Woops.. down to 75!

At this rate we'll hit 60 by Saturday. top keks

Darn it. The movie is a flop.

25% of reviewers are DC fans or have...economic anxiety.


wew its still dropping

It's always good to see our brigading having an actual effect on the score, just like with the TLJ campaign. If we keep this up and continue to run our bot armies, we can tank this down to below 50% within a week just like we did with Star Wars.

>bot armies

Black Panther to black people is like a Bollywood movie to Indian people.



muh russians.

More like the audience isn't entirely filled with SJW faggots tho think a mediocre movie should be given a 10/10 merely for having a darkie cast.

The King uses bitcoin bro, fix your image.

Indeed my authentic fellow 4channer. We must continue our coordinated efforts to tank this movie because we hate the Blacks.


Another successful raid. Who should be our next target after this?

Are there any more divershitty films by Disney coming up? We should artificially tank it's score too.

Nice try, for a rabbi.

It's always the same with these Marvel movies.

They're fucking geniuses at marketing. They convince their audience that their movie is fun and exciting, and to kill anyone who disagrees.

I've tried, but I can't even sit through them. And I love watching low-level dumb shit like wrestling and sitcoms


Hopefully these low scores for Black Panther and TLJ will teach Disney a lesson: you don't f**k with the Alt Right.

Include me in the Variety article. We're going to be internet-famous!

what's wrong?

Seeing as a good chunk of Sup Forums- and Sup Forumstards will skip this movie on principle and seeing as how I've actually seen the movie, I can say this:

It's good. Legitimately. It's up there with Iron Man 2 and Captain America 2.
Is it still capeshit? of course, but if you expected Citizen Kane from a movie about a trillionaire king who beats people up with the help of magic steroids, you're just fooling yourself.

cgi shit fest = nice visual palette. a hero that wears all black.. and the badguy looks just like him.

It really is a shame, because their movies are very good from a film standpoint. If only they didn't include negros and women, they would be very enjoyable to watch.

You realize they only take 1 or 2 lines from reviewer articles, yes? If you clicked "full review," it's likely there paragraph after paragraph celebrating the diversity, etc.



Tbh senpai

I just watched it. It was boring, slow, and overall just mediocre at best.

kek you guys are this mad that black people like a movie, huh? who knew white people were so sensitive

Please leave your basement, whitey.

Those posts are sarcastic.

You faggots cry about shills all day and in your dreams, then you go on these ratings crusades lmfao

It's time for us Whites to let Blacks know that they can't be superheroes. That's for us, and ONLY us.

This latest Black superhero is just further proof that the Alt-Right is necessary, and that whites are being oppressed. For the glory of Kek, get your bots READY TO BRIGADE!

>who knew white people were so sensitive
it's just that their safe spaces aren't so safe anymore.

>muh made up "alt-right" movement that only really exists as an insult for liberals to throw at anyone they don't like


*breathes in*

you guys know movies are subjective right

armond has already drop-kicked this bitch into outer space. we'll never hear from it again.

You do realize that 'alt-right' the term liberals made up so they don't have to hurt racists' fee-fees by calling them racists, right? Right?

t. reddit samefagger

>we lowered the audience score, we did it guys! We're important!
imagine being this pathetic and thinking that this is an actual accomplishment. Imagine this being the highlight of your day. My God, how far white people have fallen.

>implying anyone on this site will make the effort to do any of that
fucking screen cap this you baiting piece of shit, nobody cares about your capeshit movies, thats why people dislike them

As a journalist who is visiting, these posts in this Sup Forums thread are very.... interesting. I'm not entirely sure how this website works yet but can I request permission to feature some of these posts in an article?

my fucking sides


In the name of Trump, we shall get this movie below 50%! Never stop using the bots to post your reviews, even if they start deleting them, we CAN do this!

this. "alt-right" was made up for a fucking throw-away election in the world's most petty bitchslapping contest.

these posts are fucking funny


>invest blood, sweat and tears 12 hrs a day online
>i...it's just a prank bro
lmao you pathetic faggots

No, get out you cancerous fucking tumor. You killed journalism, you stupid fucking hack. You and all the others like you. You fetishize violence and give serial killers free publicity for years, then get all teary eyed and gun-grabby whenever the next sicko decides to trade in his life for a semiauto and infamy. Fuck you. Fuck you. Yes I mad. Fuck you. Get out. Leave.

jokes on you it's only 11

may I have permission to quote you in my article? do you "channers" have usernames I can refer to?

