I just like working out.. is.. is that okay?

Because I don't have any friends or a girlfriend and I'm 29 years old with a shitty job and literally zero social skills and I hate my life and wish I would just die in my sleep already. Is that what you want to hear? Fuck you.

>waifuposting on /hr/
whose you're waifu?

I assume you don't mean Metro Vancouver, and you're actually several hours outside the city?

>tfw getting ready to go out and grab a drink with a qt

Feels good man

I'm writing my romance stories. Sometimes I like to walk around the city for a few hours going nowhere in particular. It's quite cathartic.

>Car is in the shop for repairs
>Girlfriend not answering my phone calls and is probably, absolutely cheating on me right now
>The Army sucks
>All my friends are out of town or don't care to invite me to things

holy shit that game was flashkino

approximately 2 hours outside the city

At least you have one of those, she can burn in hell though if she's actually cheating on a servicemember

I'd bro out with you though, could use a beer myself

Outside is all icy because a sudden flash freeze and I already almost crashed my car. My stomach is acting up because of some sketchy pho I had earlier.

>>Girlfriend not answering my phone calls and is probably, absolutely cheating on me right now
user you're just being para-
>>The Army
Oh you're definitely getting cucked right now.

GF is off interviewing for grad school out of state. (Inb4 Tyrone) and I'm watching the mummy with Tom "can't bruise the cruise" cruise..

literally the reddit of food

Grew up on Madness Combat. Truly flashkino.
Yea it wouldn't be the first time bud, cheers though.
Believe me I know.

Good news guys, he got me up

Damn all I have is a mouldy brownie. Probably can't eat

Let me comment on behalf of 99% of Sup Forums
>No friends
>No social skills
>No job/Shitty job
>Early or late twenties


Same wtf, I thought it was Thursday.

Muh niggas
Coquitlam reporting in

I have no friends and without friends going out is pointless.

I'm getting shitfaced for a few hours

same here
clippin coupons with my gf

hope u find true love user

>that backne

Too tired to go out, gotta go to bed soon

I don't think so.

>Girl texts me this morning
>Says she really wants to hangout with me (we were gonna go to a bookstore) but she has no money
>Say no worries, we can just window shop or do something else
>This was at 11am
>No response
Why do people do this?

you were her backup, sorry brah

dullest night

because I work Saturdays but not Fridays

Shoulda lied and scraped together some money to get her a money no cunny.

Because I want to be alone and fuck me at least I can tell people to fuck off here.

I've cut all ties with any friends I had in highschool

Same, I don't want them to see the failure I've become.

Tell me more about your life user, are you going back to that gym?

I would sell my soul for a baneposting gf

yes, not to lift though

tfw too fat to rise ;_;

I have the urge to go out to a downtown area with bars/clubs to meet someone but I’m afraid they are all gonna be roasties

I'm actually at a bar waiting for friends to finish a smoke

I'm paranoid about being skinned alive

She is definitely cheating on you

I'm always here, Bane.

>tfw always work on a saturday

fuck people who say "excited for friday bro?" fuck no i have to work you faggot


>see old HS friend at grocery store
>"hey man how are you? oh yeah i have 5 kids now and get paid 60 bucks an hour while paying 700 a month for rent. what are you up to these days?"
>tell them the truth; nothing, being alone and working
>they give you the shifty eyes and they stutter "o-oh alright ill see you later man"
>just stare at them for 8 seconds registering all this

25. I'm gonna die alone aren't I?

Only because white people made it reddit. Been eating it my whole life.

this is a great copypasta can i have it

>$60 an hour

Doing what?




she's a gold digger wanted a meal ticket. silly hoe

Rented Wind River from Blockbuster, and got some wings and a pizza.

Why the hell havent they gone back to the middle ages? Theres so much shit there thats so ripe, oh well hows the Roman stuff?

le bump


waifu is pretty niiiice

asked out a chick who i swear to god was into me before but i let it slide too long and lost it and she shut me down. so, fuck. at least im out of depression enough to do that and be sad about a tangible thing, i guess

its almost saturday lunch fagboy

I just woke up and theres a random naked girl next to me



Tell us the truth user. And tell it all.
Big ass? Smooth innie pussy? Li- tell us

I tell you every fucking week, user.

For (You)s