Now this
Is the power of cinema
Now this
Is the power of cinema
Other urls found in this thread:
>"gun control"
>"common sense"
>"gun reform"
gun control is a meme, my government made us give away all our guns and violence has only gotten worse, now the criminals are armed but the cvilians aren't
ironic because the film was not about justice in the slightest
Amy schumer is operator AF
this is what they want, white man scared of the illegally armed brown man
I'm sorry sir. This cinema is a gun-free zone. I'm going to have to ask you to turn in your weapon.
This is just like Harry Potter
>the mainstream is doing something i don't like again!
I'm the designated shooter sir.
With that tiny thing? Jesus what has this country come to?
Alright, down the hall to your left
this is a lie, australia is one of the safest countries in the world now specifically because they got rid of guns
Why not just make it illegal to murder people ?
>let's ignore the well regulated militia part in the second amendment nevermind it's the same sentence just ignore it because it contradicts my point just concentrate on those words that do not contradict me
the same way some "christians" cherry pick passages in the bible ignoring those that contradict them s m h
>*gets raped by emu*
>safe country
Nice try Mr Spider. Not falling for that one again
What do you think the "well regulated militia" is? Hint: it's not the national guard
the militia is defined in US code as all men of age in the country. Try again.
>what is DC v Heller
Hello tumblr
Not posting the truth
Australia's gun crime rate was low before the ban, there's absolutely no reason to believe the ban did anything
>getting trolled by this even though it's been destroyed a trillion fucking times.
bodies arent even in the ground yet, classy.
Wtf I want to burn the constitution now
Just ban Florida
all that quivering gymnastics s m h
Can any leftists explain this cognitive dissonance?
How truly original
It's actually amazing how out of teach with reality the average liberal is. You see, to them, "common sense gun control" means "gun gabbing." But they don't realize A) cops aren't going to disarm the people and B) the few cops who try will be executed.
But, more to the point, the United States can really prove they take this seriously by making murder illegal. Who is with me? Let's do this! MURDER SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!
>Professional signage and its own routes set up within 2 days
Interesting :^)
They'd love to live in a police state if they could be in charge of it.
Niggers should be illegal.
yeah it takes at least a week to put black text on a red background and rent a van
Merely a (((((coincidence)))))
>btw we want them to be the only ones with guns
Why not let the CDC research gun violence? I don't understand what's wrong with that
>all men of age
>well regulated militia
>let's just legislate a new definition
>let's just get better legal yammerer
>i choose to ignore everything that disagrees with me and pretend all arguments that agree with means i won boooyaah
>everybody has a gun
>no mass shootings
>gun proliferation decreases
>mass shootings increases
justise 4 grenfell
When the US was 90%+ white we also had no mass shootings. Really makes you think.
Why can't leftists meme?
You know the founding fathers even said that the amendments should be updated as time passes to adapt to a new age, right?
Well it sure as fuck ain't the late 1700's anymore. And there are no british invading.
>no niggers
>no alt-soys
>no orange presidents
what did they mean by this
This is the second protest utilizing the Three Billboards approach, first being in the UK with the Grenfell tower.
MOTY by the academy incoming baby
Except niggers aren't committing mass shootings. Yeah, they contribute the majority of gun violence but its always white people who are the ones to suddenly snap and just shoot up public spaces.
like clockwork
Honestly this
>things that wont ever get Republicans to vote Democrat
keep pushing this one, demfaggots, surely you won't see another Trumpian backlash.
Nothing gets Republicans to turn out harder than the threat of gun control.
Source: Your ass
They made it extremely difficult to amend the constitution for a reason.
>Canada has as much guns per capita as US
>11 school shootings since 1975
dumb frogposter
>stealing memes
you proved his point
Why this on TV?
just legalise murder in america.
solves the population problem too.
>implying the movie, the shooting and these billboards aren't orchestrated by the same people
Who the hell has money to pay for three trucks with a custom message?
blame op, Im just here to funpost
the truth is the USA is made up of millions of gun adoring citizens (most of whom are good people) who have a government persecution complex. no way around it. there WILL NEVER BE sensible gun control in this country. EVER. countdown to the next mass murder by AR-15 begins now.
It's not extremely difficult if the goverment would unanimously agree to it. But of course gun nuts and wackjob religious people are ok with weekly shooting sprees.
Ok, then congress should amend it. Or you should move to a city where guns are illegal, like Chicago.
>muh meme ownership
>sensible gun control
>And there are no british invading.
Just hordes of commie faggots that want to turn the whole world into San Fransisco.
how many levels of tinfoil are you on?
Except they are the number one perpetrators of mass shootings in this country. It never reaches national news though because that's expected in the ghetto.
rent free
>implying hes wrong
>daddy daddy he stole my interweb pictures!
Yes, that's how a republic works. People elect representatives who reflect their values. There are plenty of dictatorships to move to if that rustles your jimmies so hard.
The left philosophy is all about destroying the white man. And striking out in pain as it hits you.
Just stocked up on more standard capacity magazines, there was a nice sale the other day. More soytears op.
>implying hes right
So you want the second amendment so you can shoot people whom you dislike? That's fucked up.
>I'm defending crazy people
That's how you sound right now.
The majority of shooting is entirely niggers, in fact, if they all died tomorrow we would have the same gun violence stats as some European countries.
How original...
>blacks don't committ mass shootings
Gang wars you leftycuck
>1 incident in decades vs modern monthly shooting sprees
Stop being a nigger.
And then there's the Pulse Shooter.
How fucking stupid are you?
I live in Victoria right now, and rabid niggers smash up stores and bash people every day. Can't do anything about it because no guns. Not even the police shoot them.
vietnam says hi
Wasn't that the law that stop old people who can't mange their money form having guns?
>half the population are crazy it's just me and people who agree with me that are enlightened
Are you 15?
Cliven Bundy says hello.
And Obama's presidency saw some of the worst mass shootings in America's history. Government regulations solve nothing.
JDAM says hi back cleetus lol