This is Mr. Snrub.
Say something nice about him.
This is Mr. Snrub
Other urls found in this thread:
Mr Sneed
I like the way he thinks
Mr Deens
Are they saying "Sneed" or "Steamed"?
how about a good old simpsons thread?
Steamed. Sneed is reddit shit.
They both exist to fuck these threads over. You're a faggot if you post either.
Fucking cringe
look at this dumb fuck. I bet you haven't even been here a year.
Sneeds Snrub & Scrub
Why must these kids fuck these threads?
t. reddit chucklehead
>t. reddit chucklehead
You're the newfag reddit cunt. these threads existed for years before the last wave of you little faggots
kindly switch tabs back to your safe space
If something’s good, Sup Forums has to hate it “for comedic effect”. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Simpsons discussion is much better off on Sup Forums.
Reminder the anti-sneedfag is an admitted phoneposter.
Snrub's Shrub n Grub
Formerly Chuck's
>safe space
you fucks are just here to stop people talking about the simpsons because you don't like it.
big, if true
>24 posts
>15 posters
So sneed posting really is all one guy huh.
stop projecting
It shows you the number of posts and posters at the bottom of the page friend.
>If something’s good, Sup Forums has to hate it “for comedic effect”.
Eat shit you new fag cock sucker. They were here for fucking years until one 15 year old set out on a vendetta against them and then newfags thought they were getting in on a hot new meme and here we are. newfags show up now and think this sneed shit was always how it was but that's not true at all. If you weren't a fucking newfag you'd know it.
If you want to talk about simsons there is a board just for you
>iphone filename
>(((eric andre))) reaction images saved
>only 8 replies
is sneedposting, dare i say it, dead?
>there will never be comfy simpsons threads like the good old days
>literally making shit up
Fuck off newfag.
at least post some simpson reaction pics i can save
fucking degenerates
Not me, newfags should stop pretending to be me.
Good. Take this shit to Sup Forums
4plebs is a fake Russian website, kid.
It's one of the most popular shows to ever exist. the threads on Sup Forums were a staple for years. No reason to fuck them now because newfags don't like the show.
go back to redd it kiddo
That can be edited by anyone, kid.
4plebs is maintained by r*ddit you vindictive 90s born queer.
check out the false flag user
I'm being serious, I did not post that.
Anyone else get the feeling that Snrub is just Montgomery Burns in a clever disguise?
Sneed = Sup Forums; Steamed Hams = reddit
Wrong. Steamed hams is /ourmeme/
t. reddit
Use a trip so we know when it's really you.
Nice try, but I will not be censored by you sneed cucks.
How about we ignore the sneed soyboys and just post classic Simpsons moments?
>shitty irony edits have a million views on youtube
b2r numale faggot
this is an image of me pointing to /ourmeme/
Is this, dare I say, the return of fredposting?
>tfw GoT shill mods gave me a perma ban for posting pic related in their faggot generals
Looks like Sneed's back on the menu!
Formerly Off
reminder that the main sneed and ham poster is the same user who's obsessed with derailing simpsons threads. when you add to this you just out yourself as a newfag.
formerly oldfag
no /got/ but /reylo/ is the most protected thread on Sup Forums.
Who's the best side character and why is it Burns or Moe?
Keep fighting the good fight user.
Who's the best main character and why is it Sneed or Chuck?
What's funny about Sneed and chuck? I can understand the original meme, pretending that you didn't know the joke or came up with a convoluted explanation that makes it work as another joke. But now it is just taking previous simpsons lines and putting "Sneed" somewhere.
There's nothing funny about it. New fags just want to derail simpsons threads.
To be fair, you need a certain IQ to get it.
it was a joke that would pop up in the old threads but then that kid started spamming it and newfags jumped on the bandwagon. now newfags pretend that's it's Sup Forums culture despite the fact they're the ones destroying Sup Forums culture.
You should fucking kill yourself faggot
nice try newfag
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".
I found the original meme pretty funny, seeing the explanations people came up with that wasn't the obvious ones.
good bloke, thinking about the community and a killer mustache
>Number 8?
there wasn't anything wrong with it but now newfags think posting sneed/chuck/brap/gabagool/boipussy/trump ad nauseam is "Sup Forums culture" most of them come from reddit and reddit told them "Sup Forums is just for memes"
I'm taking Simpsons threads in strange new directions
Sneedposting is freedom personified