Is he the best movie villain of all time?
Is he the best movie villain of all time?
Hes up there definitely
That scene is so fucking terrifying.
He is the most autistic villain of all time.
Call 'em.
That's not Hannibal.
Great suspense. Better than any horror movie, imo.
>literally me
definitely top 10.
No there's been better.
He is up there but so is this guy.
what is up with all the shit threads about this movie lately? bunch of embryos watching it for the first time on daddy's netflix account?
is that oj
Nice projection bro
Close enough, I guess.
Look into a mirror and say his name five times
One of the best. Up there with Colonel Kurtz.
which part friend? just noticing a trend. it's a good movie with a memorable villain but come on. I'd even rank the Peter Stormare/Steve Buscemi double act from Fargo higher
You’re projecting the fact that you’re actually the embryo watching it on his daddy’s netflix
well you get points for imagination anyway user. though a hackneyed twist like that is pretty standard at this point. so it comes out to a wash
i just want people to watch more movies before they start talking about all time bests
>The concept of an unstoppable evil in the form of a man, as envisioned by one of the greatest authors of all time.
Until someone does Judge Holden justice, Chigurh will forever be the best movie villain of all time.
How exactly?
chaotic neutral