Is this intended to be bait for journalists to screencap and include in an article?

Who do you think? This is Donald J. Trump. That ought to keep you busy for a while...

Bitterness towards journalists, noted. Is this why your people are brigading the scores of critically acclaimed movies, in an attempt to prove journalists wrong?

literally you.

No. It's mostly due to our dislike of niggers.

Hey at least I get paid overtime for my job. Can you say the same?

I have spoken to Dimitri and he has reassured me that the digital signatures generated by the Randokov-Obfuscation algorithms we employed to downvote The Last Jedi remain indistinguishable from genuine votes. These White Genociders will not be able to prove out bot activity and will once again have to declare the score legitimate. This crushing moral defeat we debilitate our enemy's will to resist our takover. The Endsieg is within our grasp, comrades! KEK GRANT US VICTORY!

t. hourly wage

The Truth is, blacks wont even like it. Deep down they wont like what they are actually watching, they only like the Idea that it is somehow been painted as middle finger to White people. black comic book characters NEVER work and are 100% so obviously shoehorned and terrible they are incapable of actually being enjoyed and respected in literature, let alone comic books, an entire industry based on high-ideals of man, and the metaphorical striving for greatness.

In the 'real world', Blacks simply do not value heroism. Not in the USA, Europe, Africa itself, you name it. They flat out dont value it. They dont value altruism, self-sacrifice, striving for perfection of form and function, or extra-human idealism. They dont value law, order, truth or justice.

infact they embody the pure unadulterated opposite of all this. Wanton narcissism and death. Contempt for all laws, lawgivers and their institutions. They wish for and promote death for the police, military or any other conventional 'hero' of normal society. They have NO concept of achievement or social advancement. They have produced ZERO real-world functioning societies, they have NEVER created a nation where education and order thrive, where brother helps brother. They produce FILTHY music that promotes the worst crime and sexual behavior humanity has to offer. They have outlandish egotism where they can simultaneously be "a king or a queen" while receiving welfare and or sit behind bars.

On social media or the msm, 'woke blacks' have truly confused this hitherto obscure comic with actual real history. To them it is some kind of 'cultural movement', yet they make no effort to export its message to their own communities in the real world. its a mind boggling attempt by an industry that fundamentally fails to understand how morally corrupt black culture is to its core.

You are not a journalist, you an editorialist. Journalists investigate events and report facts. You spew opinion with a writing style that implies, if not outright states, that every reasonable person agrees with you and whatever you say is always right.

this is obviously the work of Sup Forums and other people alike, kind of pathetic tbqh. movie was good

Dislike of African Americans, that can explain the brigading on Black Panther. It does not explain the attack on The Last Jedi though, unless having just one black main character is enough to provoke your ire?

Unlike most journalists, I'm not willing to just chalk this up to racism and call it a day. I genuinely want to get to the root of the cause here, you can trust me on that.

>do you "channers" have usernames I can refer to?
yeah. they call me Mousewheel

It's honestly not good or bad. I rated it already. 2.5 out of 5.

Some of the action scenes the CGI is just bad
Main character has no character arc and is pretty much perfect
Main villain they try to make human and rationalize why he wants a giant world wide race war. (I'm seriously not joking, the movie tries to justify why someone would want a giant world wide race war)
Michael B Jordan is overacting on every scene.

It's just not that good. It's not bad. It's just not good


>Dislike of African Americans, that can explain the brigading on Black Panther.

imagine being so soy that you have to make a concerted effort to attack a fictional black man because he hurt your fee fees JEJ

Hello fellow authentic 4channer

Boyega's not American, and Force Awakens audience score is fine.

Bad strategy pol. This will only lead to audience scores being removed

"In 1992, while on an undercover assignment in Oakland, California, Prince N'Jobu became convinced that Wakanda's isolationist policies had done more harm than good, and vowed to share its technology with people of African descent around the world in order to help them conquer their oppressors."

Seriously this is the Villains goal. To start a giant race war, which the movie tries to show is a reasonable course of action but the Black panther chooses another.

It's that over the top

Well there's Spawn and Blade to be honest

>Acting surprised
This happens with every superhero movie.
Superhero movie has a gimmick, audiences flock to watch it for that gimmick, surprise it's another fucking superhero movie that is exactly like all the rest.


