Am I the only one who watches stuff like Goodfellas and the Sopranos and wishes I was born into an Italian crime family?
Is that why the genre was so popular? Because its comfy af?
Am I the only one who watches stuff like Goodfellas and the Sopranos and wishes I was born into an Italian crime family?
Is that why the genre was so popular? Because its comfy af?
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Yeah op, as far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.
Fucking italians. I dunno how you could watch that shit and want to be around those greaseballs
But there's always that one fucking nutjob who'll snap in an instant
Real Italians wished they were half Irish so they didn't look like Pesci.
>born into an Italian crime family
Not how it works. You have to get initiated unless your boss is really into nepotism and his capos are willing to let him get away with it.
It's like any genre but mob movies touch Americans because of the myth that is tied to it. Rags to riches. Working class.
Also it's actually masculine. Something we don't see anymore.
We were just breaking some balls
He's a rican
It's attractive but never worth it in the end. These fucking greaseballs are all about family until they stab you in the back to advance themselves or even put a few dollars in their own pocket.
is there a bigger case of manlet rage?
my italian uncle looks exactly like a taller version of Pesci
That dude in Twin Peaks
Yeah, it's just you OP. It's not every Italian, Irish, Hispanic, and even Black male.
its insulated community feels
>Also it's actually masculine. Something we don't see anymore.
>think user forgot to type the "much of" in "Something we don't see much of anymore."
>realize nope, that accurately describes the state of things
>we don't see it. period.
Where did it go so wrong boys?
more like it taps into an instinctive longing to be a part of a large family, modernity is a hellhole of social atomization
you know they were fake laughing out of fear right ?
not laughing at even stupid jokes is a sign that you're disrespectful like the scene at feeches card game in the sopranos
>wanting to be an It*lian
How could you forget the classic Spider-man scene in which Uncle Ben dies of shock after Peter tearfully confesses that he mixed his pure white genes with an Italian girl? That Raimi was something else, I tell you...
>meanwhile this is how men make money today:
Also, it freaks me out whenever I see these soyboy numales like the one in that vid. Is this really a thing in America? None of my friends or family have that look/those mannerisms. It's damn creepy when you can't tell memes from reality.
Sometimes you don't sound like you're kidding, you know, there's a lotta people around
Ironic the point of these shows/films is to show how unfulfilling and chaotic the lifestyle is...
No. I rather go to sleep at night without the fear than im gonna get randomly wacked.
Yeah thats partly why it was so popular. It was an interesting lifestyle too, a blend of old and new world values.
This also. Wanting to be a part of something.
Henry Hill survived though.
its a movie that romanticizes these ideas so the viewer can relate and fantasize towards an idealistic spectacular lifestyle much like the concept of the american dream but with delusions of grandeur added to it.
In reality these guys did not look as good, they werent as charming or charasmatic and their daily lives were not so entertaining. They constantly were paranoid of each other and fearful for their lives. Being a real life mobster or member of organized crime is not easy, its not a game or fun.
Italian here
The mob were filthy niggers and I have no idea why the Hollyjew romances them. They were all violent drunken retards.
Most American Italians have grandparents or parents who were at least associated with the mob. The whole thing was like sophisticated nigger shit, although I do like the macho mentality of American Italians.
Who the FUCK thought giving a huge closeup to the most punchable face I've ever seen was a good way to sell their product?
Sopranos are men being men. Fucking women. Drinking. Fighting. Middle finger to the world.
Not always positive traits but at least masculine.
That need to fight and prove and win.
Sports are about the only place you can find it but that's sanitized too. Even fighting.
You... you do know that Ray Liotta played someone who WASN'T born into the crime family, right? Ditto DeNiro's character?
That was kind of the movie's point.
read any real life journalistic account of the mafia, their lives are fucking shit. they live in shit houses, date/marry shit women, and fuck up by having gambling debts, etc. street guys don't earn that much money, and they're basically stuck in the life because they have no skills/connections outside it. they're a slightly wealthier version of trailer park trash.
>its a movie that romanticizes these ideas so the viewer can relate and fantasize towards an idealistic spectacular lifestyle much like the concept of the american dream but with delusions of grandeur added to it.
That would be the Godfather
>In reality these guys did not look as good, they werent as charming or charasmatic and their daily lives were not so entertaining. They constantly were paranoid of each other and fearful for their lives.
That would be goodfellas
I mean, the "Hollyjew" also romances actual filthy niggers