One of these threads
Pleb v Patrician
Other urls found in this thread:
Alexander ulti cut
t. pseud
>movie about n*ggers
Terrible thread.
which one of your favorite movies got bantzed?
>not the king of pseuds
>probably the single best blaxploitation movie
>not patrician
>black men who aren't slaves on screen for more than 5 minutes
It is pleb to think that any of those two are bad films.
2049 is a bad film.
Yes, that is a non argumentative pleb opinion
>Sup Forums getting this triggered
I hope you mean the final 3 hour cut user
those are both great movies tho
haha amazing argument got me good, what is next, le ebin reddit buzzword?
ironic you call me r*ddit because 2049 is literally r*ddit's favorite movie :)
I didn't call you reddit, I said that you will use the reddit buzzword as a yet another meaningless argument in your next post, and look at that you sure did.
user, it's ok to like Bladerunner 2049, but please don't argue that it's some artistic achievement in any way comparable to the original.
>cinematography is uninspired, typical Deakins tricks
>story is hamfisted highschool tier what it means to be human garbage
>forced connection to the original for no reason, ruining the originals ending
>more than an hour longer than it needed to be, pacing issues
>pandering to the autist crowd with muh virtual submissive waifu
>most obnoxious fans on planet earth, even worse than the star wars and got posters
Dennis has never made a good film.
Control your edge faggot.
>implying To the Wonder isn't the best neo-Malick
The pleb just outed himself
>2049 is literally r*ddit's favorite movie :)
No it's not, but it is for Sup Forums
Knight of Cups is better, but Malick has been hit and miss recently
ToL and Sunset Song are both terrible meandering tripe
Leave it to variety to miss the point entirely
1. Koc
2. To the wonder
3. The new world
4. Tree of life
5. Thin red line
6. Voyage of time
7. song to song
8. days of heaven
9. badlands
I agree Koc is better but all his films have been fantastic. He has literally never made a bad film.
BR2049 has a vastly better more detailed protagonist in every conceivable way.
Better more genuinely emotionally investing romance than the absolutely flat "romance" of the first one.
Better more consistent character development of all the characters throughout the entire narrative, not just in the third act.
Better sound mixing and sound editing in the soundscape.
Better version of the Voight-Kampf sequence.
All of these movies are good you dumb nerds.
Shut up reddit
>BR2049 has a vastly better more detailed protagonist in every conceivable way.
detailed =/= good
>Better more genuinely emotionally investing romance than the absolutely flat "romance" of the first one.
The romance was one of the only interesting things about the movie and only because Ana was so qt
>Better more consistent character development of all the characters throughout the entire narrative, not just in the third act.
>Better sound mixing and sound editing in the soundscape.
I mean, I would really hope so considering it's a 2017 movie
>Better version of the Voight-Kampf sequence.
LMAO wew
>muh waifu feels so emotional
Like I already stated, it's fine if you like your movie, whatever. But it's not a great movie. The same crowd that loves Star wars, fight club, etc capeshit also loves this movie. That is not a coincidence
>cinematography is uninspired
Meme non argument that can be used for any film, actually say what do you find executed wrong or bad there
>story is hamfisted highschool tier what it means to be human garbage
No, the first one is about that, while the sequel deals with what it means to be "special" and does it matter if you're programmed or not. And to call the story of the first BR "highschool tier garbage" is just showing how much of a juvenile underage brainlet you are
>forced connection to the original for no reason, ruining the originals ending
How is it forced? How does it ruin the ending of the first one?
>more than an hour longer than it needed to be, pacing issues
Nope, just your videogame ADHD issues
>pandering to the autist crowd with muh virtual submissive waifu
Yes yes, middle aged men with families who wrote and directed this 150 mil film were aiming to get the 4chin audience yes.
>most obnoxious fans on planet earth, even worse than the star wars and got posters
Not a critique of the film itself whatsoever.
Please try giving an actual argument
Post your letterboxd or imbd
You just can't pretend that Deckard was a better protagonist or character than K.
He barely is a character at all, he's more of a medium for the audience to explore the setting and the other characters, while in BR2049 everything is strictly about K and his journey, where you have characters like Joi who serve as a literal extension of his character development
Give some arguments then. Talking about imaginary fans is not an argument
>Meme non argument that can be used for any film, actually say what do you find executed wrong or bad there
overuse of wideshots and high contrast colors, the same typical tricks deakins always uses.
>No, the first one is about that, while the sequel deals with what it means to be "special" and does it matter if you're programmed or not. And to call the story of the first BR "highschool tier garbage" is just showing how much of a juvenile underage brainlet you are
The plot of the first one was highschool tier as well. What's your point here?
