Black men are not superi-

>Black men are not superi-

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>Ben affleck


Isn't Ben a recovering alcoholic?

Affleck has been in rebab for fuck sake, of course he looks like shit

He looks amazing in BvS though, before he hit the bottle

>41 years old and he's only in a big film now and is the worst part of it
>Affleck is 45 years old, won 2 oscars and fucked everyone to death and back
Eat shit, Nignog.

a. They actually look about the same age, except Ben is fat and isn't dyeing his hair/beard

b. As for Black Don't Crack, that's mostly due to stupid white people tanning their skin into leather and never moisturizing. Even so, I'll take a few more wrinkles in exchange for the increased life expectancy

Not posting wesley snipes


Black don't crack, whitey

Reminder: Blacks get more leeway on being ugly since progressive white folks still view them as orcs.


such a snowflake


From what I understand Chadwick has a healthy lifestyle and a stable career.

Affleck had a divorce, is an alcoholic, and his career is going to shit after being fucked by being Batman in Snyder's trash.

Not a fair comparison.

>stable career.
Did you know who he was before Black Panther?

Just like Morgan Freeman

WOW! BASED black people actually reading RT

yeah that was like 200 years ago. its 2018 now. different game.

Do you think I hate black people or something? I'd probably suck Freemans dick. Hell, I liked Jordan in this too. Chadwick is a fucking nobody. And it's even sadder that he's starred in two Marvel films and he's still a nobody.

Boseman is this old? Wtf. Thought he had a bright future in Hollywood, but now I'm in doubt.

keep dreaming bl*ck boi

niggers are shit, but triggered rednecks are next in the list

>looked amazing in bvs
No he didn’t, they had to give him cgi abs and his mediocre body was hidden by shadows and lighting in the workout scene.

It made sense casting an old Batman. It would make sense casting an old Spider-Man or Wolverine. Why the FUCK would you cast an old actor for a superhero nobody knows shit about?


God damn it Warner Brothers is retarded. They should've got Joseph Gordon Levitt as Batman like everyone wanted after watching TDKR.

>It made sense casting an old Batman
Not really. They should have casted a young actor and had him become a jaded old man after they had proper buildup like they did with Wolverine.

Now they have no where to go with Batman expect for prequels.

Because Snyder is a retard. He wanted to get an even older actor to play Batman before this.

You could just say "because Snyder" and everyone would all know the retardation is implied.

Not him but,

>a acting career can only be considered one once you are in a huge hollywood blockbuster

How do you think he got to this point? Magic? He was in a ton of different shows consistently year after year, and then was Blackie Robinson in a well received baseball movie with small time unknown actor Harrison Ford.

lol, actually yes, i just googled them for their ages, and he's on the tabloids for crashing his bike and fighting in public with his ex, its pretty sad, i'm of an age that i feel more sympathetic for men in this situation rather than just disgusted, i guess its tough getting old without having build a strong home

The Virgin Afflack/The Chad Boseman