Do you sneak anything into the movies?

Do you sneak anything into the movies?

Boxed candy

BBQ ribs in a ziplock bag. I leave the bones in between the seats for the wagies.

My invisible imaginary gf

I sneak in a cold monster like in the OP, wrapped in aluminium, along with candies in a box. Never bring candies in plastic bags, too much noise. Fuck anyone who eat things from plastic bags.

Who else /sip/ here

gummy bears and seeds to feed on

sip boi reporting in


no i can wait 2 hours without fucking eating

>"Sugar Free"
Enjoy the cancer

picrelated, I wait till the previews are over and crush up the bag to get more chilli powder at the bottom

/sipping/ right now

arizona tea>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>monster

I once sneaked an entire Burger King Whopper meal with fries and a drink into a crowded theater. I dined like a motherfuckin king while watching... something... I don't actually remember the movie, only my meal. Which was great. I don't even give a shit if BK puts horse in their burgers or whatever, it's delish af.

I can still see the fucking glass behind it

dubs of truth

>this entire post


>Drinking energy drinks to do a passive activity as watching a movie

Go cuck yourself kid

>only saw 2 for $4 once at my local pharmacy
Seriously where do you get these the best I find is 2 for $5?

I always sneak several cases of Stella Artois into the cinema inside my luggage. The hard part is convincing the usher not to take my luggage up to the room before the movie

Since the 80s.

Drinking energy drinks at all, especially monster, is fucking gross and Sup Forumseddit tier.

I was beginning to think Sup Forumsfags didn't have taste or know how to save money


What are you drinking an energy drink before a movie for?

Nice. They can't catch you with the no singles policy.

Can someone explain this? Is this some new /ck/ meme?

It's a popular /fit/ meme

Edit: It might have been Machete. I want to believe it was Machete, because goddamn I loved seeing that in theaters and I want to believe I ate an entire motherfuckin Burger King meal while doing it. But it might have been some bullshit romantic comedy because I know I saw a couple of those in college but I truly don't remember the act of doing so.

Usually hot Cheetos and alcohol

I’m in Dallas and the 7/11’s are doing 3 for $5 for any 16oz.

Never sipped so fucking hard in these few months

Faggots, Arizona tea is literally the most reddit drink of all time.

No one cares that you like to have sex with other men.

My dumbass read this as "hot Cheetos" at first like... literally Cheetos that were heated up in a microwave or some shit. That would be weird. Unless that's what you meant, which is okay, I wouldn't try it but it's cool if you do.

AR-15 and a couple of smoke bombs.

Greedy little cunts are just fishing for tips


Energy drinks have an effect only the first time you have one, and it's almost nothing. Energy drinks are like any other kind of drinks really. I like the taste of them.

>imagine being this paranoid of a shitty website
its a dollar and also been drinking it before reddit was a thing, you don't seriously drink monster do you?


For me? It's celery and water.


>*"did I tell you I'm vegan? Let me tell you"*


Beer. Fast food meals.

Fuck those prices

my local kinoplex doesnt give 2 shits if you bring stuff in so i bring in bags of taco bell and a large drink. dont even have to sneak it. although since i sometimes put liquor in the drink, i guess im sneakin liquor in.

Must be a Texas thing cause here in Houston there's literally always 3 for 5

I go to the dollar store and fill my cargos up with gummi worms.

Sips and bourbon are goat

might as well just say water and stringy water

assault rifles

Jalapeno or bust

Only things Robert doesn't sell, like a flask of whisky.


This is the only decent energy drink

its a normalfriend meme but a fun one

/S I P B O Y S/

> marketing

>be me
>a highly intelligent gentleman who is picky about quality and value
>often looking for a delicious new lunch spot
>try Burger King on a whim
My friends I tell you, it was one of the best meals I have had this year. The crisp vegetables mixed with the moist and hot broiled burger. The cool soda, the hot and crunch fries, totally blown away.
I was able to get a value meal for $5.99 and they even complimented my shirt. They don't let black people touch your food and they also have ice cream.
Head on down to Burger King today and get yourself some good mood food. You won't regret it!!

Seriously, Monster is marketing on Sup Forums too

hasnt this whole "sneak things into the movie" thing been a meme for years

did you time travel from 2008? Cause BK is garbage now yet they still shove an entire head of lettuce in between the buns. Quality of meat and fries as been like the stock markets of that time.
no its just a withered husk of its old self, like a modern leo decraprio

also horse meat is a delicacy, idk what the big deal was about...

What the fuck is up

Snuck a 40 into a late night viewing of three billboards. Stuffed it between the waist of my jeans and let my shirt cover the top half. I was already wasted as fuck so I was bolstered with dgaf, waddled to the ticket booth and through the theatre looking awkward. Hardly any staff or patrons around though, ended up having the whole theater to myself. I was yelling out loud and dozed off in the last quarter.

reporting in