What the fuck was her problem?
What the fuck was her problem?
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About to watch this, what am I in for?
she's white scum
She's a woman.
white trash kino
you might cry if you still have a soul
but if youre one of those tryhard nuchanner fags who visits Sup Forums youll just feel hate and anger as usual
Where did you get it from? Is it streaming?
I think I got the wrong one...
its been on torrents for a while now
What's a good torrent downloader?
8 minutes in, and I like it. Reminds me of Gummo
if you grew up poor it will hit close to home
its better than gummo
it actually made me think of 'kids' when i first watched it
A backtalking latina sells Disney passes and Norman Osborne runs a motel.
A really good movie ruined in the last 2 minutes.
absolute kino
literally what every pleb says because its easy to say
youre racist and retarded
this is what happens when you don't develop critical thinking skills. you turn into a fucking retard pleb
what makes the ending good? seriously whoever was in charge of selecting the music ruined it, i watched it today at the kinoplex (premiered here yesterday) and I really liked it until that end (not end itself but how it was edited and the fucking soundtrack)
You didn't save you.
A great film that exposes you to a type of life that you're likely not familiar with. You already fucked up by asking for opinions before watching it though.
It's a childish fantasy she's having to cope with her potentially losing her mom. The whole thing is supposed to be fantastical.
Why the fuck did you even watch this? Something like a children's movie is more your speed. They spell out everything for you. Then you don't have to waste time on a board afterwards because you didn't understand the most obvious things in a movie
you just told me what you didnt like about it
but you didnt say what about the ending ruined the ENTIRE movie like you implied
you are just a faggot who wants to seem like you know movies by being an asshole and finding something to shit on
it's honestly the most repulsive movie ive ever watched
do you get to see her tiny little milkers? She looks like just the type of trash that gets me diamonds
go back to Sup Forumseddit
t. florida trash
was it supposed to end with her being driven away to a foster home?
>RLM say it bad so I must say it bad too!
the mom? not in the movie
shes some lithunian model
you can find nudes somewhere
ive never even been to florida but its obvious youre some faggot born after 1993 who only started coming to this site after 2011 and whos main board is this shit hole and Sup Forums
you are literally the repulsive trash you hate
im not the same guy, I enjoyed the movie
why are you so angry? jesus fucking christ nowhere in my post i mentioned about it being fantastical or not, I said I didn't like the EDITING and the SOUNDTRACK, it did not match the scene.
now get the fuck off your high horse fucking pedantic piece of shit
lol did they?
so that's where this opinion is coming from
if anything about the ending is bad, it's the girls closeup crying and the last scene with the mother, simply because neither of them are professional actors and they just can't quite carry the pivotal emotion.
On the whole it's amazing performances from them though.
>ive never even been to florida but its obvious youre some faggot born after 1993 who only started coming to this site after 2011 and whos main board is this shit hole and Sup Forums
>you are literally the repulsive trash you hate
lmao im 30 try again kiddo
so i was wrong about one thing? oh ok
youre still a humongous juvenile faggot
The ending was crap though. I was about to get emotional until the fantasy started, as I'd already gotten the whole idea of these ruined childhoods occuring miles away from the western ideal of childhood.
you seem quite mad, i'm guessing you grew up as poor trash
what movie is this?
This desu
the florida project
i would say that i wouldnt have to tell you again what i think of you but you are literally stupid as fuck so i guess i have to call you a loser again LOL
lol, nah
t. welfare baby lmao
The Florida Project
It's extremely good, get on it
you guys are crap
>tfw the lead actress has never acted before in her life, is like her character, has all those tatoos and was cast from her instagram page
why would you admit to being a welfare baby? and then laugh about it?
lol fucking dumb ass cant even meme right
I like that this movie shows real consequences of growing up this way. Other movies imply these non-structured homes have no long term effects,like the movie boyhood, the way they were raised those kids would be fucked up
fucking idiot
wow how new are you
this shot was absolute kino
this daysue
they already made a film about the shooting?
I'm not the one who doesn't get the ending
you are too retarded to help
>he doesnt know the finer points of memeing
what a pathetic nuchanner you are
arent you supposed to be an epic troll?
t. idiot that doesn't know how this meme works
how was it?