Happened with Thor.
Happened with Guardians
Happened with Justice League
Happened with Wonder Woman
Happened with Iron Man
Happened with Avengers

It will keep fucking happening because normies are irreversibly stupid. They will fall for the same shell game to sell them the same stupid fucking movie forever.

>average disney film


>Prince N'Jobu
Come on now, this isn't real.

>false flagging this hard
Leftypol go back to your fucking discord, Sup Forums isn't your shitty battleground.

Yeah, this
It's another superhero movie. You can take all the villains and characters and change them slightly, and you have every other superhero movie.

I'll give it a pass if the CGI is better than Justice League.

yeah thats why the marketing is getting so retarded

have to attach some 'cause' to it to sell tickets

Vice please leave

brilliant fucking meta troll congrats

Leave you fag bag

I don't understand this tactic of flooding the audience score with the lowest reviews possible. Do you actually think it will hurt the box office or?


False flagging cocksucker

Report this: BP was created, written, drawn, and published by white and jewish dudes for the express purpose of creating a token black superhero and cynically pandering to black comic book nerds. BP was relatively unknown before Disney revived him for Civil War and made him more relevant to the current year PC social climate.

Also write about how problematic it is for Wakanda to be so alt-right. They are racist, even in the rabid liberal sense of the word, for they are the richest and most technologically advanced nation on the planet, thus they have the most power. Prejudice+Power=Racism, right? Or talk about how Wakanda doesn't let in refugees or gives foreign aid despite being so rich and prosperous.

cult of personality
us vs them retoric
appeals to disenfranchised demographics
simple solutions to complex problems

>b-but thats like half the current politicians
yeah, you dumb nigger. that's because hitler and mussolini pretty much invented modern politics and populism in a mass society

*tips fedora*


>Jews have played a prominent role in organizing blacks beginning with the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909. The NAACP was founded by wealthy German Jews, non-Jewish whites and blacks led by W.E.B. Dubois. The Jewish role was predominant.

>By mid-decade, the NAACP had something of the aspect of an adjunct of B’nai B’rith and the American Jewish Committee. . . . By 1920, Herbert Seligman was director of public relations and Martha Greuning served as his assistant. . . . Small wonder that a bewildered [Black Nationalist leader] Marcus Garvey stormed out of NAACP headquarters in 1917 muttering that it was a white organisation.

Why did he say this? Dragged the scene out.

Don't worry... We'll handle this. Leave it to me and my crew!

>How can you claim to be the rightful king when you won't even acknowledge Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.

>They've been poisoning us for years!
>In "Collier's Weekly," during the year 1908, solid truths appeared, which are in point today as proofs of what was transpiring. "Collier's Weekly" was the first journal in the land to print the names of Jews in connection with the liquor debauchery of the country. Even so, it had been going on a very long time. There was a specially scathing attack on what was called "Nigger gin," a peculiarly vile beverage which was compounded to act upon the Negro in a most vicious manner. The author, Will Irwin, spoke of this gin as "The king iniquity in the degenerated liquor traffic of these United States." This author and Collier's started a new fashion in giving publicity not only to the names of certain brands of liquors, but also the names of the men who made them - all were Jews! The maker of one brand of "nigger gin" which had spurred certain Negroes on to the nameless crime, was one Lee Levy. Mr. Irwin detailed some of his experiences investigating the gin sold by a number of companies, all bearing Jewish names. The gin was cheap, its labels bore lascivious suggestions and were decorated with highly indecent portraiture of white women. "I never saw it in any saloon which bars the Negro," he wrote. Widely sold brands of cheap, noxious gins and other liquors, made by and brazenly sold under Jewish names, caused newspaper and police comments upon the peculiar lawlessness among negroes. With reference to the Negro Question, "nigger gin," the product of Jewish poisoned liquor factories, was its most provocative element. The date of the appearance of this gin on the United States market is the period when Negro outbursts and subsequent lynchings became serious. The localities where this gin was sold are those where the disorders prevailed.

That's not how the review system works though. A movie doesn't have to be 10/10 to be fresh.

it is so so fucking stupid to imply the Last Jedi's score is in anyway fabricated

We are proud of our culture, right now on tumblr, several and several black men are showing pride in this tradition of Wakanda, your people call it "dick cage"

I can't tell if this is some giant falseflag meme or if you guys are actually rating it low for fun just to see?

remember, these retards elected the worst president ever because a cartoon frog told them to.