Other urls found in this thread:
they call me new hydewars
they call me forgotten
imma start screaming on dat ass
fun fact: he inserted crack rocks into his nose to make him look more black
and his retarded paycucks for his gumroad bullshit that he never updates
he gets paid literally to do nothing, kinda like those minorities that hes so spiteful towards.
oWo whats this
wtf independent filmmakers shouldn't be able to make money
Living the dream
I'm just going to ask, is he a gambler?
yeah, they indirectly donate to the daily stormer. The guys videos are high quality, but hes an edgy faggot thats really easy to dislike.
Is it sam hyde or kevin smith?
post hydewars
I want to watch it and I'm poor
I'm behind the paywall
it's a joke
might be some missing but here
>Unfunny closet faggot alt-kike melting Jewboy (((Samuel Heidlberg))) pays RLM to make content I watch for free with adblock on
Huh, sometimes the Universe gets it right
They shouldn't when they aren't producing anything.
Thank you! I have watched most of them though.
do you really want to go through all the rigamaroo
God works in mysterious ways
I heard Sam is of irish descent. How prominent is judaism in Ireland?
>tfw Sam Hyde will never be able to top 2070 Paradigm Shift
Nick, my wife's laying here bloodied and bashed, come on... you tripped her Nick
Daily reminder that only since the reddit invasion of 2016 has Sup Forums had so many clueless Sam haters. Really makes you think
My favorite Sam skit was the one where he went on Tim Heidecker's podcast after Sam's show was canceled and begged Tim to help get his show back on the air.
I like MDE a lot but the Sam praise is kind of over the top and it’s easy to troll by insulting him to get a ton of (You)’s
what a horrifying picture
>Charles just streams now
>Nick moved on
>Sam went full Stormfront ruining the entire groups brand and is pouring all his money into a Video game hoping that it is edgy enough to strike up controversy
>Their subreddit, which is the one continuous place keeping them semi-relevant, is spiraling into chaos and will most likely be banned within the next few months
As a old fan this kind of kills me. At least we will always have ideas man.
>Sam went full Stormfront ruining the entire groups brand
He was literally always like this. You aren't an old fan, you are a newfan.
In the end, they won.
viewtiful joe won in the end
a lone jew cried in the wilderness and they took out their knives
He just posted an update:
>sam, its either world peace or your twitter
>i choose twitter!
>world peace cancelled
>banned from twitter
He kept it more subtle, he ramped it up with their growing popularity. I'm sad to see World Peace go but Sam was delusional if he thought he could brag about donating to the Daily Stormer to a Jewish reporter and get off scott-free, especially when the media was out for alt-right blood following the election.
>even his own reddit is calling him out
cause he aint putting out shit like a fucking dumbass
at the end of the day he's still working for the 'feed, that's enough to pity him despite his underhanded vermin ways
He's Jewish so what do you expect. He would never admit to it upfront tho.
And when they think they can bank on their idiot fans by shillspamming this place to sell merch.