Cast them

Cast them.

Frog is not married

me as wojac

Classic Paul Dano as wojak
DeVito as pepe

John Goodman as pepe
Jai Courtney as wojak

some pervy manlet as pepe
some lanky canadian as wojack

sylvester stallone as pepe

adam sandler as pepe
adam sandler as wojak

Vinnie Jones as Pepe
Paul Giamatti as Wojak

Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart

Mike Stoklasa and AIDSmoby

these are my favorite memes!

>ever scrolling down


he's a redittor that can only post fad new memes to feel self important

Vin Diesel as Pepe
Paul Walker as Wojak

how deep goes the character development in Sup Forums's multiverse?

Ben Afflack and Bruce Willis

>reading comments on youtube videos
Unless you want to give yourself high blood pressure there is absolutely no reason to read the comment section.

too late

Rami Malek
Woody Harrelson

>green gondola

Jack Nicholson as pepe
Daniel Day Lewis as wojack

James Woods as Pepe
The Goose as Wojack

That guy who was Obi-Wan
>Pepe's girl
Michael Sera

Mickey Rourke as pepe
Michael Cera as wojack


Joe Rogan as Pepe.
Jordan B. Peterson as Wojac.


post the original pic

there is only one man with the skill and the autism for the role of Wojack

kek I found it in a minecraft forum inside a post about the IDF


>not having Jordan play a frog
What did he mean by this?

Holy fuuckkkk. Perfect casting.
Also, checked

Pepe/Wojak - Big Budget buddy-cop action flick
Gondola - Arthouse indie film
Spurdo - Raunchy comedy
Apu - Heartwarming Pixar film

ah-bloo-bloo check these dubs dumb frogposters

nah nah jek dis

nani checku desu

>This will never happen.

>all these may-to-december castings
Are age gaps that common in great friendships?

I mean, I'm assuming the Wojak died recently... obituary says 2014.

Idris Elba as both

wait no, this

Pepe and Wojak are zombie mêmes. Let them retire.

Movies with that aesthetic?


>Pepe/Wojak - Big Budget buddy-cop action flick
you mean hints of it, while the real focus is on Pepina and Wojackinne

said an user who never ever opened mspaint to craft his own memes

1980’s De Niro as Pepe
John Krasinski as Wojack

what does a pepe in retirement look like? is he happy?

someone post the image featuring the pepe timelines