>How is it forced? How does it ruin the ending of the first one?
The first one ended with an open ending and left you with a feeling of suspense. This resolution to the open ending was underwhelming.
>Nope, just your videogame ADHD issues
Whose the one with the non-arguments here? Most of my favorite movies are ~3 hours long and much slower paced than 2049. Stretching a 90 minute movie into a 155 minute movie doesn't improve it.
>Yes yes, middle aged men with families who wrote and directed this 150 mil film were aiming to get the 4chin audience yes.
It's appealing to virtually every male, especially those 17-25. Guess who the target audience for blade runner is. You guessed it: MALE
>Not a critique of the film itself whatsoever.
It's not, which is why I put it last. 2049 fans are just annoying pretending their capeshit scifi movie is high art.
>he's more of a medium for the audience to explore the setting and the other characters
My fucking nigga.
You make zero arguments and you're telling others to provide arguments. I don't understand. Who cares if the original wasn't a character driven movie, that wasn't the point.
>Sup Forums is full of plebs
So K is a better character and protagonist than Deckard.
I'm not saying that either film is better than the other, I'm saying that K is a better character and protagonist than Deckard
>every film needs to be a character study with a strong focus on the "main" character
ok you confirmed you're a pleb.
>comedy about religion of any kind
>"wickedly funny!"
>every single time
Where did I say or even imply this? Christ your reading comprehension is basically non existent.
What are your favorite movies. I have a theory here.
You argued that K is most detailed and developed than Deckard. Of course he is, 2049 spent probably 3 times as long trying to develop his character and the entire story functions around him. The original didn't function like this and is a completely different type of story telling.
you unironically did pls try and keep up with your own posts
>2 fundamentally different movies with different messages
Well compared, user!
I agree with all of you said, and I literally said I didn’t mean that that means any of them as films are better than the other, just that K is a better more detailed character, which the original user who replied to me said is not true
hey guys, look at me, I'm r-racist too haha! We are friends now, right?
Where did he say that? You're the one who brought up the point about the characters first, I'm pretty sure.
>vastly better more detailed protagonist in every conceivable way.
>comparing characters of films somehow means that I think that every film should be a character study
What a dumb conclusion. It's not like non character driven films have no characters and that you can't discuss them, it would only be dumb of me to say that such a film is bad because the characters are not as "detailed", which I never said.
You used it as an argument to further your case as to why 2049 was superior.
he wanted to fuck his own daughter
If that was your daughter you would to
One is an original take on a war film, the other is the usual trope filled cliche fake empathy schlock that panders to the CoD videogame manchild mind with ridiculous cartoon like scenes like webm related
>literally linking you directly to where you did just that
>"i-i never did that"
the 2049 fans are just as dishonest as dennis himself!
yes, dunkirk is a ridiculous cartoon videogame with nameless npcs dying in pixelated, impactless explosions, i agree
>probably the single best blaxploitation movie
That would be Truck Turner, jive ass honkey.
god nolandrones are so delusional
lmao manbaby couldn’t give an argument so he had to shove bullshit adjectives so it seems like more valid, embarassing
you did the exact same thing
>nolanfag so cold and flaccid he has to insult other people because his championed "movie" is offensively bad
>man picking up a half of a corpse of his freshly dead countrymen with a single arm and using it as a shield
>carrying a 16 pounds heavy BAR with the other hand while making straight headshots and killing entire groups of enemies with a single magazine
>blown up soldiers doing cartwheels throughout the scene while shrapnel free explosions are going off a mere feet or two away
>not videogame tier schlock
Not even cartoons are this ridiculous, you must be quite of a brainless videogame manchild to think this is an accurate portrayal of any kind.
And that's just the battle scenes, don't even get me started with the first act of the film which is as cliche and trope filled as a WW2 film can be
>the actual combatants talking about this shit happening during the battle but armchair specops frontliner user thinks it's invalid because it's ludicrous/unbelievable
>meanwhile he champions a mumblecore sequence of "watch robots stare morosely until they explode or drown with no impact on eachother or the audience" with only one single aesthetically-pleasing shot in the entire movie, a boring and failed multiple timeline gimmick and a overbearing annoying soundtrack that insists THIS PART IS DRAMATIC YOU GOTTA FEEL SOMETHING COME ON FEEL SOMETHING I KNOW YOU'RE FEELING SOMETHING while robots continue to perform robotically
you got btfo
>pure wholesome qt
>gets fucked by chad, and goes back for more
>gets gangbanged
;_; made me sad desu
Not this?
fuck yeah, embrace is great