ITT: Villains that won you over

ITT: Villains that won you over

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Yeah that's undeniably funny but that guy is a piece of shit.

he did all the bumfights shit just to show up on dr phil and expose him. it was justified

he was the hero we needed, but didn't deserve.

He didn't do it "just" to show up on Phil you fucking teenaged edgelord. God I hate you. Fucking I dunno dude just.... go away. Shut up. You're not allowed on this board anymore. YOU HEAR ME BITCH?! fuck off! Now! Do it. Pansyu. Fucking. Wusshj . Dgot away.


How the fuck is he a villain you retarded little shit?

was going to say basically the same thing
garbage person but impersonating phil on his own show was hilarious

>its a 90's born queer spews ignorance episode.

Phil is a fucking arrogant piece of sensationalized shit. Everything Ty said is true

you're a fucking piece of shit.


>In November 2014, McPherson and his Bumfights co-creator Daniel Tanner were questioned by Thai police, before being released without charge, after trying to post human remains back to the US.[6][7][8] On November 18, 2014, a warrant was issued for McPherson's arrest. McPherson and Tanner immediately left for Cambodia, and subsequently returned to the US

how many layers is this guy on?



This guy was truly ahead of his time.

^ His retelling in 2017

The only time I've heard of this guy was when I listened to Cody Wilson on his podcast, wasn't that impressed. But this makes more sense to me about his patreon being 20k despite like 100k views per thing. On the scene and redpilled men since 08.

>characters that did nothing wrong

That interview went way better than Roosh on dr oz, sure it was 8 years later and the hosts have gotten far better, more editors, etc.

Roosh got annihilated on this show, unironically a fan, but this was painful.

>The only time I've heard of this guy was when I listened to Cody Wilson on his podcast,
best not try to join in with the adults user.

Swearengen wasn't even the villain by the end. He was just somebody with more realistic values.

he's being sued for $20 million dollars now as part of a half a billion dollar lawsuit

Do you even know Cody Wilson? Unironically a western hero and changed the world, wish he spent less time working on guns and the lawsuit. He's a very good speaker with the ability to articulate.

"Come and Take It: The Gun Printer's Guide to Thinking Free is" is a good read.

Just a prank bro

This is why you don't owe money to third world drug lords.

Dr. Phil literally brought him on the show to kick him off

it got those moms as wet as these two

>if you hit the treadmill a little more maybe youll be in the front

get me everytime

Based Pansyu. Fucking. Wusshj . Dgot away. poster



if this guy acted like that today he would get #metoo'd so hard

where do you think you are senpai?

he's banned from doing live comedy in LA and is being sued for $20 million for harassment (by a dude) right now

who is this man
is he the anti-phil

Why does Dr. Phil sound like a slow fucking retard when he talks?

because he knows his audience, he's also not a doctor

Was bumfights legal?

I remember seeing them in video rental places before they got banned.

kill yourself you little faggot

All I asked was is it legal, I'm curious


How are you posting on here bum? Is there a urine stained public library open in your geographical region?

Only limp wristed liberals and old men get #MeeToo'd

What a fucking legend

why the fuck would it be illegal? you kids are fucking retarded

labor laws???

paint my chicken coop you retarded 90's born sack of shit

there's a helicopter ride with your name on it

I was born in 2000 so suck it

Dr Phil is a hack, but he technically is a doctor.

no he isn't you retarded fucking faggot

are you fucking stupid?

no i'm dr user, technically i'm a doctor.

Nigga has a Ph.D, which does not make you "technically a doctor"

Maddox is such a spiteful little shit.

>well if you hit the treadmill a little more you might be at the front
KEK at her pretending she didn't hear what he said despite her obviously searching for a comeback

Stop posting you retarded faggot

>I'm not fat, I'm big boned
Jesus she should have said nothing at all

what the fuck are you talking about?

t. fatass



she said she didn't hear, she didn't offer any comeback. fucking retard.


kill yourself

A Ph.D is literally what "doctor" means, you imbecile. Do not confuse a physician with a real doctor.

cancer thread.

That's rich coming from a frog poster.

all the bums signed waivers, the only ones who were trying to ban bumfights for illegal content were moralfags

Archiving this for further use

what a retard

The Dick Show

Dick is getting Maddox's ex to testify that she cucked him, to prove that calling Maddox a cuck wasn't slander but the truth.

Maddox is going to waste all his money, not win the lawsuit, and be legally declared a cuck.

I hope you have a hard attack in the middle of the street and your precious bumboy "Dr" "Phil" is who they send in the ampulance, we'll see how much of a doctor he is then....

> hard attack

Friend, are you okay?

you don't have any friends faggot

rude !