Why she didnt sell her daughter?
i would pay 2k for a night with her
>t. dumb ass faggot who just called himself an idiot and admitted to not knowing how the meme works
t. guy who knows how the meme works :^) lol dumb ass
Fuck off
just wow
Have some fucking respect you faggot
She's barely worth a hundred bucks
She's a white trash cum dumpster. Just like her mom before her.
Psychopaths demonstrate empathy toward their children, occasionally. They report viewing their children as extensions of themselves.
Is this a redpill?
Jesus Christ, you can actually see the negroid genes right there.
you have just won the idiot of the day award congrats
I'm assuming you're incapable of understanding written text because that's not what I said and explained why and your answer was either way not spending more time with a crippled autist like you, hope you neck yourself
why because i got the best of some idiot?
LOL i made you feel stupid
i hope you learned something today
t. the guy who just made you feel like a retard :^)
I think you're not really getting the film if that's all you take away from it. It's not an unequivocal criticism of their lives. At times, they are really living and she does get to experience the kind of childhood that is fast disappearing. Many kids now will not know what it's like to roam your neighbourhood all summer with friends. Totally not giving a fuck is not sustainable, and it's not something that responsible parents can do, but at times it's enviable and some of the mother's behaviour that rubs off on her daughter equates to a beautiful kind of freedom.
Ultimately, yeah, it's totally fucked up.
t. welfare baby lmao
I like those thighs
Somebody explain this tangent to me.
Why was he such a dick towards the old guy?
Sounds good! Hope you figure out the editing and soundtrack are fantastical and go with the scene, you just have bad taste!
im not saying thats the sole meaning of the film its kind of just a thing a noticed after watching it
the guy was a pedo
What was living on welfare like? Honestly asking since you just admitted to being a child on welfare and because I've never been around anyone, as far as I know, who has ever needed to be on welfare. Did you use food stamps? What is government cheese like? Please you're the only person that I've seen admit to being on welfare at some point in their life.
the guy was planning on kidnapping one of those kids or some shit
he drove MILES to get there
not him but ill give you a legit answer.
At first your embarrassed to use it, then you stop giving a shit, i'd by steak and pizza rolls. Could've gone without food stamps, but mom didn't budget.
you couldn't buy hot food and you could buy a fountain drink from the convenient store as long as you didn't put the straw through the lid before purchase
that all being said it is a horrible thing that ruins lives
Government cheese is just kraft without a label, I've even seen with a label. Being on welfare is like being really fucking poor and not having enough to actually do anything other than sit around, and then you get a check for 80 dollars every two weeks to buy household shit like laundry detergent or batteries with that you wouldn't be able to afford normally. I was on food stamps as a kid and it's just like fake money you get from the government that you can't buy bourgeoisie shit with.
Fuck off retard, if you went to public school you went to school with kids on welfare. And it fucking sucks, what the fuck do you think? Fucking retards. Kys
You're fucking high.
I would offer to make webms but there are no interesting scenes in this movie
shes from lithuania
try doing some research before sounding arrogant
Why are you so upset? How did I offend you?
the best movie of 2017
how about when she beats the shit out of her freind or slaps a sanitary pad on the window or when her and her freind are in the pool at night that looked p cinematic
Yea, I was hoping for at least one sex scene featuring the mother, but was disappointed. Still a good movie, really shows how much of a shithole America is.
oh god is that why retards are saying this shit? RLM is cancer
her entire shtick was avoiding committing anything resembling a real crime, while being as huge a piece of shit as possible.
Though she was definitely going to whore her daughter out to pay the bills in a few more years.
Did the mom whore herself out?
... watching the movie helps with attempting to discuss it.
Just finished watching this. It was okay. Ending was.... rushed. took a completely different tone. didnt like that.
Ive had poor friend who lived out of motels, and this entire thing didnt feel authentic at all. Honestly Gummo was much more related, and realistic.
I'm here to see if it's worth watching, faggot.
those are very good 7's
Nothing is worth watching. Go live your life faggot.
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